What’s New? 

The Lord’s Cross Christian Center Los Angeles Church.

September 2023

2023-09-30 12:40:39 | mission's report

Hallelujah! I praise the name of the Lord. Thank you for your sincere prayers and precious offerings.


The "WEB GOSPEL FESTIVAL 2023" held on September 16th was an international web gospel concert featuring participants from Japan,

Germany, Switzerland, Ukraine, Slovakia, Poland, Czech Republic, and Israel.

I had the opportunity to watch it later, and I was truly blessed by the amazing performances of the praise teams!


Lately, we've been hearing news about frequent group robberies occurring in California, and it has also happened in our city near Los Angeles.

It seems that large malls are being targeted. We are praying for the safety and well-being of America.

In the midst of these circumstances, the Los Angeles church has been provided with Japanese-language manga tracts, and Brother Robert is taking the lead in distributing comic tracts.


While we conduct the worship service in Japanese, the MC presides over it in both Japanese and English, and participants used translation devices to listen to the messages.

We were surprised by this new approach, but we received a lot of encouragement and are deeply thankful to the Lord.

We continue to pray for the advancement of God's internet missionary work, reaching out to a million people, and for the growth of online worship and church members.


Please continue to pray that we will be able to listen to and obey God’s voice. Thank you. God bless you all!


“But as for you, turn, and journey into the wilderness in the direction of the Red Sea.” Deuteronomy 1: 40



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