
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ 米国:ワシントンDC警察が性的暴力事件に誤った対応



(Washington, DC, January 24, 2013) – Victims of sexual assault in Washington, DC, are not getting the effective response they deserve and should expect from the district’s Metropolitan Police Department (MPD), Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Sexual assault cases are too often not properly documented or investigated and victims may face callous, traumatizing treatment, despite official departmental policy to the contrary.


The 197-page report, “Capitol Offense: Police Mishandling of Sexual Assault Cases in the District of Columbia,” concludes that in many sexual assault cases, the police did not file incident reports, which are required to proceed with an investigation, or misclassified serious sexual assaults as lesser or other crimes. Human Rights Watch also found that the police presented cases to prosecutors for warrants that were so inadequately investigated that prosecutors had little choice but to refuse them and that procedural formalities were used to close cases with only minimal investigation. The mayor and City Council should create an independent mechanism unit to monitor police department response to sexual assault complaints, Human Rights Watch said.


“Sexual assault is the most underreported violent crime in the US, largely because many victims fear that their cases will not be taken seriously and that police will not believe them,” said Sara Darehshori, senior counsel in the US Program at Human Rights Watch and the author of the report. “Unfortunately, for some victims in DC who bravely came forward and reported their assaults, those fears were realized.”


Over the course of the 22-month investigation, Human Rights Watch conducted 150 interviews with sexual assault survivors, community groups, victims’ advocates, hospital staff, and university counselors, among others. In addition, Human Rights Watch collected documents from four government agencies and reviewed over 250 internal investigative files for sex abuse cases at the MPD headquarters.


The review of investigative files was part of a settlement agreement resulting from a lawsuit Human Rights Watch brought after the MPD failed to produce documents requested under the Freedom of Information Act.


Human Rights Watch reviewed dates of all sexual assault reports made at Washington Hospital Center, where sexual assault victims are sent for forensic examinations, and compared them to sexual assault cases opened by the police department between October 2008 and September 2011. More than 200 cases, or over 40 percent of cases reviewed, appear never to have been documented or properly investigated.


Some sexual assault survivors described to Human Rights Watch callous treatment by police officers, who, they said, openly questioned their credibility and minimized the severity of their experiences. Human Rights Watch also checked these case files.


“To hear him tell me he didn’t believe me was a slap in my face,” one rape survivor told Human Rights Watch. “It just took the air right out of me. And where do you go from there when the policeman tells you he doesn’t believe you?”


The problems documented in the report are, for the most part, not the result of official departmental policy, Human Rights Watch found. On the contrary, in many cases, detectives were flouting the department’s policy. And while the MPD has instituted some reforms in recent years for procedures in sexual assault cases, many of the problems Human Rights Watch identified persisted after initial reforms were instituted in 2008.


More broadly, Human Rights Watch said, the crux of the problem lies not in policy but in a failure by the police to respond with sufficient seriousness and sensitivity to sexual assault complaints.


“Police policies are not really the problem – police practice is,” Darehshori said. “Ensuring that reforms are effectively put into practice requires external oversight and a sustained commitment by leadership to change the culture of the department.”


Until that happens, Human Rights Watch said, there is a serious risk that the MPD will continue to mishandle many sexual assault cases, causing many traumatized victims further suffering and deterring others from coming forward at all. At the same time, the attackers will escape accountability for their crimes.


The following are some of the key findings of the Human Rights Watch investigation:


The MPD failed to document entirely, or closed without investigation, many complaints of sexual assault.


Under MPD policy, all sexual assault complaints must be documented in an “incident report,” an essential first step to open an investigation. Human Rights Watch compared records of police reports from Washington Hospital Center, the only DC metro area hospital charged with conducting forensic exams for sexual assaults, to incident reports at the Metropolitan Police Department between October 2008 and September 2011.


Human Rights Watch was unable to locate an incident report for 170 victims – 35.6 percent – whom the hospital had recorded as reporting a sexual assault to the police. In an effort to locate the missing records, Human Rights Watch also searched the department’s internal database, reviewed all database records for cases with no case numbers during that time period, and asked the MPD to locate the missing records, providing a period of several months for the search. Any new records produced are included in this analysis.


Several of the cases the MPD did document were closed with minimal or no investigation.


Of the Washington Hospital Center cases reviewed, an additional 34 cases – 7 percent – did have incident reports, but the MPD had classified them as for “office information only,” which under department policy means that a case is “effectively closed.”


A review of incident reports and investigative files also revealed that cases that were documented were sometimes closed with minimal investigation, or were misclassified as lesser crimes. Information gathered by Human Rights Watch shows that cases in which the victim has been drinking alcohol and has an unclear recollection of events are most likely to be disregarded by police, despite the fact that alcohol or other substances are often involved in sexual assault cases.


“The detectives’ role is to impartially investigate all cases – not pass judgment on a victim who has turned to them for help,” Darehshori said. “Even if the case is ultimately not prosecuted, no victim should feel worse after going to the police.”


MPD officers mistreated victims of sexual assault.


Sexual assault survivors interviewed by Human Rights Watch, community members and medical staff who work with victims, and in some cases, police reports themselves described inappropriate behavior by law enforcement personnel. In some cases, police questioned survivors’ credibility and actively discouraged victims from reporting or providing forensic evidence. Human Rights Watch heard that law enforcement personnel threatened victims with prosecution if they were found to be lying, asked questions that implied that the victims were to blame, and told victims their stories were not serious enough to investigate. In other cases, the police failed to keep victims informed of progress on their cases. The ill-treatment of victims is damaging to investigations, Human Rights Watch said. It is also contrary to police policy, which calls on detectives to treat victims with sensitivity.


Not all detectives treat victims poorly, and some medical staff and prosecutors report that some detectives who treat victims well may not get the credit they deserve. However, the breadth of the observations raises concerns about longstanding institutional tolerance of inappropriate behavior and the lack of training for sexual assault unit detectives.


Since being notified of the report’s findings on May 30, 2012, the MPD has implemented a number of Human Rights Watch’s recommendations, undertaking policy changes to increase supervision of detectives. It has also added staff members to the sexual assault and victim services units. These are positive steps.


However, policies have long existed requiring that all sex abuse cases be documented and investigated and requiring sensitivity to the needs of victims. The central problem has been with implementation of those policies and departmental practice that would appear not to treat these cases appropriately.


Human Rights Watch has kept the MPD informed of the investigation and its findings for over 20 months, including with two detailed letters describing its findings, in May and December 2012, as well as in meetings. It also provided the department with a full copy of the embargoed report on January 17, along with a letter [<hyperlink>] and fact sheet [<hyperlink>] addressing in detail various critical comments that Chief Cathy Lanier has made about the Human Rights Watch investigation.


To ensure that all reports of sexual assault are properly investigated and that victims are treated with dignity, the DC Mayor and City Council should create an independent oversight mechanism.


This entity should ensure that detectives and patrol officers are properly trained in interviewing trauma victims, that sexual assault complaints are effectively investigated, and that detectives who do not adhere to policies or are the subject of repeated complaints are held to account and transferred from the unit. In Philadelphia, a similar mechanism has operated successfully for a decade, following revelations that sexual assault cases there were often being misclassified.


“Treating victims with respect and dignity when they report a sexual assault to police can make an enormous difference in a victim’s recovery,” Darehshori said. “It is a goal that should be shared with victims and advocates by those sworn to protect and serve the community.”



The following are quotes from rape survivors, advocates, police officers, and medical personnel interviewed by Human Rights Watch or contained in documents Human Rights Watch reviewed. Victims’ names have been abbreviated or replaced with pseudonyms to protect their privacy. 


 “By failing to classify the crime committed against me as an attempted rape or sexual assault, by ignoring my account of the story, you condemn me to a life where I mistrust the police, abandon any faith I possessed in the criminal justice system, and you have caused me more victimization than the actual perpetrator of the crime committed against me. Moreover, you fail the community you have sworn to protect….”


– Letter to MPD Chief Cathy Lanier from Eleanor G., survivor of a 2011 attempted sexual assault, October 4, 2011

  • MPD長官キャシー・レニエール宛て、2011年に起きた性的暴力未遂事件の被害者エレノア・Gからの、2011年10月4日付の書簡

“Reporting to the police was far more traumatizing than the rape itself.”


– Susan D., after reporting a sexual assault in March 2011

  • スーザン・D、2011年3月に性的暴力を訴え出た後

 “[The detectives] told me that they did not want to waste their time with me… that no one was going to believe my report and that he didn’t even want to file it…. When I called to get the police report number [the detective] told me it was a ‘miscellaneous’ report…. This is not ‘miscellaneous’ THIS IS RAPE!”

「[捜査官たちは] 私のことで時間を無駄にしたくないって、誰も私の訴えを信じないだろうって、それを保管するつもりもないって・・・、言いました。・・・私が警察報告書の番号を知るために電話した時、[捜査官]は”雑事”報告書だと言いました。・・・”雑事”じゃありません、レイプなんです。」

– Maya T., complaint form, Office of Police Complaints, May 9, 2011

  • マヤ・T、2011年5月9日付け警察苦情相談事務所への苦情申し立てから

 “They just didn’t listen to me, they made me feel completely ashamed of myself, they made me feel like I was lying or like I was too stupid to understand what happened to me, that I was trying to make something a big deal that wasn’t that big of a deal.”


– Eleanor G., describing her interaction with the MPD in 2011

  • エレノア・G 、2011年にMPDとのやりとりについての詳述から

 “To hear him tell me he didn’t believe me was a slap in my face. It just knocked me down, it was a punch in my stomach. It just took the air right out of me. And where do you go from there when the policeman tells you he doesn’t believe you?”


– Shelly G., Washington DC, August 21, 2012, describing her interaction with an MPD detective in October 2009

  • シェリー・G、ワシントンDC、2012年8月21日、2009年10月MPD捜査官とのやり取りについての説明から

 “The detective was in the room with the interpreter, and two other female officers and after 40 min, the survivor was literally hysterical…. [T]he nurses and I could hear it from outside the room … she was sobbing and yelling…. We interrupted and the detective told us, ‘We’ll be done when I say we’re done.’ Two min later, they walked out of the room…. [T]he detective told me there would be no case and told me to go see her.”


– Email from a Rape Crisis Center advocate, forwarded to the Office of Victim Services at the Mayor’s Office, April 2009

– 2009年4月に月市役所被害者サービス室宛で送信された、強姦救援センターのアドボケーターからのEメール

 “I think that filing the report was just as traumatic as the crime, if not more.... Is it common place for the police to put blame on the sexual assault victims and then completely ignore them?”


– Complaint form, Office of Police Complaints, November 12, 2009

– 2009年11月12日付、警察苦情相談室への苦情申し立て

 “Investigators serve as prosecutor, judge, and jury and stop the process before it begins.”


– Experienced community service provider to sexual assault victims, Washington, DC, February 16, 2011

  • 性的暴力被害者への経験豊富なコミュニティーサービス提供者、ワシントンDC、2011年2月16日

 “For a sexual assault survivor who has already experienced an intense violation, to have your governmental system essentially say to you, ‘This didn’t happen, or if it did happen it doesn’t really count,’ is devastating.”


– Denise Snyder, DC Rape Crisis Center, Washington City Paper, April 9, 2010

  • デニス・スナイダー、DC強姦救援センター、ワシントン・シティー・ペイパー、2010年4月9日

 “I found out you dealt with her about 4 am Friday or Saturday morning … and she chose not to make a report. Something about a gang bang and being intoxicated…. Anyway, I think it was just an OI [Office Information]. However, she now feels differently and wishes to make a report. She says her phone isn’t working but she can be reached…. Sorry, BUT IT IS WHAT IT IS!!!!!!!”


– Note from one detective to another, found in investigative file from 2009 reviewed by Human Rights Watch

  • ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチが2009年に調査した捜査資料の中で発見した、捜査官の一人から別の捜査官に宛てたノート、

 “How can you not remember? How can we believe you?”


– Witness reporting a statement made by an MPD detective to a victim who reported being assaulted by a stranger after going to a bar, but could not remember the name of the bar

  • バーに行った後、知らない人に襲われたが、店の名前を覚えていない、と訴え出てきた被害者に対して、MPD捜査官が作成した供述への目撃者による報告。

 “You shouldn’t have been outside. This is what happens at two in the morning. What do you expect?”

  • 「外出しちゃダメだったんです。夜中の2時に起きた事件ですよ。あたり前でしょ。」

– A member of the medical staff reporting a statement made by an MPD detective to an 18-year-old runaway who was assaulted at night


  “Well, she could have fallen on rocks and may not have had panties on. Also what kind of girl is in a room with five guys?”

  • 「この女、転んで石の上に落ちただけかもしれないし、パンティーも穿いてなかったみたいだ。それにしたって一つの部屋に男5人といる女っていうのはどういうヤツなんだ?」

– Nurse describing the response of a detective to a patient who was found unconscious in a hotel room with five men, with severe tears to her vagina and rectum that required emergency surgery, in 2010

  • 2010年にホテルの一室で男性5人と一緒に、膣と直腸に重度の裂傷を負って、意識不明の状態で発見され、緊急手術が必要だった患者に対する、捜査官の対応を説明した看護師の話

 “You are only doing this to get immigration status, aren’t you?”

  • 「あなた、滞在許可をとるためにだけ、告訴してんじゃないの?」

– Lawyer’s account of what an MPD detective told his client when she reported being kidnapped and sexually assaulted repeatedly overnight in early 2011

  • 2011年初めに誘拐され、夜中に繰り返し性的暴力を受けたと訴え出た女性依頼人に、MPD捜査官が言ったことについての弁護士の説明
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