The Spiritual Truth by Silver Birch


Faith in the Law, and life in harmony with the Law

2022-11-11 09:14:40 | Miscellaneous

I. It is unfortunate but true, that although we recognize ourselves as spiritualists, we hardly live our lives like one. Our day-to-day lives consist mostly of worries and anxiety. Even in our dreams we worry, and once awake in our beds, we begin the endless circles of apprehension and distractive thoughts, about what may happen, and what we must do, and so on. Another day of anxiety and uncertainty begins.
Silver Birch talks to the member of the circle, on how we go about our daily lives:

“In a world so full of darkness, where millions have lost their way, where there are countless numbers troubled and perplexed, with sorrow in their hearts, who awake each morning in fear and apprehension of what the day brings . . .”
(P.64 Guidance from Silver Birch)

“Many people start with fear in their hearts. They are afraid they will not get results, and the element of fear disturbs the vibration.”
(P.51 Teachings of Silver Birch)

II. Cause of the anxiety
“Even with all your knowledge there are times when, immersed in the day-to-day problems, you are apt to overlook the eternal realities. It is these eternal truths to which you must cling.”
(P.73 Guidance from Silver Birch)

“Man, whose eyes are cast only on the things of matter, makes a great mistake, because he chases illusion and forgets eternity. These are the simple truths, but your world has not yet learned them.”
(P.58 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“They are hard to remember when you are engaged in daily conflicts and matter seems so powerful and spirit so weak.”
(P.70 Guidance from Silver Birch)

Realness of the physical world is so intense, that this world which we recognize through the five physical senses appears to us as the only world, and so every day we are tossed around by things and events that occur around us.
This is presumably the case, because the world of the spiritual knowledge seems to be the complete opposite of the physical world, almost like a tale from some another world. Therefore, we have the spiritual knowledge, but once we go back to our normal, daily lives, the mind switches immediately and unconsciously, to limit ourselves within this world of the physical senses. Silver Birch describes the situation in the following words: “matter seems so powerful and spirit so weak.”

III. Let’s refer back once again to the Spiritual Law, told by Silver Birch.
“But we only seek to reveal the Law, for there is nothing else in your world, whether you call it religion, or science, or philosophy, but the natural law of the Great Spirit.”
(P.57-58 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“There is nothing else in the whole of your world of matter which can provide you with a foundation on which to build your lives. Spirit, not matter, is the reality. You may not be able to see it, or touch it, or feel it. You may not be able to experience its reality in the manner in which you obtain material sensations, but it is still the master of all.”
(P.73 Guidance from Silver Birch)

“Realise that you belong to eternity. You are but pilgrims treading a temporary passage through life.”
(P.73 Guidance from Silver Birch)

“Thus, you have true perspective and focus on life and know that you are immortal souls, expressing yourselves through mortal clay, and that strength will come as you allow the divine to express itself through you. These are the important principles to be borne in mind.”
(P.70 Guidance from Silver Birch)

“If, sometimes, the cross you have seemed very hard to bear, remember that, although I would give up all my progress to take it away from you, it is better for you to carry it and to learn the lesson it brings. You must consider not only this life, but the whole of eternity.”
(P.54 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“You have the greatest riches within yourselves. You are part of the Great Spirit. May you all realize that you are never alone, but always encompassed around and about by a host of those who love you, who seek to guard and guide you and to help and inspire you.”
(P.52 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“Earthly minds may fail you, but never will the power of the spirit neglect you.
Realise always that guidance continues to function even when you cannot see it, and that the arms of love always encircle you.”
(P.69 Guidance from Silver Birch)

Our world, hence this universe, is under the governance of the “natural law”; and this Law maintains that all beings, every existence, including the earth itself undertakes the course of development, aimed toward evolutional advancement. Not one being is excused from the Law’s governance.
Silver Birch tells us that our current world of physical vibrations, which we perceive through the physical senses, is a temporary world of illusion; and there exists the real world, the spirit world, of far more exquisite vibrations (spiritual wavelengths) .
Every one of us (no exceptions) will be moving on to this spirit world, once we discard the physical body. He says also that we are surrounded by many spirits who love us, waiting to give us protection, guidance, support and inspiration. Therefore, we are never alone; and by attuning ourselves to the Law, we can receive the support, guidance and spiritual powers from the spirit world.

IV. Life in harmony with the “divine, natural law” (Spiritual Law)
“We seek to reveal the Great Spirit, but we can only reveal Him through His laws.
We seek to teach you the Law, so that you may live your lives in harmony with that Law.”
(P.58 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“Your world does not realize that each individual contains within his own being the power to conquer every disease, to master every difficulty. He possesses a reservoir of strength from which he can draw in moments of weakness. The kingdom is heaven is within. How little is that understood! The way to contact that higher self is by living one’s life in accordance with the laws of the Great Spirit. But how many do it?”
(P.49 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“The wise individual, wise because he has knowledge, learns to co-operate with infinite love and wisdom.”
(P.67 Guidance from Silver Birch)

“And may you, as you unfold your own spirits, realize that you are being drawn closer to the greatest Spirit of all, becoming more in unison with His Law.”
(P.52 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“It is the work of a lifetime in your world to ensure that your actions, your thoughts, your words, your aspirations and desires are in harmony with the knowledge that is revealed to you.” (P.72 Guidance from Silver Birch)

“We try to teach the laws of the Great Spirit, which would enable health and happiness to be in your world of matter.”
(P.48 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“If you allow the Law to function, then the results must come.”
(P.52 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“Perfect love casteth out fear! Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you!
That was taught to you many years ago by one who knew the Law. He showed that when he put it into operation the results were always forthcoming. If you allow the Law to function, then the results must come.”
(P.51-52 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“You should all have perfect faith, because it is a faith born of knowledge. You have had the proof of the power of the Spirit. Now you should have the faith that all things work wisely and well and that, if you put yourselves in tune with the laws of the Great Spirit, then you must reap the operation of those laws.
You can all banish from your minds the thought that anything that is unenlightened—or, as you would say, evil—can ever touch you. You live and move under the protection of the Great Spirit and His laws.
If there is no evil in your hearts, then only good can reach you, for only good can dwell where goodness reigns. None but the servants of the Great Spirit come into your presence from my world. You need have no fears. The power which envelops you, the power which supports and seeks to guide you and inspire you, is the power that emanates from the Great Spirit of all.
That power can sustain you in all your trials and difficulties. That power can change your storms into sunshine, and bring you out of the darkness of despair into the light of knowledge. Your feet are set on pathways of progress. There is no need for fear.”
(P.52-23 Teachings of Silver Birch)

We worry, because we have no confidence in ourselves, and we cannot foresee the future.
The outlooks of our own future tend to be pessimistic, and constant fear, anxiety and endless repetitions of apprehension and destructive thoughts accompany us.
We are required, under the Law of “cause and effect,” to not loosen ourselves on striving to prepare ourselves for what can be predicted. But as long as we fulfil this part, the spirit guides take care of the rest. Leave the rest in the hands of the spirit guides, then the results will be all right in the end, because they observe and carry things out with the spiritual perspective, based on eternal life. There is no question on the superiority of their spiritual vision, in comparison to our physical vision, which is short-sighted and temporary. Miraculous events occur at times, and they are beyond our ability to predict.
It is a great relief to the mind, knowing that we simply need to attune and entrust ourselves to the Law; then the Law protects us wherever we go, and whatever we do. Ease ourselves from holding on to our earthly thoughts, and maintain the faith that our guides are with us, to guard and guide us all the time. Shift the pivot foot, from our own to the spiritual Law, and surrender ourselves. This is active faith in practice, and a necessary condition, to harmonize ourselves to the Law. As Silver Birch says, “there is nothing to worry.” Let us always do our best to harmonize ourselves to the Law, have the Law as our ally, and build our confidence on the Law.

“Many years ago, you were told to be in the world, but not of the world. Because the people of your world have not the faith, then the Law cannot be put into operation.”
(p.55 Teachings of Silver Birch)

Guidance from Silver Birch—edited by Anne Dooley. The Spiritual Truth Press, 15 Broom Hall, Oxshott, Surrey KT22 OJZ. Edition 2006. First published in 1966.
Teachings of Silver Birch—edited by A. W. Austen. The Spiritual Truth Press, 15 Broom Hall, Oxshott, Surrey KT22 OJZ. Edition 2010. First published in 1938.

Free will is regulated by the evolution of the soul

2022-08-28 08:07:44 | Miscellaneous

In the face of sufferings and difficulties, most of us inevitably find ourselves in the prison of anxiety, fear and apprehension.
These negative thoughts hold the mind in bondage, depleting its freedom and taking away the ability to think freely and flexibly.
Because there is very little freedom of the mind, we forget about (or disbelieve) the spiritual promises and guidance, and lose the ability to use the spiritual laws and promises. Thus, we are expressing only a tiny portion of our innate power of the spirit. We are unaware of this fact itself, not to mention understanding it, says Silver Birch.

Let's take a look at some quotes from Silver Birch, and consider further on the titled theme: “Free will is regulated by the evolution of the soul.”

A) “All of us—and I say this of myself, too—grope in the dark, seeing sometimes a flash of light and an insight into the Law. We wonder, but, because when we are in the dark, we do not see the Law, we think of chance, we think of accident. I tell you there is no chance.
I know you will say: ‘But what about free will?’ Yes, you have free will but is not your free will subject to the evolutions of your soul? It is free, but its freedom is regulated by your soul’s growth.”
(p.67-68 Teachings of Silver Birch)

B) “The higher you evolve in the spiritual scale, the greater can you exercise your free will. You are your own limitation, but, because you are part of the Great Spirit, you can conquer all the difficulties and obstacles in your world.”
(p.73 Teachings of Silver Birch)

C) “Do not despair. Remember there is no difficulty or obstacle that crosses your path that is so strong that you cannot overcome it by the use of the latent powers that you have within you. Even the difficulties that others place in your path can be swept aside if you will but allow all that is within you to rise and become the master. Your world does not understand that you express so little of yourself while you are in the world of matter.”
(p.113 Teachings of Silver Birch)

D) “If you would but allow that divinity which is within you to rise to the surface, if you would but learn the laws which are responsible for the full flowing of power and inspiration from higher spheres, you would begin to live as the Great Spirit intended you should.”
(p.43 Wisdom of Silver Birch)

E) “When you do not know which way to turn, stop and relax. Ask for that which will sustain you and will carry you forward once more. There is no limit to the help, the power and the inspiration that will come to you if you will have complete trust and faith in us.”
(p.153 Teachings of Silver Birch)

F) “Because the people of your world have not the faith, then the Law cannot be put into operation.”
(p.54 Teachings of Silver Birch)

As the trust in the Law elevates, there will be less fear, worry and anxiety; and the mind, relieved from these disturbances, enjoys greater freedom. Namely, when we have more faith, we have more inflow of the spirit power and inspirations from higher spheres of the spirit world; more wisdom and enlightenment will follow, along with deeper awareness and understanding of the Spiritual Law. As a result, we are set free from the jailhouse of worry, anxiety and fear.
Growth of the soul brings about elevated faith, and expanded range of freedom to exercise free will.

Let’s review what we have just read. A to F assigned below, corresponds with the respective quote above, with the same alphabet.
A) Your free will is regulated by your soul’s growth.
“It is free, but its freedom is regulated by your soul’s growth.”
Evolution of the soul determines the amount of free will allowed. Although we call it “free” it is dependent on, and is regulated by soul’s growth level.

B) We are part of the Great Spirit.
“Because you are part of the Great Spirit, you can conquer all the difficulties and obstacles in your world.”

C) We are expressing so little of the power we possess.
“Remember there is no difficulty or obstacle that crosses your path that is so strong that you cannot overcome it by the use of the latent powers that you have within you. . . Your world does not understand that you express so little of yourself while you are in the world of matter.”

D) Learn the spiritual laws for using the spirit power.
“If you would but learn the laws which are responsible for the full flowing of power and inspiration from higher spheres, you would begin to live as the Great Spirit intended that you should.”

E) There is no limit to the help, the power and the inspiration that will come to you if you will have complete trust and faith in us.
“Ask for that which will sustain you and will carry you forward once more. There is no limit to the help, the power and the inspiration that will come to you if you will have complete trust and faith in us.”

F) It requires faith for the spiritual laws to function.
With perfect faith and confidence in God and his Law, which are based on correct spiritual knowledge, we can use the spirit power and inspirations from higher spheres of the spirit world. (Using the spiritual law)

Because we are part of the Great Spirit, we are naturally capable of surmounting all difficulty and obstacles that we may encounter on earth; and we have the ability to attain perfect peace. However, because we lack awareness of this essential fact (that we are the Great Spirit), we express so little of the power that we possess within. Free will is self-regulated, depending on the level of soul’s growth.
Freedom of the mind is in proportion to the degree of faith in God, his Law, and the spirit guides; and, faith is required, in order for the spiritual laws to function, and for us to use it.

“These are the things your world needs, the simple truths that will enable spiritual, mental and material freedom to come to your world.”
(p.46 Teachings of Silver Birch)

Teachings of Silver Birch—edited by A. W. Austen. Edition 2010, first published in 1938. The Spiritual Truth Press, 15 Broom Hall, Oxshott, Surrey, KT22 OJZ.
Wisdom of Silver Birch—edited by Hannen Swaffer Home Circle. Fourth Impression 1956, First Published 1944. Spiritualist Press, 48, Old Bailey, London, E.C.4.

Ukrainian War

2022-03-19 05:56:54 | Miscellaneous
Currently, some 190,000 Russian troops are attacking Ukraine. Troops include many teenage conscripts. Putin sends them to the invasive war, under the pretext of training, without informing them of the purpose or justifiable cause of it. This military attack by Russia, on its neighbouring state Ukraine, is the worst case of military conflict in Europe since World War II, in terms of size and scale. It broke out, just as if it had waited for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics to end. At first Russia avoided attacks on civilian facilities, but as the battle’s progress lagged, they started making indiscriminate attacks using cruise missiles, resulting in many civilian casualties in Ukraine.
Due to the overwhelming scale of arms possessed by Russia, and the number of their troops, on top of being a state with nuclear weapons, NATO nations cannot take military actions to defend Ukraine, in fear of escalation into World War III.
2000 years has passed, since Jesus had taught us “all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.”
Still, war never seems to disappear from this world. How does the world of evolved spirits view our world today ?

Now let us listen to Silver Birch and his teachings on war.
In consideration for the current situation, the rest of this post, or almost all of it, consists of quotes from Silver Birch’s teachings.

Quotes are from “Other-Side View of War” P.159-166, Teachings of Silver Birch.

 “We do not want the spirit world to become once again a hospital for broken souls. Those of us who work amongst you know that you must be prepared to take into your world all that which we try to teach you. We cannot do it for you.
We can only see the result of those things you do which are wrong and show you what happens in our world when you do wrong things in yours. It is because we see the destruction and the harm done that we have to point out the result—there come into the spirit world those who are not yet ready. They are plucked from the tree of life before the fruit is ripe.” P159

 “It cannot be right, even for your material world, to justify war. Even in things of matter, it leads only to destruction. It cannot be right for our world., because you interfere with the operation of the law. How dare the children of earth interfere with the divine law that the spirit should drop from the body when it is ripe!
You must stand for that which is right. Those who are blind must not be allowed to interfere with the work of the spirit. You do not know how in your world there is at work an organized effort to upset all that which makes for progress, peace and harmony. Your world has to learn not to think in terms of separate peoples, but to realize that all are the children of the Great Spirit. The barriers are made by the children of earth, not by the Great Spirit. He has given to each one of them a part of His spirit and, because of that, they are all parts of Him.” P159-160

 “The Great Spirit has given natural laws to regulate all these things. The children must not seek to interfere with the laws. If you do not live within the Law, the result can only be destruction and chaos. Have you not seen it already?
I urge each one of you to do what you can to throw all your weight and your work among those who seek to bring the Great Spirit’s plan into your world.” P160

 “It is against the Law of the Great Spirit for any one to try to put an end to the physical life of another spirit.
When the lust to kill is fostered, reason departs. Not only is the Great Spirit within you, but there is also the remnant of your animal evolution. Your progress and your evolution consist in learning to subdue the animal and in allowing the Great Spirit to shine. If you allow the animal side to come out on top, then you have war and strife and killing, but if you allow the Great Spirit to shine, and you seek to serve one another, then you will have peace and harmony and plenty.
You must not divide your your world into countries or peoples. You must try to teach that they are all parts of the Great Spirit. They are all His children. Even those who are divided by seas are brothers and sisters in the sight of the Great Spirit of all. Our teaching is simple but true. It is founded on the laws of the Great Spirit. If you seek to build your world, ignoring the Law, you must have chaos and disorder. You become bankrupt.” P160-161

 “There will be many wars in your world of matter unless great efforts and sacrifices are made.
You have sown the seeds and you must reap what you have sown, for you cannot cheat the law of cause and effect. You cannot sow bloodshed and reap peace. You cannot sow the desire for material power and then expect to escape the consequences. Sow love, and love will come. Sow peace, and peace will arise. Sow seeds of service everywhere and the world will be filled with service. These are the simple truths of the Great Spirit. They are so simple that they confound the ‘wise ones’ of your world.” P161

 “It has made their sacrifice (death in the war) pointless, because it has continued in its materialism.” P162

 “The teaching that we have to give you is very simple, but it requires courage to put it into practice. Whenever a start is made, whenever there is the determination that comes with knowledge of the spirit and the truths of the spirit, whenever service and not selfishness is applied to all the affairs of every-day life in the world of matter, then you will have peace and concord in your world.
It will not come through any party, but through the children of the Great Spirit who, realizing these things are true, apply them in their lives, in their politics, in their factories, in their governments, in their international transactions. We can enunciate principles that we know are founded on truth, and tell you with certainty that their application will bring results. You are in the realm of matter. Yours is the responsibility.” P162-163

 “Have I not already said so many times that you think in terms of one country and one people while I think in terms of the Great Spirit and all His children? I tell you that you will not find peace by making machines of destruction.
You find peace when there is a desire for peace and when all people live by the law of love and service. I do not think only of one country and one race of people. I think of all peoples as one, as part of the Great Spirit. They are all His children. Until you apply His laws to your world of matter, you will have war and destruction, pestilence, havoc, chaos and bankruptcy all over again.” P163

――Does the spirit world agree with sanctions ?

“You know my views. Life belongs to the Great Spirit, not to His children. They must not shorten life. That is against of Law. And, if they do that, they must pay the price.” P163

――But in this case the motive would be good, for it would be an attempt to stop the war.

“If you sow the seeds of might, then out of those seeds there can only come more might. Have you not been told before by those who are your earthly counsellors that it was a war to end war ?” P164

――Do you think we should let a bully kill innocent people ?

“You want us to pronounce a verdict on half-way happening, but we deal with eternal principles.
If the eternal principles had been applied in the beginning, then you would not have your present difficulties.
Because you have reached difficulties, you say to us: Shall we apply some measure which may, for the moment, remedy the evil which has accrued? Only eternal principles can procure eternal peace.” P164

 “You may succeed for a time with your half-measures, but out of evil always there will come evil. One day, your world will realize that love can overcome evil because love is the expression of the Great Spirit. When, in the spirit of love, all people seek to solve their problems, then peace will reign in your world. But all desires which are contrary to the law of love will always produce disruption, chaos and bankruptcy. You must strive to deal with roots, for by no other way can you have eternal peace.” P164

――Is there not some reason for war in the cosmos ?

“No. You make wars in your world. We do not make them in ours. But whenever you have the lust to kill, you always attract those who are bound to earth with similar desires.” P165

 “Does your world of matter realize that peace can only come from the application of spiritual laws to worldly matters? It is selfishness that brings not only war, with its train of bloodshed, misery and weeping, but chaos, confusion, disaster and bankruptcy.
They must learn that only by substituting service for selfishness can peace come, that the old ideas of materialism and power and desires to aggrandize nations must be swept away and in their place, there must reign the desire to live for one another, the stronger to help the weaker, the richer to give to the poorer.” P165-166

 “Do not insult those who have been translated to spirit realms with tributes that come from the lips and not from the heart. All other methods have been tried and they have failed you. But not yet has the application of spiritual truths been tried. Unless your world does so, it will continue with war and bloodshed that will, in the end, destroy your much-vaunted civilization.” P166

Children of the Great Spirit . . . All human races are brothers and sisters
1. “Your world has to learn not to think in terms of separate peoples, but to realize that all are the children of the Great Spirit. The barriers are made by the children of earth, not by the Great Spirit. He has given to each one of them a part of His spirit and, because of that, they are all parts of Him.” P160

2. “You must not divide your world into countries or peoples. You must try to teach that they are all parts of the Great Spirit. They are all His children. Even those who are divided by seas are brothers and sisters in the sight of the Great Spirit of all.” P161

3. “Have I not already said so many times that you think in terms of one country and one people while I think in terms of the Great Spirit and all His children? . . . I do not think only of one country and one race of people. I think of all peoples as one, as part of the Great Spirit. They are all His children.” P163

4. “Life belongs to the Great Spirit, not to His children. They must not shorten life. That is against of Law.” P163

Cause of War . . . Selfishness
“It is selfishness that brings not only war, with its train of bloodshed, misery and weeping, but chaos, confusion, disaster and bankruptcy.” P165

The only way to eliminate war . . . Application of the Spiritual Law
1. “It is against the Law of the Great Spirit for anyone to try to put an end to the physical life of another spirit.” P160

2. “If you do not live within the Law the result can only be destruction and chaos.” P160

3. “It will not come through any party, but through the children of the Great Spirit who, realizing these things are true, apply them in their lives, in their politics, in their factories, in their governments, in their international transactions.” P163

4. “Until you apply His laws to your world of matter, you will have war and destruction, pestilence, havoc, chaos and bankruptcy all over again.” P163

5. “But not yet has the application of spiritual truths been tried.” P166

6. “Only eternal principles can procure eternal peace.” P164

7. “Peace can only come from the application of spiritual laws to worldly matters.” P165

8. “One day, your world will realize that love can overcome evil because love is the expression of the Great Spirit.” P164

“Until you apply His laws to your world of matter, you will have war and destruction, pestilence, havoc, chaos and bankruptcy all over again.” P163

By adapting to the Laws of the Great Spirit, we come to realize that we (our true self) are the eternally indestructible soul, we are equal souls, as children of the Great Spirit. Countries, ethnicity and race, they do not differentiate us.

The first Law of the universe is the “law of cause and effect.” The effects of “selfishness” are war and destruction, while the effects of “altruism” is the fulfilment of the Spiritual Law. (“Love thy neighbour,” taught by Jesus)

Teachings of Silver Birch—edited by A. W. Austen, edition 2010. The Spiritual Truth Press, 15 Broom Hall, Oxshott, Surrey KT22 OJZ. First published in 1938.

Errors in Christianity

2022-01-28 10:18:23 | Miscellaneous

The first incident of communication between the two worlds (humans on earth and spirit of the spirit world), occurred in 1848, where Fox sisters of Hydesville, New York, communicated with spirits, using rapping sounds. Thereafter, existence of life after death had been confirmed through detailed scientific investigations, conducted by renowned scholars in Britain and other countries. Today, we have sufficient evidence and proofs of the spirit world. Set aside the prejudice, do some research, and it shouldn’t take long until you are convinced.
However, Christian churches still refuse to accept the spiritual truth, detesting mediums and spiritual abilities as the works of Satan, and stubbornly reject to learn about the world after death (spirit world). They do not take even a single step outside the Bible.
Therefore, let’s consider Christian teachings, in reference to the “spiritual truth.”

Human beings are not born with baseless “original sin,” as Christians and its epigones like Jehovah’s Witnesses claim. Same goes for their teachings, that only believers of Jesus as the only Son of God, are forgiven of their sins through the Redemption; and that they are lifted to Heaven to gain eternal life on “Judgement Day” (Armageddon). If it is true, the perfect fairness of God ceases to exist.
Furthermore, according to Christian teaching, non-believers are either burned with the flames of hell, or are put through eternal suffering after “The Last Judgement” (Armageddon). However, the spiritual truth is that all human beings are God’s children, which means, we simply cannot die, even if we wished so, because our “true self,” the soul, is eternal and indestructible. Our soul is divided and given from God, thus we all have God inside ourselves. We have this eternal bond with God, to remain through any situations and circumstances imaginable. We are eternally indestructible beings, and originally, we do not require Jesus as a mediation to God. Like Jesus, we are all God’s children.
When Jesus said, “The Kingdom of God is in the midst of you. (The Gospel According to Luke 17:21), he meant, we have “God within.”
Death is a mere process of casting off the physical body. The body is simply costume and device, with which we express ourselves on earth. Then we depart for the spirit world, dressed in the spirit body.
We live on earth, only for a brief period of the eternal life, to initiate the process of spiritual growth. After death, we all (no exceptions), return to our real home, the spirit world, carrying with us, the personality developed through life on earth.
Then we continue the eternal path of spiritual evolution. This is why those who have the bond of true love, including pets, can reunite in the spirit world.

Unlike the Christian teachings, humans do not wait at the grave after death until “The Judgement Day” (Armageddon). Humans will not be sorted into Heaven and Hell.
Like attracts like, under the principle of vibration. We are simply drawn, automatically, to the sphere of the spirit world of matching vibrations, by the power of affinity. The entire universe is under strict governance of the law of cause and effect, which ensures the principle of self-responsibility, where we reap the result of what we sow (cause) ourselves.
There is no Devil (Satan) to stand against God.
Devils, as we call it, are immature spirits (earthbound spirits), bound to the boundary region between the earth and the astral sphere, due to their spiritual immaturity, and their strong avarice and instinctive desires.
“Evil” is the state of incompleteness, which violates the Law, or being far from attunement with the Law. It is selfishness, like the instinctive mind. Every human being has this selfishness within themselves.
Likewise, as long as we are human, we have inner divinity (goodness) and conscience (altruistic mind).
It is so because humans are part of God. We all have God within. Between different human beings, there are only differences in the extent of manifestation, of this inner divinity.
Because we possess this polarity, of good and evil, we are able to judge, through relative comparison of good and bad. If there exists only light, we will not understand the concept of darkness (shadow). Without hatred, we cannot understand what “true love” is about. In order for us to understand a concept, we must first experience its two extremities. Inside the heart of one human being, there must exist the two opposing extremes of good and evil, otherwise he or she may not achieve true understanding of the Law (truth), and progress spiritually from selfish toward altruistic. Divinity within human beings is developed through sufferings and difficulties of life; and this path of suffering continues infinitely toward higher state.
(p.171 Teachings of Silver Birch)

This is exactly where the fundamental difference lies between humans and angels. There is originally no evil in the minds of angels. The evil mind (that opposes the Law) exists only among human beings; and what we call Satan, is not the “fallen angel.” “Satan” is actually earthbound spirits, who are unable to realize their death, due to spiritual ignorance and immaturity. The world which we enter immediately after death, is of rough vibrations, very similar (almost identical) to the physical world. Therefore, it makes it difficult for those with no knowledge of the spiritual truth to realize their death. Especially, those with avarice and strong instinctive desires are easily captivated by the low vibrations of the physical world, preventing them to proceed to the astral world.
Then they are drawn to human beings on earth with similar vibrations, and start attaching (possessing) on them.

“The things of the spirit make no impression upon them, for they are still of the earth earthly and they sink from lower planes to still lower planes.”
(p.109 Teachings of Silver Birch)

Troubles with human relations, difficulty, suffering, sorrow, sickness. Through these bitter and unpleasant experiences, we learn the contrasting relativity, and slowly come to understand the Spiritual Law. The world of polar differences, hence the earthly world (physical realm) was created, where souls of different stages of spiritual development coexist, the condition of which allows for spiritual evolution from beastliness to divinity.
We can understand the sufferings (darkness) of others, because we have experienced the same suffering for ourselves. This, exactly, is the purpose of life on earth.

“Just as the seed is put into darkness, there to gain strength before it can burst into life, the seed of human life is put into darkness to obtain the strength of human experience before it can burst into the life of the spirit.
All the experiences of human life are part of the great scheme. Those experiences which you like least of all sadness, bitterness, tears, disappointments, suffering, and pain are very valuable for your souls.”
(p.103 Teachings of Silver Birch)

Jesus of Nazareth is thought to have been a member of Essenes, a Jewish sect. Did he actually die on the cross? It is uncertain, since we have no definite evidence. However, the Redemption doctrine, in which Jesus sacrificed himself for the sins of humankind, is a fabricated story, using “Adam and Eve,” a Babylon folklore from way before The Old Testament, to forge the association with the concept of “original sin,” in order to tailor it into the “doctrine of salvation.” The Virgin Birth is a common characteristic for founders of religion. The story of the three wise men from the orient, execution along with thieves, followed by resurrection to make an appearance in front of the tomb. They all come from the story of Bel, the Babylonian god, from 4000 years ago (2000 years before Jesus). Many of the stories in the bible are borrowed and copied from Bhagavad Gita, Paganism, and other religions.
The council of Nicaea in 325 and 787, divinified Jesus the man, into God, for political use by rulers like the Roman emperor, Constantine the Great.
As mentioned before, the current Gospel and Bible are manufactured, with mishmash of ancient legends, divine stories, old folklore from other countries, other religions, and older writings and teachings.
(Please refer to Learning to Live by M. H. Tester, Chapter Three “Western Orthodox Religion Examined,” for more details.)
It is said the original texts are stored in the basement of Vatican; although, no one has ever seen it.

The Bible is not a divine book of God. It is a product of deliberate editions, corrections, and additions. Do not be a fool to believe every word, metaphors, and parables as the “words of God.” Never practice such childish stupidity, as to apply the literal meaning of this ancient, artificial story toward daily lives of the modern world today, as “Jehovah’s Witness” intends to do. Their quibbling attempts to predict the year of the “Last Judgement” (Armageddon) is an error in itself; and as a result, they had to change the year of the “Last Judgement” multiple times. We must say that those who blindly believe such childish doctrine are no different from the uneducated people of the ancient and medieval times.

Jesus of Nazareth had perfect understanding of the spiritual truth, and he exceeds every human being on earth to this day. He expressed his outstanding spiritual abilities to the fullest, throughout his life. He always used the power for others, and never for himself. Through the way he lived, he showed us the epitome of a human being.
However so, his spiritual abilities, including healing, were not his exclusive patent.
In fact, there were many others in the past, who possessed and displayed similar and many other spiritual abilities. Jesus himself said so in the Bible: “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in me will also do the works I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I go to the Father. (Gospel of John 14:12)
He says that us ordinary human being can do greater works than Jesus Christ the “God.” There are many stories like this one in the Bible, that contradict the Christian doctrine. The churches turn a blind eye to inconvenient facts, and justify themselves of their blindness by calling it “words of God.”

Another example is “A man reaps what he sows.” (Galatians 6:7)
Christian doctrine preaches that a third person (Jesus of Nazareth) takes on the punishment (result) of another person’s sin (cause) to undo the sin altogether.
Their claim is absolutely impossible, as it squarely violates the law of cause and effect, the fundamental principle of the entire universe. Otherwise, God’s fairness would collapse. We automatically face the result of our sin, then realize the mistakes we have made, and reflect on ourselves. This is an essential process for mental growth; and this growth, attained through learning from one’s mistakes, is the purpose of life on earth.
As Jesus also says in the Bible, one sins by simply having evil thoughts in their minds, even if these thoughts are not put into action. Therefore, Christians are constantly caught on the thoughts of guilt, and must constantly rely on Redemption, through which one quibbles to transfer the responsibility of one’s own sin to another person (Jesus, the son of God).

God does not burn down a town for the mistakes and offences of humans, and God would not request Abraham to sacrifice his beloved son to coax jealousy and wrath. God is not such a measly, cheap, irascible, and suspicious, human-like being, as portrayed in the story of “The Last Judgement” (Armageddon of Jehovah’s Witnesses). And let's think about the Redemption, which teaches that Jesus died on the cross as a sacrifice. Isn't it exactly the same as the sacrificial rituals, conducted by spiritually ignorant people of ancient times, with which they attempted to soothe God’s anger? 
Moreover, God, who is the creator, and the one who maintains and governs the Law, is not a forgetful greybeard with inclination of dementia, so that we must ask repeatedly, before he finally listens to our wishes and prayers. Christian churches preach that God’s grace (eternal life and paradise) is given only to those who believe Jesus as the son of God. An example of such is Jehovah’s Witnesses’ teachings, that enforce believer’s blind faith by invoking fear with Armageddon. What a shame, that Christian doctrines and organizations have created a pitiful, stingy God, with no fairness.

Silver Birch spoke as follows:
“Must blood be shed to appease the Great Spirit, of Whom it was taught by the Nazarene He was full of the love and mercy and gentleness of a loving Father? You are all placed in the world of matter to build your own characters and accomplish your own soul evolution.”
(p.100 Teachings of Silver Birch)

The world we live in, of 21st century, is different from the time when the Bible and the Christian doctrines were created. We readily have access to spiritual knowledge and teachings through the internet (Web); and we have greatly advanced intellectually since then. Therefore, we must never allow blind faith on these childish myths, fabricated for political purposes, and for the Christian churches to maintain power.
There is absolutely no need, to think of oneself as God’s “chosen ones,” then bother to think of the ways to save lives, believing that is the only way to survive, and so on.
All human being, not just Jesus, are God’s children, hence our “true self” is the eternal and indestructible spirit (soul) of God. Because of that, death is merely a transition from the physical body into the spirit body. We shed the physical body, which will be replaced by the spirit body. There really is no death for our “true self.” We simply cannot “die,” even if we wished.

What happens to devout believers of the Bible, including Jehovah’s Witnesses, after their physical death? Those who die with firm belief in the Second Coming, hence “The Last Judgement” (Armageddon), would wait in the tomb for hundreds, or even thousands of years, waiting for Gabriel’s Horn to announce “The Last Day.” They will be waiting forever, for the day which is never to arrive. Just like earthbound spirits, these spirits are headed for tragedy, where they are unable to proceed to the astral world, nor the spirit world.
Wrong theology and religious doctrines interfere with spiritual awakening; and its adverse effects extend not only to this world, where the earthbound spirits are creating havoc with spirit possession. The grave situation engulfs the spirit world as well.

Teachings of Silver Birch—edited by Austen, A. W., edition 2010. The Spiritual Truth Press, 15 Broom Hall, Oxshott, Surrey KT22 OJZ. First published in 1938.

Learning to Live—A Selection of Writings by M. H. Tester, 1983. Compiled by Stephen Castro, Psychic Press Ltd. 20 Earlham Street, London, WC2H 9LW.

Love is not an emotion

2021-11-29 10:44:13 | Miscellaneous

Jesus says “Love thy enemy.” But for us ordinary human beings of this world of materialism and money worshipping, it is quite impossible to practice this altruistic love, unless we have true understanding of the Spiritual Law.
He also says, “Love is the fulfilment of the Law.”
“Love” mentioned here, refers to the love, as the most virtuous expression of humanity, hence the love that maintains harmony of life, through truthfulness, goodness and beauty. It is distinct from simple emotions of “love and hate,” experienced by men and women in love.
Let’s consider some more on this genuine love.

—Love is not sentiments nor emotions—
“You must learn so to act, so to live each day, that you are naturally, at all times,
a being of love. Love is not sentimentality. Love is seeing good, seeing God, recognizing the divine law of cause and effect working throughout all life. To love is to be tolerant towards all, towards all the happenings of daily life; to be patient, thoughtful, kind and meek. All these qualities are contained in the one word: Love.”
(p.30 The Quiet Mind)

“As you learn to fulfill yourselves, you will obtain, as a result, a richness, a radiance, steadfastness, a resolution, an awareness, and an inner peace, because you will be in harmony with the laws that the Great Spirit devised, and even with the Great Spirit,
a portion of whose divinity is within each one of you.”
(Silver Birch Speaks, p.18 Silver Birch Wa Kataru)

Manifestation of God is the Law, which is spirit power, which is love. It is for this reason, that Jesus says “love is the fulfilment of the Law.” Furthermore, Silver Birch says Jesus perfectly understood the Law.

When we are in harmony with the Law, we are at one with God. By expressing the spiritual qualities (spirituality) that dwell within the soul, we allow the “inner divinity” to manifest.

To have absolute confidence and faith in the Law, is to have complete entrustment in the Law and the spirit guides. The door will open for spirit power and spiritual support to flow in, and our hearts begin to have room and peace.
We may be tiny beings, miserable, powerless, and full of errors now.
But, by harmonizing ourselves with the Law, we gain strength. When we are at one with the Law, we have the Law and the spirit power as allies; which means we have on our side, the Law which governs the entire cosmos, and the spirit power which maintains the operation of the Law.
There is a scene in the bible, where Jesus says he himself is an insignificant being, but with the spirit world on his side, as his ally, he has power and strength. As long as we maintain conscious attunement with the Spiritual Law, we have the protection of the Law and the spirit guides.
When we are drowning ourselves, we simply cannot afford to help others who are also drowning.

So first of all, our utmost priority should be to live life of active faith, with impeccable faith and confidence in the Spiritual Law. As it has been repeated many times, faith in the Spiritual Law includes faith and trust in the spiritual guidance and salvation, from the spirit guides.
The extent of our trust in the Law determines the openness of our spiritual window, through which the spirit power flows in, as well as the rate of our spiritual progress, which takes a parallel path.
Once we have correct understanding of the Law, become harmonized with it, and begin to express the spiritual qualities (spirituality), we would have richness, radiance, calmness, determination, awareness and inner peace. As a result, we become a person of patience, endurance, thoughtfulness, kindness, gentleness, thus, a “being of love.”

Silver Birch Speaks
Cassette tape, Published by Psychic Press Ltd., 23 Great Queen Street, London WC2, and is produced by Educational Tapes Ltd., P.O. Box 4, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, England. © HANNEN SWAFFER HOME CIRCLE.

Silver Birch Speaks—Silver Birch Wa Kataru
CD Book, based on the cassette tape Silver Birch Speaks
Edited by Psychic Press, Translated to Japanese by Kondo, Kazuo, 2007. Heart Shuppan, Tokyo, Japan. First published 2003.

The Quiet Mind—Sayings of White Eagle
The White Eagle Publishing Trust. New Lands, Liss, Hampshire, England. 2015. First Published 1972.