NGO SORA Japan Earthquake&Tsunami Animal Rescue Project


Come play with our playful retriever, Kuro!

2011-06-28 20:34:50 | Rescue days
Original Entry on June 6th
by Suzu.

Hello! I said it’s going to be irregular but I updated three days in a row♪
Today I am wearing a short sleeved overalls and a straw hat to beat the heat☆
I’ll talk about “KURO" (It means Black in English) since I received a comment about him yesterday.

KURO expresses his happiness with his entire body, and that's so KURO, the same as ever before he spent days with his foster family. So expressive!

He is an adult Labrador retriever and amazingly powerful!
Today, I poured plenty of water into his bowl while saying “It's hot, isn't it? Here is your water”…


He turned over the container with his front paw!

Ok, then. I changed his bowl to a heavier one.


It was a complete defeat. I can't handle his energy. You think it's a toy, don't you? I'm going to find another way, you know…

That is how it went today. He is a terribly playful pooch!

Translated by Yasuko M.& edited by Kimiko

Let me introduce our pooch

2011-06-27 13:24:23 | Rescue days
Original entry on June 5th by Suzu.

I received a few comments already!
Thank you so much for those comments! I’m so happy.
It’s a bit cloudy today. Just warm enough for the dogs without being too hot.
To continue from my last post, I have some photos for you.

“Marin” and “Coco” who just joined us recently. They are always together! They even go to the bathroom at the same time! The photo is Coco. She politely sits on the table that we use to avoid the full sun during the day.

I’m handsome! His name is Gonta. He is very calm.

And this dignified individual… I would say that he is the boss here. He is Akita-ken and he is really strong. He jumps at me as though he was saying, “play with me!” and it’s so powerful. He looks like Asashioryu, the sumo restler. Don’t you think??

Today two more dogs will join us!

Everybody is very powerful and energetic.

That’s all for today from this ever livery shelter!

Translated by Yasuko M.

Happy faces at our cat shelter

2011-06-22 14:20:27 | Rescue days
Original entry on June 17th

It's been almost one month since the cat shelter was built.
I couldn't make time for arrangements of new shelter because of Miru and Boo's health conditions which require my constant care. I was also too busy taking care of other sick cats.
So Noa-san pitched in from Tokyo to help me organize at the shelter.

Finally…one week later, it's somewhere near its completion!
I've been waiting for this moment for a long time

All the cats can come out of their cage now. ( Except the ones too aggressive to other mews).
They've been kept in tiny space all this time. I've been telling them
“Please wait a little longer. I'm sorry to make you wait.”
So I'm very happy that the wait is finally over

Thank you so much Noa-san.
I also appreciate all the people who support us. Thank you very much.

I want all rescued animals to feel comfortable here at the shelter, and to reassure their original owners that their beloved family members are well taken care of.
To show gratitude to SORA supporters, SORA will take firm steps no matter how long it'll take.

These used chairs that I got are very popular among mew gangs
(I haggled a lot and managed to get them at a very good price!)

All the cats are sleeping so comfortably

When they were kept inside the cages, they hissed each other all the time. However now, they got outside the cages, kittens get along very well!

good sisters

There is so much green around our cat shelter. Wild birds are raising chicks here and there.
I haven't maintained the yard since my father passed away last year. Flowers are blooming along the path in the yard. I don't know their names, but they smell very good! In front of the shelter there are wild mulberries growing, they are so tasty.

In addition to all you can eat rice, SORA volunteers now have all you can eat mulberries

Translated by Yasuko M. & Edited by Kimiko

I’m Suzu, volunteering in a dog shelter in Fukushima♪

2011-06-21 12:50:22 | Entry by Suzu
Suzu’s Diary (Starting from today♪)

Hello everyone!
My name is Suzu. I’m volunteering in a dog shelter in Fukushima.
It’s going to be irregular but I am going to report my experiences with animals in the shelter from now on♪

Now I’d like to show you photos that I took today.

Chokobee(left) and Nana(right) are good friends. They always play around and the chain often gets tangled…

He is the biggest baby in the shelter. His name is Cocoa. He sleeps and plays well. Aren’t his eyebrows cute?

This is Lucky. He always jumps at me! He barks when he wants to sleep on my lap.

That’s it for today!

Translated by Yasuko