What’s New? 

The Lord’s Cross Christian Center Los Angeles Church.

February 2024

2024-02-29 03:50:07 | mission's report
I praise the name of the Lord. Thank you for your sincere prayers and precious offerings.

We are grateful for the recent visit of the Hollywood team from Japan to Los Angeles. Pastor Peter Kubota, Vice Chairman of TLEA Film Mission, attended the Movie Guide Award Ceremony in Hollywood on February 9th.
He participated in the ceremony representing Movie Guide Japan, and we were pleased to support the efforts of the Hollywood team by creating a blog for the team.
And starting on March 12th, the Hollywood team will once again be dispatched to participate in the "Screenwriting Class," so we are keeping the team in our prayers.

On February 5th, I participated in the Nagasaki Martyrs Memorial Service held in Nagasaki via online live streaming. I received a lot of encouragement and inspiration from the messages of both the afternoon and evening services.
I am deeply grateful to have been blessed with such uplifting words.
Someone associated with the Los Angeles church reached out to me, expressing, "It was a wonderful service!" I am genuinely thankful that through these gatherings, our church has experienced strength and renewal.

I am planning to attend the "Hakuba Camp," which will take place from February 27th to 29th, through online live streaming from my location.
Although there is a time difference between Japan and the USA, according to the program, I will also participate in the practical training of the Gifts of the Spirit.
I am looking forward to join the Camp.
Please keep praying for the work of our Los Angeles church. Thank you very much. Please stay safe and healthy! God bless you.

"I will establish my covenant between me and you, and I will multiply you exceedingly." (Genesis 17:2)

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