


2007-05-08 02:37:14 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday i went to Motomachi to have my fortune told. The fortune-teller was famous for what they call "holy ghost telling". Acturally Ultraman(my boss at work) told me about it, and gave me a free pass.
well, what did my "holy ghost" tell??

animal1about myself
Im obstinate. whatever i do, I always have my own thoughts.
do what i believe i wanna do,
and I am surrounded by many friends, she said.

animal5about my future job
I will work energetically if i go "outside".
So working overseas is good for me.
im not a founder or starter type person. im cut out for supporting someone, contribute to something or teaching people.

animal2about love
im gonna meet "right person" after going "outside".
choose man. dont forget your "ideal type". (she said im easy to fall in love,,which isnt true i believe)

animal8And i should visit my ancestor's grave.....

i dont know how much i should trust these things. but i somewhat feel refreshed after listen to what the fortune-teller said.
fortune telling is like a consultation of life.....