

Poor prognosis in breast cancer linked to pi3k/mtor pathwayproteins - China Single Color Led Display

2013-12-29 11:16:46 | 旅行
Four proteins involved in translation, the final step of generalprotein production, are associated with poor prognosis inhormone-receptor-positive breast cancer when they are dysregulated, researchers reported at the AACRAnnual Meeting 2012. All of the aberrantly activated translational proteins areregulated by the PI3K/mTOR molecular signaling pathway, which hasbeen implicated in development and progression of several cancers . More recently, mTOR activation has been tied to resistance tostandard endocrine therapy in estrogen-receptor positive breastcancer, said Funda Meric-Bernstam, M.D., professor in MD Anderson'sDepartment of Surgical Oncology, who presented the research atAACR. "These data underline the importance of the PI3K/mTOR pathway inhormone receptor-positive breast cancer and suggest potential newprognostic factors and therapeutic targets," said Meric-Bernstam,who also is medical director of MD Anderson's Sheikh Khalifa BinZayed Al Nahyan Institute for Personalized Cancer Therapy. Two drugs that inhibit mTOR, everolimus and temsirolimus, areapproved for treatment of certain cancers and there are dozens ofother agents in clinical trials, she said. Flexible Led Display Screen

Cancer cells rely on increased protein synthesis Genes express messenger RNA, which is in turn processed through acell's ribosomes to produce a specific protein, a step calledtranslation. "Cancer cells need a lot of protein synthesis to grow and survive,"Meric-Bernstam said. She and colleagues systematically analyzedseveral major translation-regulating proteins in tumors from 190patients with stage 1 to stage 3 hormone receptor-positive breastcancer. Median follow-up was 96 months. China Single Color Led Display

They found four aberrations that were predictors of overallsurvival. They remained significant even after multivariableanalysis accounting for other factors such as age and node-positivestatus that also affect survival. They are: Increased phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6 (pS6) and oftranslation initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1 (p4E-BP1). Increased expression of eukaryotic elongation factor 2 kinase(eEF2K). Decreased expression of programmed cell death protein 4 (pdcd4). Outdoor Led Billboard Manufacturer

Their findings, if validated by additional studies, could lead tomarkers that help select patients who may have a high risk ofrelapse if treated with traditional endocrine therapy alone andidentify those who might benefit from an additional targetedtherapy, Meric-Bernstam noted. Results from a major phase III clinical trial presented at the 2011CTRC-AACR San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium showed that the mTORinhibitor everolimus increased progression-free survival whencombined with the hormonal therapy exemestane to treat resistanthormone receptor-positive breast cancer. "As we understand how to select patients better we'll be able tomore efficiently use these targeted therapies to improve outcomesfor breast cancer patients," Meric-Bernstam said. Additional References Citations.
