

season of kotatsu

2008-11-08 00:11:27 | 日常
Long time no tsubuyaki!

There are so many to write about during this absence.
But it became so much hard for me to write them in English!
I'm getting a real lazy...

Anyways, my tsubuyaki today.
I had no plan on this weekend. So I did clen up, laundry and got ready for KOTATSU! umm the season of kotatsu has come again. Hope I won't be lazier.

Since I went to Busan on last 3days holiday, I give myself over to korean food. So far I cooked bibimbap, tejikogi? (stir-fried pork and vege with spicy sauce) with KOCHU-JAN I brought. they are yummyyy.
Cos I have to consume KOCHU, I guess this "in-thing" will last for a while.

Small news
I pre-booked Coldplay concert again. They are coming in February.
Though it was pre-book, the seat wasn't good.(randomly chosen I think)
But, this is another excuse to go back to Kobe!


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Unknown (J)
2008-11-12 21:50:23


give oneself over to って熟語やったんやな、完全に忘れてた(笑)。
