NGO SORA Japan Earthquake&Tsunami Animal Rescue Project


Animal Protection Law to be revised

2011-08-19 06:17:52 | Rescue days
Original Entry on July 7th

There is going to be an amendment of the animal welfare laws this year. I was originally working for this law amendment before the disaster. I’ve not managed to catch up since the earthquake.

The deadline is June 30th but I’ve asked them to prolong it to July 13th.

Since last year, I have been talking to Pet Hojuku about this amendment. I believe we need to completely start over with a new set of laws. At the very least, the following four things need to be changed:
I am going to post them here, if you want more details please visit this link.

The following four descriptions that follow are my own personal ideas:

To extend the amount of time stay cats and dogs are kept before being put down.

Right now animals are only kept for 48 hours.

Two days is simply not enough time, in most cases the owner will not even have started to really worry after 48 hours, and by that time it will be too late.

Many places that present themselves as caring for animals, so called “animal protection” agencies, spend more time removing and killing animals than actually helping in anyway.

Any organization that actually is trying to protect animals should keep them for a minimum of two weeks. During this time, the animal should be cared for and given medical attention while a new home is being located.

Under current law, animal welfare centers must accept any animal that is dropped off and abandoned, even when this will only result in the animal being killed. This law needs to be abolished and makes no sense. Breeders often will dump animals on welfare agencies, these people need to be refused. We need to educate these people and if that does not work, we need to track their activities and prosecute them to the full extent of the law. Owners of animals that produce unwanted litters need to be educated as well to the benefits of spaying and neutering their animals.
There should be a law against the sale of puppies or kittens that are less than eight weeks old.

All cats and dogs need to be protected by the pet traceability law. Breeders need to be forced to implant tracking microchips in their sold animals. We need to be able to trace an animal back to its point of original sale. This disaster has shown us how valuable it is to be able to track an animal back to its owner. Implanted microchips allow us to do this. Individuals of some breeds of black Labrador or mameshiba are very similar and hard to tell apart, even by their own owner.

Many people associated with Pet Hojuku came to help us in Fukushima.

Translated by Yasuko M.