All about … my things!

君はどこにいて 誰とどこにいて どんな服を着て 何して笑ってるんだろ

I'm happy to have you,my students!

2008年09月09日 16時41分53秒 | 英語関係
Since I've promised my friends to keep journals on the blog in ENGLISH, I'm writing this in English...
Well, it's easy to get started, but hard to keep going. I'll get my entrires as many times as possible, I promise
NOTE:注 : I want to wrtie this blog not only for me but also for my students who are eager to study, so I'll take some note sometimes in Japanese...
このブログは、自分のためだけでなく、読みに来て下さる生徒さんたち(他の方たち)の勉強  のためにもなると嬉しいな  、と思うので、ときどき「日本語で」注を入れるかもしれませんが、ご了承ください  
Thank you for your understandings  ご理解感謝します   

I had Tuesday class of 'Panda' course today. The class consists of 5 kids, but 2 of them were absent, so I had 3 kids from age 2 to 4.
They like English very much They can sing English songs and dance with English songs.
I don't want to force them to sing or dance. The only rule for my 'Panda' class is not to run away! (パンダさんクラス【年少さん中心】では、ルールは「逃げないこと」 小さい子は、聞いてないようでいてちゃんと聞いてます。その場にいられればたいていは大丈夫 ) 
Only thing that you have to do is to stop him/her when he/she tries to run away...
Forcing kids to focus lessons is the best way to make your kids HATE English. 英語に限りませんが、「強制する  」ことは、そのことを「嫌い」にするだけです。  

Actually, I started these lessons, freely sing and dance and read picture books with me 5 years ago, when my 'Koala'class kids were around 2 years old...
Where should I start to tell???
Well, first I was asked to have a kind of 'reading session of English books at the library' (英語の本の読み聞かせ会) five years ago.
Librarians wanted me to introduce some good English books to people who came to the lobrary.
I've had that session since then. I'm proud of that and I'm very happy to have such an oprtunity to use English and introduce English fascination to people who love books, especially kids!

One day, when I closed the session at the library, one of the people asked me to have a kind of 'advice' on English learning at the early stage of kids.
I happily had and introduction towards the English.
Luckily they liked my idea how we could have introduce English and how we keep on going.
They decided to have an English lessons( more likely 'playing time with English') from me.
The members of 'Koala' course are now 7, age 6 to 7. They can read simple words and they know a lot of words that they use everyday. They enjoy lots of games with English, they can understand English instructions and follow them. I'm not very interested in 'writing' English (actually you can learn how to write from junior high...) but they were so eager to undestand English, so I started writing activities, too.

I'm so happy to have those kids who love English!!


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