


2007-01-20 23:52:46 | 日常
i heard today there was a national centre test for university and tomorrow as well. good luck, Jyukensei!!

In contrast to them, i had free and easy day.
I woke up, did laundry, went to bicycle shop, then found out it cant be repaired easily because of the oil which was used last time to repair it. But once the owner of the shop pumped up the tire, the air didnt come out. He said "See how it goes. If it wasnt OK, then come again". So I came home.
I didnt have anything to do (maybe i have, but i dont wanna do) so baked pound cake, which wasnt so good.. why? I should try again.

Then I watched DVD, "memoirs of Geisha"(downloaded from DC long time ago) but couldnt watch it all because somethin was wrong..i dunno.
Though i only watched half of it, i couldnt help but find strange parts in the film. Like, the way theyre wearing KIMONO and of course this point, why do they speak English?? yeah i know its just a film...
But to see many Japanese (and also Chinese) actors give their performance speaking English, i thought they are SUGOI.

では、hopefully またあした!


2 コメント

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Unknown (Kyu)
2007-01-21 17:37:29
Hey Tabe.
Unknown (tabe)
2007-01-21 21:59:17
I dont know the last half of the story, so cant say this is the good movie or not...but i know chiyo-chan is fast learner of English! lol And チャンツィー is cute.

Yea thats true. the film was colourful and beautiful. but i guess if the producer knew Japanese culture better, it would have been better. Like, if they wore kimono better, they would have been more beautiful!
btw i sometimes cook, but not so often nowadays. hayashirice...can you cook for me someday??? hehe
