『日本書紀』垂仁天皇 9
In the 25th year of His Majesty’s reign, in spring, on the second month, on the new moon day of the Tsuchinoto-Mi (the 8th day), an imperial edict was issued to the ancestors of five high officials: Abe no Omi’s ancestor, Takenunakawawake; Wani no Omi’s ancestor, Hikokunibuku; Nakatomi no Muraji’s ancestor, Ookashima; Mononobe no Muraji’s ancestor, Toochine; and Ootomo no Muraji’s ancestor, Takehi. The edict said: ‘Our previous Emperor, Emperor Sujin, was wise and holy, insightful and clear-sighted, cautious in governance, revered the gods, and was careful in his conduct. Thus, the people prospered and the realm was at peace. In our reign too, we should diligently worship the gods.’
On the 10th day of the third month, Amaterasu Omikami was separated from Tomosukiirihime no Mikoto to Yamatohime no Mikoto. Yamatohime no Mikoto then sought a permanent location to enshrine the great deity. She went to Sasahata in Uda, then back to Omi Province, toured Mino, and finally arrived in Ise Province. At that time, Amaterasu Omikami instructed Yamatohime no Mikoto, saying, ‘Ise Province is a beautiful country where the waves always come in, a country that is not the center of the world. I wish to stay in this country."
三月十日(丁亥朔丙申)に、天照大神(あまてらすおおみかみ)を豊耜入姫命(とよすきいりひめのみこと)から離し、倭姫命(やまとひめのみこと)に託されました。倭姫命は、大神を鎮座(ちんざ)申し上げる場所を求めて、菟田筱幡筱(うだのささはた)へ行かれ、その後、近江国(おうみのくに)へと戻り、美濃(みの)を巡り、伊勢国(いせのくに)に到着されました。その際、天照大神は倭姫命に、「伊勢国は常に波が寄せる、傍国(かたくに 中心ではない国)の美しい国です。この国に居たい」と仰せになりました。
令和6年1月28日(日) 2024