

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 雄略天皇 40

『日本書紀』雄略天皇 40




Prince Hoshikawa (星川皇子) harbored evil intentions and lacked the spirit of brotherhood. As the old saying goes, "No one knows a minister better than his lord, and no one knows a child better than his father." If Hoshikawa had achieved his ambitions and governed the nation, he would have certainly brought disgrace to his ministers and caused suffering among the people. A bad child is feared by the people, while a good child is capable of sustaining great endeavors. Although this concerns my family, it cannot be concealed. The influential nobles, such as the Ōtomo no Ōmuraji (大伴大連), have vast control over the people, and their influence is widespread throughout the nation. The Crown Prince, as the designated heir, is renowned for his benevolence and filial piety. His conduct makes him well-suited to fulfill my aspirations. Therefore, if he governs the world alongside you, I would have no regrets even in death."

At this time, General Kibi no Omi no Oshiro (吉備臣尾代), who was leading the campaign against Silla (新羅), passed through Kibi Province (吉備国) and stopped by his home. The five hundred Emishi (蝦夷) under his command heard about the Emperor's death and conferred among themselves. "The Emperor who ruled our land has passed away. We must not let this opportunity slip by." They then gathered together and attacked the nearby districts.


星川皇子(ほしかわのみこ)は悪意を抱いており、兄弟愛の精神が欠けていた。古い言葉に「家臣を知るのはその君(きみ)であり、子を知るのはその父である」とある。もし星川が野心を達成して国を治めることになったなら、きっと家臣たちに恥をかかせ、民衆に苦しみをもたらしたであろう。出来の悪い子は人々に恐れられ、良い子は大きな事業を成し遂げる力がある。これは我が家のことだが、隠すことはできない。大伴大連(おおとものおおむらじ)などの有力な貴族は、広大な*民部(かきべ)を持ち、その影響力は国中に及んでいる。皇太子は後嗣(あとつぎ)として仁孝の心がよく聞こえ、その行いを見ても、我が志を継いで成しとげるのに足る。それで共に天下を治めてくれれば、私が瞑目しても恨むことはない」と言われた。〔*民部(かきべ): 豪族が大和政権に貢納奉仕することを前提に、管理することを認められていた人々(コトバンク)〕

令和6年7月28日(日) 2024

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