ひろひろの生活日記(LIFE Of HIROHIRO)

パソコン講習とソフト開発をしています。自作小説も掲載しています。ネット情報発信基地(上野博隆)Hirotaka Ueno

Ⅲ.価値のルール。Ⅲ. Value rule.

2020年08月27日 12時14分18秒 | Light Night Buddhism(光と闇と仏法)

Ⅲ.価値のルール。Ⅲ. Value rule.

1) There are individual differences in value, but consider universal value.
 Universal value is called "good(Zen)", public justice, and good justice.
It is gradually divided into natural justice, social justice and personal justice.
It is  criterion value usually .
The act of justice is to protect and contribute.
Protect nature. Protecting society. Protect individuals.
These values are equivalent.
What is the true intention of protection? .. To take care. Create. Do not destroy.
"Protecting nature" means protecting the lives of living creatures of passionate (with emotions) and those of ruthless (without emotions).
The value of compassionate life is equal. Value is high in compassion and low in ruthless.
The value of compassionate life is equal. The value of affection is higher than that of ruthlessness.
What is the standard of value is called "value standard".
There is "goodness(Zen), reason, beauty" in the value standard. What does it mean?
"Good(Zen)" is "natural". "Theory(Ri)" is "society". "Beauty(Bi)" is "individual".
That can be rephrased.


2) The criterion value seen from the view of religion.
There are "goodness(Zen), love(Ai), desire(Yoku) and evil(Aku)" in the criterion value.
(1) "Goodness" is the standard of altruistic behavior that is explained in the Buddhist law.
(2) “Love” are the self-esteem ,other-esteemlove taught in Christianity.
(3) "Lust" refers to the desire that humans originally have.
(4) “Evil” is not something to say that it is okay to go. Evil should be an independent value standard in judging value.
In other words, the standard items that generate value are “goodness, love, and desire”.
The value standard is "eliminate evil" rather than "justice".
This is the relationship between the value gained (value obtained) and the price paid (value paid).
The former is "good(Zen)" and the latter is "evil(Aku)".


3) There is "theory" as a means to build value.
・Law (judiciary, administration, legislation).
・Social system (economy, management, activities).
Theories (systems) consist of complex means of realizing the values of a country, society, company or individual.


4) And in order to create value, we have to pay for resources, money, health, nature, and life (time).
Actually, I can write "people, goods, money", but more specifically, people are health, life, time, things are resources, nature, information, distribution, processing, products, and gold is money (interest )It was made.


5) Each value standard has its own flow from others.
(1) “Good(Zen)” (action: work, life, role (responsibility))
Nature protection → Human life protection → Social mission (social activities)=Artistic activity → Life activities
・The closer to nature, the higher the value.“=” is equivalent.
(2) Love (action: work, life)
Nature love → Humanity love → Country → Region → Friends → Family love
・The closer you are to yourself, the higher the value. For others, the farther away from me, the higher the value.
(3) Desire (action: work, life)
  ① Realization of other desires (wishes of others) (guide, support, goodwill (volunteer))
  ② Appreciation: Beauty (beautiful shape, music, art, taste)
  ③ Satisfaction of self (knowledge, speech, execution, realization, food) Happiness
  ④ Privacy (self protection, leisure)
・Values of ①②③④ are equivalent.

Rule (Happiness is also self-centered, but it is consistent with society and with the world (nature).)




6) Evil is an evaluation of price. "Person (animal/plant)> thing> gold". I will write in more detail below.
"Life, health, time" → "Nature (plants, food), information, resources, distribution, processing, products" → "Gold (interest)"
I can't say this unequivocally, but I make this decision.

Note 1) There are costs and profits.
Note 2) Interest means obtaining power and profit. Or lose.



7) The heart is the expression of action. It becomes a source of value.
(1) The value of Buddha's heart. Creating the value of "good". Love for all.
・Love to all is to love many and is a great good. Great goodness is to contribute to nature, society, and individuals.
・Ten good events. As follows.
Thing that should not be done.
kill. stolen. Dishonest love. Delusion. Strange act.Abuse. contradiction.Avarice.Anger.The grumble.

(2) The value of God's heart. Creating the value of "love". Love for others.
・Love for others is altruistic love that supports and guides others.
(3) The value of the Devil king's heart. Creating the value of "desire".
-Elimination of evil heart (selfishness). Happiness.
(4) The actions we love are as follows.
・Do something that pleases the person. (Creates value for the person.) Is it good?


(8) Value of bad knowledge.
・In fact, bad knowledge is Money greed. Power greed. Crown greed. Jewelry greed. Is principle.
・The value is negative.
・By the way, good knowledge is contribution.


9) Consider value with an example.
・If I work, what is the value?
(1) Social activities. The closer it is to nature, the higher the value. 2.
(2) I contributed to the area. Love is more valuable the closer I am to myself. 4.
(3) Satisfaction ③.
(4) The price is time.
(5) The profit is money (profit).
・What will happen to my desire to look good?
(1) Power greed is a big evil.



10) Then what should you do?
・I don't say you can't force yourself to do something that is of great value. If you have power.
・However, let me just say, "You should revolutionize your life."


11) To summarize the high and low rules of criterion value.
(1)"Good(Zen)" is. "Nature protection → Human life protection → Social mission (social activities) =Artistic activity→ Life activities". High value on the left.“=” is equivalent. Goodness is contribution.
(2)"Love" is. "Nature love → Humanity love → Country → Region → Friends → Family love". For yourself, the right side is more valuable, for others, the left side is more valuable.
(3)"Desire" is an action that you like, so it has the same value.It depends on the size of your desire.
(4)The price is. "Life, health, time" → "Nature (plants, food), information, resources, distribution, processing, products" → "Gold (interest)". High value on the left. The greater the price, the worse.
(5) The Ten Good Commandments are things to be observed, and if you do ten evils, you are not worthy of evaluation.
(6) The heart is highly valued as "I love everything. (I love more)." "Altruistic love (guide and support others)" "Abandon my desire and turn my desire into good."
(7)If bad knowledge is manifestation of behavior, doing good is evil. That behavior is unreliable.
(8)Happiness is also self-centered, but it is consistent with society and with the world (nature).
(9) 10) is important.

that's all.




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