


2005-10-20 23:44:50 | オーストラリア
I went to dentist today! It was a nightmare,,,
First, I had to fill in medical examination form.
BUT medical terms were really hard to understand!!
I asked an assistant woman what it was, but answer was not clear(it is natural...difficult to explain that).
I could understood these questions were something to do with allergy, so I circled every single 'NO'. It must be terrifying thing if I had allergy,,,
Anyway, I explained i have bad tooth and had a treatment.

Australian anesthetic is too STRONG.

Yes, I had no pain during the treatment. But even 3 hours later, my (half) mouth was paralysed.
By then, it distracted my attention so much and I couldn't do anythindg,, sooo annoying!
I couldn't eat dinner at regular time. So I made late dinner and put it in the fridge...When my condition was back to normal, nobody's in the dining hall(natural).

sigh sigh sigh...

Not only had i paralized, but also it cost much. besides, I have to go there one more time...
I hope it will end in next time.

but come to think of it, it is all my fault. Too much sweets.
Too much nap. regrettable...

Ah, i wonder something good happens...?


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Unknown (ジョニー)
2005-10-22 00:27:28

