What’s New? 

The Lord’s Cross Christian Center Los Angeles Church.

January 2016

2016-01-31 22:09:31 | mission's report



Hallelujah! I praise the name of the Lord. 
Thank you for your sincere prayers and precious offerings.

On February 7th, Pastor Peter Kubota, from the TLCCC Tokyo Antioch Church, will come to Los Angeles to lead our Sunday service. He represents our movie missions team called Hollywood team". Through the work of team and Pastor Kubota, I pray that God will bless and strengthen our church. During his stay in Los Angeles, he will attend the 24th Annual MOVIEGUIDE Awards in 2016. 

 I have just started writing a short essay about my life as a missionary in Los Angeles in the monthly magazine, “The Appearance of a Rainbow in the Clouds”, since last month. It is a new field of my mission and it will be done in a year.

On December 22nd, our worship team, His Glory, and friends from a San Diego church visited KEIRO, a Japanese American senior health care in Los Angeles. Even though it was our 13th visit, we truly enjoyed interacting and worshiping together with the elders again. Eshurun from the TLCCC San Diego church sang “ O Holy Night” and “ Dear Delight” solo beautifully and received many great compliments, which was a testimony to how blessed people were. She even received a special gift from an elder who was moved by her testimony of God healing her from autism!

Please keep praying for the work of our Los Angeles church. 
Thank you very much. God bless you.

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Testimony of Joshua Minami

2016-01-02 17:54:06 | Testimony


Testimony of Joshua Minami.  Feb. 1st 2015

I work for a fast food chain store.  My primary job is cooking in a kitchen. 
Some time ago when I was working, I was absent minded and prepared 36 pieces of chicken instead of 18.  When I noticed it, it was too late!  It was a big mistake as it was a weekday and it was the so called "idle time", not much chicken would be sold.  It was right after our busiest time. Usually 15 pieces was enough for 2 hours.  I went to my manager and told him about my mistake. Naturally my boss was angry at me.  I came back to the kitchen and repented that I was not paying attention and gave thanks to God for my mistake.  And God told me to tell the manager they will all be sold.  I was reluctant.  But I felt that God was again encouraging me to tell the manager.  After struggling in my mind for a while, I went to tell  the manager "They will all be sold by the help of God".   Of course he was twice as angry and shouted at me to go back to the kitchen.

After that, the unthinkable happened!  A door chime kept on ringing! I thought it must be broken and went to the shop to check on it.  What I saw was the shop was packed with people, and most of the customers ordered fried chicken! It was still idle time!  Business was like it was at peak time!  All the 36 pieces of chicken were gone! I went back to cooking more chicken with tears in my eyes. I was awed by God’s faithfulness!  After that the manager came to apologize and thanked me for making "too much chicken". Saying “If you hadn’t made them we would not have been able to deal with that crowd.  I believe God helped me!  The Worst was changed to the Best by His Grace.
We know “To them that love God all things work together for good even to them who are called according to His purpose.”
Romans 8-28

Translated by Junko Hoyt

Edited by Paul Salois

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