


2006-05-01 21:44:37 | ノンジャンル
Labour Day. Yes, today is a public holiday!

I had a ring from Pet* and Shar**(my host family..or host couple in Ipswich)around 12, and they asked me out for the picnic in Mt. Cootha. so I went there with them.otherwise I was going to study whole day today....lucky me:)

They looked fine, having a Japanese highschool girl at the moment, so she was there as well. She said she doesnt like Australia so far, but she's stayed there for only a week. So i understood her.
I was excited to meet them coz we couldnt catch up during easter holiday althoguh we promised to.
I found it was quite comfortable to talk with them. Its probably because they know me well.
Anyway, I enjoyed the rhythm of their conversation, their jokes(they always say something funny, but i dont really get it) very much.

and they gave me a lift to IH.
had a dinner.
practiced how to sign.
watched scary(or disgusting) movie in N**'s room.
and...trying to study.
oh, my stomach is aching.


1 コメント

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Unknown (ジョニー)
2006-05-02 00:17:00
