

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 神武天皇 11

『日本書紀』神武天皇 11

時長髄彦乃遣行人言於天皇曰。嘗有天神之子。乘天磐船自天降止。號曰櫛玉饒速日命。〈饒速日。此云爾藝波揶卑。〉是娶吾妹三炊屋媛。〈亦名長髄媛。亦名鳥見屋媛。〉遂有兒息。名曰可美眞手命。〈可美眞手。此云于魔詩莽耐。〉故吾以饒速日命爲君而奉焉。夫天神之子豈有兩種乎。奈何更穩天神子。以奪人地乎。吾心推之、未必爲信。天皇曰。天神子亦多耳。汝所爲君。是實天神之子者。必有表物。可相示之。長髄彦即取饒速日命之天羽羽矢一隻及歩靭以奉示天皇。天皇覧之曰。事不虚也。還以所御天羽羽矢一隻及歩靭。賜示於長髄彦。長髄彦見其天表。益懷踧踖。然而凶器已搆。其勢不得中休。而猶守迷圖。無復改意。饒速日命本知天神慇懃唯天孫是與。且見夫長髄彦禀性愎 不可教以天人之際。乃殺之。帥其衆而歸順焉。天皇素聞鐃速日命是自天降者。而今果立忠効。則褒而寵之。此物部氏之遠祖也。


At a certain time, Nagasunehiko sent an envoy to the Emperor and respectfully conveyed, “In the past, a divine child of the Heavenly Deity descended on the Heavenly Rock Ship. This deity is known as Kushitamanigihayahi no Mikoto. He married my younger sister, Mikashikiyahime, and they had a child named Umashimade no mikoto. Therefore, I serve Kushitamanigihayahi no Mikoto. Are there really two children of the Heavenly Deity? Why do you, claiming to be a child of the Heavenly Deity, seek to take over people’s lands? In my opinion, you must be an impostor.”

The Emperor replied, “There are indeed many children of the Heavenly Deity. If the person you serve is truly a child of the Heavenly Deity, there must be proof. Show that to me.”

Nagasunehiko presented the Emperor with the heavenly feathered arrow of Kushitamanigihayahi no Mikoto, infused with the power of a snake, and the foot brace used when shooting a bow on foot, called kachiyuki.

Upon seeing this, the Emperor said, “This is not a deception,” and showed Nagasunehiko a single heavenly feathered arrow and the kachiyuki that he possessed.

Nagasunehiko, upon witnessing the proof of the Heavenly Deity, became even more fearful and reverent. However, the preparations for war were already in place, making it difficult to halt midway. Despite the evidence, Nagasunehiko clung to his misguided beliefs and showed no signs of repentance.

Kushitamanigihayahi no Mikoto, knowing that the Heavenly Deities were deeply concerned only about the Imperial descendants, understood that Nagasunehiko had a twisted character. Unable to make him comprehend the vast difference between the deities and humans, Kushitamanigihayahi no Mikoto had Nagasunehiko killed.

Subsequently, Kushitamanigihayahi no Mikoto, leading his subordinates, submitted to the Emperor. The Emperor, recognizing that Kushitamanigihayahi no Mikoto had descended from the heavens and now pledged loyalty, praised and favored him. This marked the ancestry of the Mononobe clan.









令和5年12月20日(水) 2023

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