


2006-06-30 13:47:56 | オーストラリア
Many things have happened since i wrote here last time.

item3went out on Friday night. fun fun fun.

item3went to coldplay concert on Saturday night. (that is the same day of end of semester party...). The concert was wicked good!!! drunk aussies are racist!

item3Then, saw off many people.
I had never felt this sad parting from friends.

item3had a B'day surprise(again!!)
I thought I cannot feel happy more after a depression of parting.

item3went to Ka****(my ex working place). i talked with my boss for more than 1 hour there...then i could meet ex co-workers as well. had a fun time.

Now i feel Im too lucky to meet lovely people here in Austraia. Nowadays I feel warmth of friends so many times.
sentimental journey♪