
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ LRA被害者の証言


Claude, a 14-year-old boy from Dakwa village (Bas Uele District, northern Congo): Claude [not his real name] was taken by the LRA on June 2, 2009, when the rebels abducted about 55 people from Dakwa.


 “The LRA attacked around 9 p.m. while everyone in the village was gathered for my brother’s funeral,” he told Human Rights Watch. “They came suddenly and started grabbing people, tying our wrists behind our backs and tying us to together in a chain.”


Claude explained that the LRA fired in the air, killed a policeman, and looted medicine, rice, peanuts, chickens, and other goods from the village, then forced their captives, including Claude, to transport the stolen goods into the forest. The adults were freed the next day, but the LRA kept Claude and the other children and took them to their temporary camp. Claude told Human Rights Watch how he was forced to kill two children who tried to flee from the LRA.


“The other children and I had to beat them over the head with large wooden sticks,” he said. “One was a 12-year-old boy from Banda, and the other was a 14-year-old boy from Bayule village.”


Claude also had to kill several adults the LRA had captured. “They often captured adults to transport things, but whenever we arrived at the base, they would order us to kill them,” he said. Claude managed to escape after nearly a year in captivity with the LRA.


“My message to President Obama is a plea for him to do all he can to save the kids who are still with the LRA and to make all the LRA combatants go home,” Claude said.


Eveline, a 12-year-old girl from Botolegi village (Bas Uele District, northern Congo): Eveline [not her real name] was abducted in December 2009 with three other children from her village:


When we got to the chief’s camp. I was given to be the wife of an LRA named Nyogo. I was his servant and wife. He was very mean and aggressive, especially on days when he had to kill people. When they brought people to the camp, they wouldn’t free the adults because they were afraid they might show the camp to the soldiers. That’s why they made us kill them. I can’t remember how many people I killed in total – one day four people, another day three people. They tied the victims’ hands behind their backs and also tied a cord around their legs and sometimes around their neck. They would force the person to lie on the ground, with their face to the ground. Then if the LRA wanted us to kill them, they would give us a piece of wood and tell us to hit them on the head.”


Eveline managed to escape when the LRA was attacked near Samungu in June 2010.


“The message I have for President Obama and the international community,” she said, “is that I want them to move the [LRA] out of Congo, and free all the children who are trapped in their hands.”


Bridget, a 47-year-old woman from Kpanangbala village (Haut Uele District, northern Congo):

ブリジット(Bridget)はコンゴ北部、ホート・ウエレ(Haut Uele)地方のクパナンバラ(Kpanangbala)村出身で47歳の女性。

Bridget was sitting outside her home with her husband and brother when a group of LRA attacked her village. She tried to flee but the LRA grabbed her. They stabbed her husband to death in front of her and looted her home. Bridget managed to run away, but the LRA tied up her brother and marched away with him, back into the forest. Three days later, Bridget found his body. He and five other men had been stabbed to death deep in the forest outside her village.


“I’m not at ease because of all that I have seen,” she said. “My hope is that the international community can take measures to sanction the rebels who killed my husband and brother, and make them leave Congo. We have suffered far too much.”


Emmanuel, president of an LRA victims’ association in Obo (CAR): Emmanuel is a 32-year-old man from Obo in southeastern CAR. On March 6, 2008, he was abducted by the LRA along with at least 46 other civilians and forced to march hundreds of kilometers to the LRA’s camp in Garamba National Park in Congo. Emmanuel was held captive and pressed into forced labor by the LRA. He only managed to escape 18 months later.

エマニュエル(Emmanuel)は中央アフリカ共和国南東部のオボ(Obo)出身で32歳の男性、オボにあるLRA被害者協会の代表だ。彼は2008年3月6日、他の市民少なくとも46名とともにLRAに拉致され、コンゴのガランバ国立公園(Garamba National Park)内にあるLRA基地までの数100kmを歩かされた。そこでエマニュエルは虜囚とされLRAに強制労働をさせられた。脱出に成功したのはそれから18カ月経過した後の事である。

“I suffered so much as a result of the Tongo Tongo [local name for LRA],” he said. “I lived through and witnessed many crimes, I killed people, and I have come back with tragically painful scars. I am not myself, and I don’t have the means to do much or to cultivate the farm like I used to do. I take the opportunity now to ask my president Barack Obama to help us …Many of our brothers, our children, our mothers, and our fathers are dead because of the [LRA].” 


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