What’s New? 

The Lord’s Cross Christian Center Los Angeles Church.

August 2021

2021-08-31 12:05:47 | mission's report

Hallelujah! I praise the name of the Lord. Thank you for your sincere prayers and precious offerings. 

I participated in the Hakuba camp on-line from here in Los Angeles, and received a lot of learning and blessings, and that the Los Angeles Church has been greatly strengthened spiritually through the Camp. “J. GOSPEL contest final in HAKUBA” was held during the Camp. Our "Hosanna" Praise Group participated in the event and received the Nakano Award! 

November marks the start of TLEA church’s calendar year.  In our flock, before the new year, J Gospel's songbook "Kaze no Hibiki 9th Collection" will be published in October. Currently, a group of songwriters write and compose songs for the 9th Collection. I pray that "Kaze no Hibiki 9th Collection" will be widely used for the work of the Lord.  

I hope that the Los Angeles Church will be able to carry out the work of IT missions, so please pray for the evangelism and for those workers. 

Please keep praying for the work of our church. Thank you very much. Please stay safe and well. God bless you. 

 1 John 5:4, “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world - our faith.” 

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