What’s New? 

The Lord’s Cross Christian Center Los Angeles Church.

January 2024

2024-01-31 09:10:56 | mission's report
Hallelujah! I praise the name of the Lord. I sincerely appreciate your precious prayers and contributions.

I would like to joyfully inform you that Ms. Y declared her faith on December 22, 2023. Y is a friend of Ms. Grace Hoyt, a member of the Los Angeles church residing in St. James, Missouri.
Grace has been caring for Y, who is battling a severe illness. The Los Angeles church has been earnestly praying for her healing and salvation for an extended period.
Ms. Y embraced Christianity under Grace's guidance, and she has also shared her newfound faith with her son. Praise be to the name of the Lord!
In addition, the establishment of 100 TLEA churches in North America is expected to manifest God's work, as spoken by the Lord.

I am planning to participate in the Nagasaki Martyrdom Commemoration Services through online live streaming this year on February 5th in Japan.
Due to the time difference, the services will be broadcast live on the evening of February 4th and at midnight in Los Angeles. I am sincerely thankful for the opportunity to abundantly partake in the grace of the congregation.
Furthermore, a Hollywood mission team is scheduled to be dispatched from February 7th to 14th in Tokyo, Japan. We are fervently praying and preparing for the team.

Please keep our LA church in your prayers, so that we can continue to pursue God’s will.
Thank you very much. God Bless!

"I will establish my covenant between me and you, and I will multiply you exceedingly." (Genesis 17:2)

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