The Spiritual Truth by Silver Birch


One must accomplish spiritual growth for himself, in the loneliness

2017-02-15 19:48:29 | Life`s Purpose

“The greatest prizes, the richest prizes that are worthy of possession, these are the most difficult to earn. And they must be earned by every individual for himself.”
P67, Guidance from Silver Birch - edited by Anne Dooley

“I know that the spread of knowledge, the awakening of the soul, and the appreciation of spiritual realities - all these every individual must accomplish for himself, entering his own Garden of Gethsemane before he can achieve his Mount of Transfiguration. There are no shortcuts, no vicarious means by which the spirit can come into its own. ... Self-realization must be earned through struggle and toil, for only by these means does the soul come into its own.” P67-68, Guidance from Silver Birch - edited by Anne Dooley
(Garden of Gethsemane: The place where Jesus encountered the greatest suffering and betrayal. Symbolizes sufferings and hardships.)
(Mount of Transfiguration: The hill where Jesus transfigured into radiant and divine appearance. Symbolizes overcoming of sufferings and hardships.)

Myself included, all of my spirit friends are making spiritual progress alone, in the loneliness. However, “loneliness” here refers to solitude in the physical realm. Contacts and communications with guardian spirits and spirit guides are always possible wherever we are, so in that sense we may not be truly alone..

When we say spiritual growth is to be done alone, the situation does not seem to be simply due to the fact that around the world there are extremely few spiritually awakened individuals; and hence there are no fellow spiritualists around you. The reason why we must be alone, is that we exercise free will, behind which the self-responsibility and causality law is in strict order. It is also possible, at our own responsibility, to regress our spirituality after being tempted by evil spirits.

In addition, spirituality levels vary among all individuals, and thus each person requires guidance and education from their guardian spirit and spirit guides, according to their level of spirituality. In order to attain true understanding and mastery of the spiritual truth, it is essential that each individual have their own life experiences on earth.

However, it does not mean we can go on with our solo journey, ignoring and neglecting others. As Silver Birch repeatedly stated many times, the revelations are not given only for the individual’s personal growth and benefit; and those who had been inspired with wisdom and enlightenment before others, have the responsibility and obligation to share the revelations with others who are spiritually ready to receive it. Doing so, we are assisting the soul siblings by bringing to them the opportunities for their spiritual awakening and growth. We carry out our duty as messengers and instruments of the spirit world this way, and as automatic results, we accomplish further spiritual growths. Natural laws of the universe operate on altruism and cooperation.

“Before any individuals can be qualified to be instruments of the spirit they must undergo training. The training is a very rigorous one because it has to ensure a certain discipline, a certain confidence, and these can come only through suffering. The lot of an instrument must be a hard one, not an easy one. If mediums were to be found without trouble they would not be qualified for their task. The spiritual side of their nature must be tried and tested to see that they can withstand the kind of experience which will profoundly stir them to their highest and deepest possibilities. That is their own equipment; that is their own spiritual armoury.
If they fail to pass through that test then they cannot teach others. You could not be a teacher until you have learned the lessons. And to learn the lessons you must do so in suffering, in travail, in being placed in situations where you may sometimes feel that there is nothing left, no one to whom you can turn. And it is only when you have thus plumbed the depths of spiritual experience that you are qualified by the law of correspondence to rise to the heights of spiritual attainment. This awakening of souls, this bringing of spiritual truths: to hungry, thirsty souls, this is very important. This indeed is the whole reason for their existence on earth, but many go through your world without deriving from it the equipment that should be theirs.” P95, Guidance from Silver Birch - edited by Anne Dooley