

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 履中天皇 7

『日本書紀』履中天皇 7



In the first year, on the first day of the second month of spring, the Crown Prince ascended the throne at the Wakasakura Palace in Iware.

In the summer, on the seventeenth day of the fourth month, Azumi no Muraji Hamako was summoned and told, "You conspired with Nakatsu Miko to rebel and overthrow the state. This is a crime punishable by death. However, out of great benevolence, your life will be spared, and instead, you will be punished with facial tattooing." On that day, tattoos were applied around his eyes. At the time, people called this "Azumi-me." The fishermen from Nojima who followed Hamako were pardoned but were required to work at the Komoshiro storehouse in Yamato.

In the autumn, on the fourth day of the seventh month, he took Kurohime, the daughter of Ashita no Sukune, as his consort. She bore him three children: Prince Iwasaka no Ichinohe no Oshiwa, Prince Mima, and Princess Aomi (also known as Princess Iitoyo according to some accounts). Another consort, Princess Hatabi, bore him Princess Nakashi. This year was the year of Kanoe-ne in the cycle of the zodiac.



夏、四月十七日、阿曇連(あずみのむらじ)浜子(はまこ)が召されて、こう言われました。「お前は仲皇子(なかつみこ)と媒って反逆を企て、国家を傾けようとした。これは死罪にあたる。しかし、大恩を垂れ命は助け、顔に入墨の刑を科す」。その日に目の周りに入墨が施された。当時の人々はこれを「阿曇目(あずみめ)」と呼んた。浜子に従った野島の漁師たちは罪を許され、倭(大和 やまと)の蒋代屯倉(こもしろのみやけ)で労働に科せられた。


令和6年5月23日(木) 2024

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