

2007年インターアジア カルチュラル・スタディーズ学会(上海)

2006年07月06日 | 研究会のお知らせ
2007 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society Shanghai Conference Open Call for Panels

Conference Theme : Conditions of Knowledge and Cultural Production

Time : June 15-17, 2007(Friday to Sunday) / June 15, Pre-Conference for graduate students, Opening and Keynote

Venue : Shanghai University , Shanghai , China

Organizers : Center for Contemporary Cultural Studies, Shanghai
University and the Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society

Contacts :
e-mail: cccs@vip.163.com and cccsshu@yahoo.com (Mr. Zhu Shanjie)
address: Center for Contemporary Cultural Studies, Shanghai University, 99 Shang-da Road , Shanghai , China 200444
Website: www.inter-asia.net

Statement :
The process of globalization has generated an expected but equally unexpected new “intermediary” condition of knowledge production: regionalization. In Asia , the intermediary can be perceived in the context of Inter-Asia Cultural Studies movements, for instance. This new set of trend has profound impacts on the present and future intellectual work. It not simply serves to challenge our previous analytical framework bound by the local society and hence to open up the perspective to study the local in relation to the regional dynamics. It further enhances the necessity to work together beyond nation-state boundaries and calls for a change in our mode of thinking if not intellectual life. In Asia , the processes of regional integration have begun since the 1990' s and escalated in the new millennium. The purpose of the conference is to reflexively investigate the emerging conditions of knowledge on all levels and sites of intellectual productions.

Since the late 1990s, the Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (IACS) project has worked towards the imagination and possibilities of diverse forms of intellectual integrations in Asia . Besides publishing intellectual work produced out of Asia since 2000, the IACS has also organized various forms of activities to contribute to the interaction in Asia , including four major conferences held in Taipei , Fukuoka , Bangalore and Seoul . In 2004, an Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society (IACSS) was formed in response to meet the growing demand of younger intellectuals to expand the scale of interactions in the region. The 2007 Shanghai Conference is the first meeting organized by the IACSS, in cooperation with the Center for Cultural Studies at Shanghai University , to provide a platform so that scholars and intellectuals can meet each other to discuss and analyze urgent issues emerging in the Asia region.

Keynote Speaker:
Professor Partha Chatterjee (Center for the Study of Social Sciences, Calcutta , India )

Open Call for Panels:
1. The Conference will accept organized panels only, and will not accept individual papers.
2. Deadline for submissions: July 31, 2006 , only through e-mail to: cccs@vip.163.com or cccsshu@yahoo.com
3. Panel proposals should include the following materials:
a. general statement of purpose
b. individual paper abstracts
c. short autobiographical information for each participant (including panelists, moderator and discussant), plus e-mail address
d. passport information (including number, name, and expiring date)
The selection committee will NOT consider incomplete proposals.
4. The selection committee will review the panel proposals and select the best ones. Accepted panels will be announced on October 1, 2006
5. The conference particularly encourages the organizing of trans-local panel proposal. However, due to the limited resources and capacities the organizing committees may prioritize proposals and panelists within Asia . The conference organizing committees reserve the right to designate areas of priorities.
6. Language: English is the mediating language of the conference. We accept panel proposal for presentations in all Asian languages. We ssume the panel organizers of such non-English panels will find ways to make translation into English available during the conference to increase the participation from the audience
7. As a general rule, participants for the Society or Association conference will raise their own funding to join. We encourage all students and faculties to find their own travel fund where and if possible.
8. Limited funding will be available to support travel/ accommodation for selected proposals from developing parts of Asia .
Applications for funding support must be submitted with the panel proposal. The application should include paper title, abstract, short autobiographical information and projected budgets in details (airfare and accommodation). Recommendation letters are welcome thought not compulsory. The committee will NOT consider incomplete applications.

Accommodations : to be announced later
US$100 registration fee for salaried faculty, and US$50 for students and participants from developing parts of Asia, will be collected to cover meals, refreshment and conference booklet.
