The Spiritual Truth by Silver Birch


Faith in the Law, and life in harmony with the Law

2022-11-11 09:14:40 | Miscellaneous

I. It is unfortunate but true, that although we recognize ourselves as spiritualists, we hardly live our lives like one. Our day-to-day lives consist mostly of worries and anxiety. Even in our dreams we worry, and once awake in our beds, we begin the endless circles of apprehension and distractive thoughts, about what may happen, and what we must do, and so on. Another day of anxiety and uncertainty begins.
Silver Birch talks to the member of the circle, on how we go about our daily lives:

“In a world so full of darkness, where millions have lost their way, where there are countless numbers troubled and perplexed, with sorrow in their hearts, who awake each morning in fear and apprehension of what the day brings . . .”
(P.64 Guidance from Silver Birch)

“Many people start with fear in their hearts. They are afraid they will not get results, and the element of fear disturbs the vibration.”
(P.51 Teachings of Silver Birch)

II. Cause of the anxiety
“Even with all your knowledge there are times when, immersed in the day-to-day problems, you are apt to overlook the eternal realities. It is these eternal truths to which you must cling.”
(P.73 Guidance from Silver Birch)

“Man, whose eyes are cast only on the things of matter, makes a great mistake, because he chases illusion and forgets eternity. These are the simple truths, but your world has not yet learned them.”
(P.58 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“They are hard to remember when you are engaged in daily conflicts and matter seems so powerful and spirit so weak.”
(P.70 Guidance from Silver Birch)

Realness of the physical world is so intense, that this world which we recognize through the five physical senses appears to us as the only world, and so every day we are tossed around by things and events that occur around us.
This is presumably the case, because the world of the spiritual knowledge seems to be the complete opposite of the physical world, almost like a tale from some another world. Therefore, we have the spiritual knowledge, but once we go back to our normal, daily lives, the mind switches immediately and unconsciously, to limit ourselves within this world of the physical senses. Silver Birch describes the situation in the following words: “matter seems so powerful and spirit so weak.”

III. Let’s refer back once again to the Spiritual Law, told by Silver Birch.
“But we only seek to reveal the Law, for there is nothing else in your world, whether you call it religion, or science, or philosophy, but the natural law of the Great Spirit.”
(P.57-58 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“There is nothing else in the whole of your world of matter which can provide you with a foundation on which to build your lives. Spirit, not matter, is the reality. You may not be able to see it, or touch it, or feel it. You may not be able to experience its reality in the manner in which you obtain material sensations, but it is still the master of all.”
(P.73 Guidance from Silver Birch)

“Realise that you belong to eternity. You are but pilgrims treading a temporary passage through life.”
(P.73 Guidance from Silver Birch)

“Thus, you have true perspective and focus on life and know that you are immortal souls, expressing yourselves through mortal clay, and that strength will come as you allow the divine to express itself through you. These are the important principles to be borne in mind.”
(P.70 Guidance from Silver Birch)

“If, sometimes, the cross you have seemed very hard to bear, remember that, although I would give up all my progress to take it away from you, it is better for you to carry it and to learn the lesson it brings. You must consider not only this life, but the whole of eternity.”
(P.54 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“You have the greatest riches within yourselves. You are part of the Great Spirit. May you all realize that you are never alone, but always encompassed around and about by a host of those who love you, who seek to guard and guide you and to help and inspire you.”
(P.52 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“Earthly minds may fail you, but never will the power of the spirit neglect you.
Realise always that guidance continues to function even when you cannot see it, and that the arms of love always encircle you.”
(P.69 Guidance from Silver Birch)

Our world, hence this universe, is under the governance of the “natural law”; and this Law maintains that all beings, every existence, including the earth itself undertakes the course of development, aimed toward evolutional advancement. Not one being is excused from the Law’s governance.
Silver Birch tells us that our current world of physical vibrations, which we perceive through the physical senses, is a temporary world of illusion; and there exists the real world, the spirit world, of far more exquisite vibrations (spiritual wavelengths) .
Every one of us (no exceptions) will be moving on to this spirit world, once we discard the physical body. He says also that we are surrounded by many spirits who love us, waiting to give us protection, guidance, support and inspiration. Therefore, we are never alone; and by attuning ourselves to the Law, we can receive the support, guidance and spiritual powers from the spirit world.

IV. Life in harmony with the “divine, natural law” (Spiritual Law)
“We seek to reveal the Great Spirit, but we can only reveal Him through His laws.
We seek to teach you the Law, so that you may live your lives in harmony with that Law.”
(P.58 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“Your world does not realize that each individual contains within his own being the power to conquer every disease, to master every difficulty. He possesses a reservoir of strength from which he can draw in moments of weakness. The kingdom is heaven is within. How little is that understood! The way to contact that higher self is by living one’s life in accordance with the laws of the Great Spirit. But how many do it?”
(P.49 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“The wise individual, wise because he has knowledge, learns to co-operate with infinite love and wisdom.”
(P.67 Guidance from Silver Birch)

“And may you, as you unfold your own spirits, realize that you are being drawn closer to the greatest Spirit of all, becoming more in unison with His Law.”
(P.52 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“It is the work of a lifetime in your world to ensure that your actions, your thoughts, your words, your aspirations and desires are in harmony with the knowledge that is revealed to you.” (P.72 Guidance from Silver Birch)

“We try to teach the laws of the Great Spirit, which would enable health and happiness to be in your world of matter.”
(P.48 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“If you allow the Law to function, then the results must come.”
(P.52 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“Perfect love casteth out fear! Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you!
That was taught to you many years ago by one who knew the Law. He showed that when he put it into operation the results were always forthcoming. If you allow the Law to function, then the results must come.”
(P.51-52 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“You should all have perfect faith, because it is a faith born of knowledge. You have had the proof of the power of the Spirit. Now you should have the faith that all things work wisely and well and that, if you put yourselves in tune with the laws of the Great Spirit, then you must reap the operation of those laws.
You can all banish from your minds the thought that anything that is unenlightened—or, as you would say, evil—can ever touch you. You live and move under the protection of the Great Spirit and His laws.
If there is no evil in your hearts, then only good can reach you, for only good can dwell where goodness reigns. None but the servants of the Great Spirit come into your presence from my world. You need have no fears. The power which envelops you, the power which supports and seeks to guide you and inspire you, is the power that emanates from the Great Spirit of all.
That power can sustain you in all your trials and difficulties. That power can change your storms into sunshine, and bring you out of the darkness of despair into the light of knowledge. Your feet are set on pathways of progress. There is no need for fear.”
(P.52-23 Teachings of Silver Birch)

We worry, because we have no confidence in ourselves, and we cannot foresee the future.
The outlooks of our own future tend to be pessimistic, and constant fear, anxiety and endless repetitions of apprehension and destructive thoughts accompany us.
We are required, under the Law of “cause and effect,” to not loosen ourselves on striving to prepare ourselves for what can be predicted. But as long as we fulfil this part, the spirit guides take care of the rest. Leave the rest in the hands of the spirit guides, then the results will be all right in the end, because they observe and carry things out with the spiritual perspective, based on eternal life. There is no question on the superiority of their spiritual vision, in comparison to our physical vision, which is short-sighted and temporary. Miraculous events occur at times, and they are beyond our ability to predict.
It is a great relief to the mind, knowing that we simply need to attune and entrust ourselves to the Law; then the Law protects us wherever we go, and whatever we do. Ease ourselves from holding on to our earthly thoughts, and maintain the faith that our guides are with us, to guard and guide us all the time. Shift the pivot foot, from our own to the spiritual Law, and surrender ourselves. This is active faith in practice, and a necessary condition, to harmonize ourselves to the Law. As Silver Birch says, “there is nothing to worry.” Let us always do our best to harmonize ourselves to the Law, have the Law as our ally, and build our confidence on the Law.

“Many years ago, you were told to be in the world, but not of the world. Because the people of your world have not the faith, then the Law cannot be put into operation.”
(p.55 Teachings of Silver Birch)

Guidance from Silver Birch—edited by Anne Dooley. The Spiritual Truth Press, 15 Broom Hall, Oxshott, Surrey KT22 OJZ. Edition 2006. First published in 1966.
Teachings of Silver Birch—edited by A. W. Austen. The Spiritual Truth Press, 15 Broom Hall, Oxshott, Surrey KT22 OJZ. Edition 2010. First published in 1938.