


2005-10-08 21:12:47 | オーストラリア
I am sooo lazy today. I should have done some reading for assignment by now...but as you know, I haven't.

But I made a action for finding an accomodation for summer today.
I made a phone call to one place which was posted on the free paper. The person offered me to have a look at the place, so I went there.
The house locats near South Bank. It has a 3 share mates, who were all Asian. And the owner(Aussie) family live in downstairs.
I thought that place was not so bad, but the problem was internet connection. No one in the house seemed not use the internet.
So the owner said that, if I use the internet, it will cost 40 bucks a month.
I don't think I can give up the internet maybe I wont call her again,,,
I have more choices! I can look for a better place! I'm talking myself into another action...

But, before looking for an accomodation, I have to write essays,,,,


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Unknown (ジョニー)
2005-10-08 23:12:45
