

Enocean creates energy harvesting wireless education program - Plastic CNC Router Manufacturer

2013-04-13 12:33:22 | 旅行
EnOcean has launched a new university program which aims to educatethe university community about energy harvesting wirelesstechnology and open up students' career opportunities at EnOcean.The program addresses Electronics, Software or ComputerEngineering, Mechanical Engineering, and other related courses. Akey element of the programme is 13 month placements (internships)for students. EnOcean is the originator of patented energy harvesting wirelesstechnology. The company manufactures and markets maintenance-freewireless sensor solutions for use in buildings and industrialinstallations as well as in further application fields such assmart home, smart metering, logistics or transport. EnOcean solutions are based on miniaturized energy converters,ultra-low-power electronic circuitry and reliable wireless.

Thetechnology works entirely maintenance-free without batteries. Itswireless modules harvest the energy they need to power radiocommunications by collecting energy from ambient sources such asmotion, light and temperature differentials. The InternationalElectrotechnical Commission (IEC) has recently ratified EnOcean'swireless technology as the international standard ISO/IEC14543-3-10, which is optimised for wireless solutions withultra-low power consumption and energy harvesting. The candidates selected for the 13 month placements will startworking in the development labs of EnOcean this July.

Althoughprimarily focused on design and development, there will also beregular involvement with marketing, sales, manufacturing and therecruitment of their successors a chance for the students toexperience the "full picture" of industrial activity. Furthermore,the year-long duration of the placement will allow the candidatesto become deeply familiar with EnOcean technology. As the companycontinues to grow, these internships also offer a great chance forstudents to start a career at EnOcean after graduation. The EnOcean university programme will also harness the creativityof the education community to explore batteryless wirelesstechnology and its potential for new fields of application. Thecompany already works closely with several universities in researchprojects and will expand this to include student projects anduniversity labs. Contour Cutting Plotter

To guide this new programme, EnOcean has engaged university-expertRobert Owen. From 1994 to 2011 Robert built and ran The EuropeanUniversity Programme of Texas Instruments (TI). Across this periodhe visited over 500 different universities in Europe, the MiddleEast and Africa, and is known to more than 2,000 lecturers andresearchers across the region. The model he built for this programbecame TI's template worldwide and encompasses analog, RF, andmicrocontroller technologies. Plastic CNC Router Manufacturer

In Europe today there are more than1,000 TI-based labs, used by circa 30,000 students every year.Robert holds a degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. "The EnOcean university program will enable bright students to gaina deep view inside our unique energy harvesting wireless technologyand to contribute something to its further development on along-term placement," said Robert Owen, EnOcean UniversityProgramme Manager. "Furthermore building links across the designlabs of universities will enable new technologies developed byacademia to be harnessed in next generation applications based onthe EnOcean technology." Frank Schmidt, Chief Technology Officer of EnOcean, commented:"This initiative aims to broaden our presence and visibility in theresearch community. With Robert we won the ideal expert who bringsto EnOcean an established long-term relationship with leadingEuropean universities. China Metal CNC Router

One of our main objectives is to educateyoung engineers how to deal with EnOcean technology. For this weoffer universities our ESK 300 starter kit as the most suitableplatform. Including a variety of energy converters and RF modulesit enables students a speedy and simple approach to easily test anddevelop energy harvesting wireless solutions." More informationabout the program at enocean_student_placements . Visit EnOcean at.

This article originally appeared on EE Times Europe.
