Ich fuehre Tagebuch./Tengo un diario./I will keep a diary.

The final story of Doraemon. Is it true??

2005-12-21 | My topic/dairy

Photo by TV-Asahi Doraemon Official HP

(Doraemon, the final story??)
"Have you finished your homework, Nobita?"

Ich fand die letzte Geschichte von "Doraemon", die japanischer beruehmter Comic ist. Ist das wahr?? Ich weiss es nicht in Details, aber der Titel ist "Bist du schon fertig mit deiner Hausaufgabe, Nobita?". Ich war ueber diese Geschichte geruehrt, als ich das las.

Ho trovato la storia finale di "Doraemon" che e'un manga giapponese e famoso. E'vero?? Non lo so in dettaglio, ma il titolo e'"Hai gia'finito il tuo compito a casa, Nobita?". Ero commosso a questa storia, quando l'ho letto.

I found the final story of "Doraemon", which is Japanese famous comic. Is it true?? I don't know it in details, but the title is "Have you already finished your homework, Nobita?". I was moved this story, when I read it.

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