The Spiritual Truth by Silver Birch


Spiritual Growth is the Purpose of Life on Earth

2022-04-15 10:20:15 | Life`s Purpose

The spirit is the key which unlocks all the mysteries.
(p.220 Teachings of Silver Birch)

Quotes are from Teachings of Silver Birch, p.216-235 “Debate with a minister.”

“You are all given free will (self-responsibility), except that you must live all your lives within the Law of the Great White Spirit. The laws which are laid down by His love, for the use of all His children are there (to allow for their spiritual growth), and you cannot change them.” (p.226)

1. Humans are flawed
If we were flawless, we would not have been born to this world.

— Is it possible for people on earth to live perfect lives, to be sanctified and made holy? Is it possible for us to love everybody? —
“No, it is not possible, but you can try. All the efforts you make are very important in the building of your character. If you never were angry, never bitter, and never lost your temper, you would cease to be human. The Law is that you are put here to develop your spirit, so that it can grow and grow. It never stops growing in your world or in mine.” (p.224-225)

“He meant you must try to be perfect. That is the ideal you should try to express in your life—to express the Great White Spirit that is in you.” (p.225)

2. The fundamental principle of the Spiritual Law is the law of “Cause and Effect” (causality)

Causality is the Law of God’s love, on the principle that growth of the mind begins from reflecting oneself on the “effects” of one’s actions.

—What do you think of the other world—
“It is very much like your world, except that our world is a world of effects, and yours is a world of causes.” (p.217)

“That which a man sows, that shall he reap! You cannot change that. You bring into our world (spirit world) what you are—not what you think you are, and not what you try to show other people you are.” (p.218)

“One day, everything that happens in your life will be adjusted. One day you will hold in your own hands a pair of scales and adjust the balance yourselves. You cannot escape the natural law that you reap what you sow in this world. You think some get off lightly. But they do not. You cannot see inside their souls.” (p.223)

“I can only tell you this: Whatever wrong is done in your world, the one who does that wrong must put it right. If he does not put it right in your world, then he must put it right from our world.” (p.226)

“He sows, and what he sows, he reaps. You cannot escape the Law. You cannot cheat the Law.” (p.229)

“The Great Spirit has implanted in you some of His own reason. I plead with you to use that reason. If you do anyone a big wrong, and you confess it, that confession helps your spirit, but it does not alter the fact that you have done some wrong. Until you have put it right in the eyes of the Great White Spirit, the sin will remain. That is the Law, my son. You cannot alter laws, not even by quoting words from books, which you say the Nazarene said.” (p.230)

3. Truth about sufferings on earth
To awaken the “true self” (soul), we must experience trials, difficulties, sufferings.

—Why do we get so much pain in this world?”—
“It is only through pain that you learn the truth of the Great White Spirit. Out of the crucible of bitter experience you understand the truth of the laws which govern your world.” (p.222)

—Many people seem to have no pain—
“You are a man of God, and you must learn to understand that it is the things of the spirit that count, and not the things of the body. The pain of the spirit is greater than the pain of the body.” (p.222)

“The Great White Spirit is in everything, in that which is wrong and in that which is right. He is in the sun and in the storm; in everything that is beautiful and everything that is ugly. He is in the sky and the ocean, the thunder and the lightening; not only in beauty and goodness, but in sin and ugliness.” (p.227)

“Unless your world is suffering, you are not able to call attention to all the things that you must put right. All the pain and the suffering and the evil are there because you, who are parts of the Great White Spirit, must learn how to overcome them.
Unless you do these things, you are not doing the works of the Father, who sent you here.” (p.223)

4. The Greatest Sin on Earth
War, slaughter, cruelty. They rebel head-on against God’s Laws.

—What is the greatest sin people commit on earth?—
“There are many, many sins, but the greatest sin of all is the sin against the Great Sprit.”
“It is those who know, and deny the Great Spirit, that is the biggest sin of all.” (p.218)

“It cannot be right, even for your material world, to justify war. Even in things of matter, it leads only to destruction. It cannot be right for our world, because you interfere with the operation of the law. How dare the children of earth interfere with the divine law that the spirit should drop from the body when it is ripe!” (p.159-160)

“All the cruelty that the white people practice, even today, on those who are economically worse than themselves, is one of the greatest sins against the Great White Spirit.” (p.219)

5. Practicing the Spiritual Law
Practice altruistic love toward others, and for ourselves practice faith in the spiritual Law.

“The words do not matter. It is what you do, my son, that counts.” (p.218)

“Not those who say ‘Lord, Lord,’ but those who do the works of my Father. That is all that matters—not what you say or believe, nor even what you think, but what you do. If you have no faith at all, and you help to uplift the fallen, to give bread to the hungry, and light to those who grope in darkness, then you are doing the work of the spirit.” (p.219-220)

“Your world will not be saved by sayings. It will not be saved by long, long words.
It will only be saved when the children of the Great White Spirit are ready to gird on the armour of the Great White Spirit and fight the forces of darkness and oppression, all that which holds man in bondage.” (p.222)

“It is what you do that counts. As long as you countenance all the wars, the iniquity, the starvation, poverty, and unemployment, you are all failing in your Christianity, and you are not following the example of the Nazarene.” (p.233-234)

“Give them not only words of wisdom, but bread and the necessities of life. You must feed their souls and their bodies. You can help not only the spirit, but the body through which the spirit must function.” (p.234)

6. Be filled with the Spirit Power
To open the soul’s door, entrust and surrender ourselves to God and the spirit guides.

“But if you will put yourselves in the hands of the Great White Spirit and open your soul to receive that inspiration which comes from the Great White Spirit’s reservoir, you can be filled with that power which inspired the prophets of old. Through your work, there can come in your corner of the world a light whose illumination will shed brightness into the hearts of many who are downcast and weary.” (p.223-224)

7. Arrival of the New Age
Earthly world is to shift from the world of constant war, ruled by physical body (materialism), into the new world of spirituality, where spirit rules over the physical body and materials.

“You must understand that you live in a world which is falling to pieces, and that you are witnessing the beginning of a new order—a time when the Kingdom of Heaven shall come on earth. It will be accompanied by much pain and suffering and tears, but in the end the Great White Spirit will return to your midst. Each one of you can help to bring the new world into being, for you all are parts of the Great White Spirit, and can help to do His work.” (p.224)

“and may you all respond to all that He would have you do, so that each one of you may feel you are a part of the Great White Spirit. Take that part with you wherever you go, and show it to all the children of the Great White Spirit.” (p.217)

Teachings of Silver Birch—edited by A. W. Austen, edition 2010. The Spiritual Truth Press, 15 Broom Hall Oxshott, Surrey KT22 OJZ. First published in 1938.

What is our life on earth? Part2

2022-02-28 15:42:56 | Life`s Purpose

The world honors those who succeed in a large, global enterprise, admiring them as ideal, role models of life. Their success stories become self-help books, so that people can learn how they too can achieve great success themselves. These “winners of life” are globally admired and talked about, their voices become more and more influential in the society, and they eventually become mentors and advisors of life. The society assumes quite naturally, that they managed to achieve such stellar success in their career and life, because they had lived their lives right.
On the other hand, this is what Silver Birch tells us:
“Your earthly standards of valuation are not the same as ours. Your world worships many things and attaches importance to them, whereas here we regard them as insignificant. All that makes people crave position, wealth, authority and power, we regard as unimportant. When the body dies, they all die with it.”
(p.70-71 Guidance from Silver Birch)
“You cannot accumulate wealth without paying the price because if you do that, and forget the duties of your own spirit, then you may be rich in the goods of your world, but you will be very poor in my world.”
(p.52 Teachings of Silver Birch)

As spiritualists with the knowledge of the spiritual truth, what do we consider as our ultimate purpose and goal of life? On what do we place the standard of values, in order to make our lives meaningful, to live our one-time life on earth to the fullest, without regrets? These questions we face.

In Guidance From Silver Birch, Silver Birch describes the important tasks to strive for, in our current life (Chapter 7, “The Joy of Service”). He said it as “the truly great work on earth,” and he mentioned it ten times in this chapter.

1. “It is more important than anything else.” (p.64)
2. “…there is no service comparable to that.” (p.64)
3. “There is no greater service and no greater fulfilment than to watch the power of the spirit performing its beneficent labours . . .” (p.65)
4. “It is the richest work that you can do.” (p.69)
5. “… those are the most important tasks of all.” (p.69)
6. “This is truly a great work.” (p.70)
7. “That is a great and important task.” (p.71)
8. “You help to spread truth, knowledge, wisdom and understanding.” (p.71)
9. “That is the most important work you can do.” (p.72)
10. “Together we can labour in fields which are important because they concern the very fundamentals on which the whole of life rests.” (p.72)

The “work” (task) mentioned here certainly means, the “tasks” and responsibilities, which accompany the knowledge of the spiritual truth, to spread the knowledge to fellow human beings. Attaining spiritual knowledge must not end at self-satisfaction, of keeping the riches of the spirit to ourselves, says Silver Birch. Let’s think about this a little more.

Before proceeding, let’s review how Silver Birch describes our purpose of life on earth:
 The whole purpose of earthly life is to awaken dormant, slumbering souls to the reality of their existence. (p64)

 Never forget that the supreme purpose of life is the unfoldment of the spirit. (p.70)

 Strive to remember who you are, what you are and why you are here. (p.73)

 You help to spread truth, knowledge, wisdom and understanding so that those who can be reached begin to know the purpose of their being, the reason for their being placed in your world and what they have to achieve before they leave it. (p.71)

Silver Birch speaks further, on the things to pursue after spiritual awakening. His words guide us toward spiritual development (spiritual growth), which is the supreme purpose of life.

 “Every time you touch a soul you are helping to fulfil the divine purpose. That is the most important work you can do. You enable the soul to come into its own, and it is more than anyone else can do. Co-operation is the law. (p.72)

 “You have that power to co-operate with enlightened beings in our world who can use you to demonstrate eternal realities of the spirit. That is a great and important task . . . The test is the application of knowledge to life. It does not end with an enriching of the individual’s own mind. It is not an acquisition for personal satisfaction. It is a responsibility to try to share it with others, for in the act of sharing you gain all the time. That is the spiritual law.” (p.71)

Next, let’s consider why we attain spiritual growth by sharing spiritual truth with others.

 Let us rejoice at the opportunities given to each one of us to serve the greatest power in the universe by bringing enlightenment to some of His children. (p.69)

 When all is said and done there is no higher privilege, no higher religion, than service to the Great Spirit through serving all His creatures, human, animal, or whatever form they take. (p.64)

 When you offer yourselves up in service and allow your divine gifts to be utilized, spirit power flows through you, with its wondrous healing touch, to smooth away pain, to restore harmony, to free aching and locked limbs and to make the individual aware of himself as he really is. (p.65)

 I am not concerned with buildings, churches, temples, institutions. They have their place, but the power of the spirit flows not through masonry but through human instruments who are important to us as links in the mighty chain. (p.69)

 . . . and that strength will come as you allow the divine to express itself through you. These are the important principles to be borne in mind. (p.70)

 Know that always in your labour you attract to yourselves the power which will help you always to continue to serve. (p.70)

According to these teachings of Silver Birch, our spiritual growth is seemingly linked with the inflow of spirit power from enlightened spirits, which flows through us to our fellow beings on earth.

On spreading spiritual truth among people on earth, evolved spirits with whom we co-operate must bring about spirit power on earth, delivered in the form of spiritual guidance, support, wisdom and enlightenment. Human instruments on earth become mediation between the two worlds. They function as the pathway of the spirit power, an absolutely essential role, probably due to the difference in the wavelengths of spirit world and earth. Humans who offer themselves as instrument for the spirit world, become the transformer, to adjust the delicate vibrations from the spirit world into that which is receivable and detectable on earth.

When a person tries to share spiritual truth with others, spirit power (God’s power) from evolved spirits flow through that person (instrument for the evolved spirits); and as the inflow of spirit power becomes stronger, some of the spirit power stay with him or her, as in spirit healing.
To be more specific, by striving to share spiritual truth with our brothers and sisters on earth, we are co-operating with enlightened spirits of the spirit world. As a result, we begin to receive more inspiration, guidance, and gain deeper enlightenment and wisdom, which would move us forward along the road of spiritual progress. This is God’s law, says Silver Birch. (p.71)

“This is the great joy of service, to be able to know from day to day that you are fulfilling the purpose of your being, that the power of the spirit is freely flowing through you, touching souls for the first time and enabling them to be awakened, to be helped, to be made whole and to be given a fresh opportunity to enjoy all that life has to offer. This is truly a great work. Wherever it can be done, in any corner of your world, it does not matter, as long as the light is brought to a soul and spiritual truth begins to permeate. That is important. All that has gone before is a preparation and nothing has been lost.” (p.70)

Guidance from Silver Birch—edited by Anne Dooley, edition 2006, The Spiritual Truth Press 15 Broom Hall, Oxshott, Surrey KT22 OJZ. First published in 1966.
Teachings of Silver Birch—edited by A. W. Austen, edition 2010, The Spiritual Truth Press 15 Broom Hall, Oxshott, Surrey KT22 OJZ. First published in 1938.

What is our current life on earth?

2022-02-14 13:51:33 | Life`s Purpose

—See life from within, not from its outer surface—

This is what most people believe: It is by chance that humans are born to this world; and all through life we seek for pleasant life of fun and prosperity. Once the end of life comes, we simply disappear. We only live once. However, on contrary to our wishes, our lives on earth are comprised mostly of unpleasant things, illnesses, worries, sufferings, much more than pleasant ones. This is why we tend to be anxious and depressed so often.

Most of us believe that the entire individual, memories and all, which belong to the brain, is lost upon death. Because we generally hold such outlook of life, some of us have excessive and unreasonable fear for death, while many others see death as someone else’s problem. Just like the awareness of health, which is often taken for granted until it fails on us, the fact that we all die one day or the other, is completely out of awareness.
However, that body of yours, is not who you really are. The spirit, infinite and indestructible, is you, your “true self.” Once we truly realize this spiritual truth, the way we live, and the purpose of life on earth would change one hundred and eighty degrees.
Our everyday life is surrounded by the illusion of worldly things, making it difficult even for spiritualists to maintain spiritual eyes and spiritual perspectives. Easily we fall back to living our lives through the physical eyes and the earthly perspectives. Therefore, let’s consider once again, the meaning of our current life on earth.
How does Silver Birch, who had been dispatched from the spirit world to spread spiritual truth on earth, observe our current life?

1. Real purpose of coming to this material world of darkness
“Just as the seed is put into darkness, there to gain strength before it can burst into life, the seed of human life is put into darkness to obtain the strength of human experience before it can burst into the life of the spirit.
All the experiences of human life are part of the great scheme. Those experiences which you like least of all sadness, bitterness, tears, disappointments, suffering and pain are very valuable for your souls.”
(p.103 Teachings of Silver Birch)

2. Eternal standards are the standards of the spirit
—But why does a bad person have a good time?
“You judge once again by your worldly standards. How do you know that the soul of the one who has a good time is not miserable, is not tortured, is not racked with anguish and pain? Because you see a smiling face, because you see luxury surround that person? Do purple and fine linen go hand in hand with a satisfied soul? Eternal standards are the standards of the spirit, if not of the world of matter. Otherwise, there would be no justice.”
(p.108 Teachings of Silver Birch)

—But surely it is easier for a soul to express good motives when surrounded by a good environment, rather than in surroundings where sin, hunger and everything that is low predominate?

“I do not agree with you, because I see that nearly always the great souls of your world have been born of low estate. All the great masters of your world have come from low estate. The more difficulties that the soul has to struggle against, the greater the soul can become. It is in the struggle against circumstances that the soul comes into its own. Try to judge not from without but from within.”
(p.108 Teachings of Silver Birch)

3. True compensation is the compensation of the soul
In our world, some children are born in a slum atmosphere of drink, mental, moral and physical filth, and are faced with a life of hard, monotonous labour, while others grow up surrounded by beautiful things and have a delightful preparation for life. How is the unfairness of such cases taken into account?

“The soul registers its own evolution. People in your world judge always by material standards and not by the expression of the soul. To all, whether born in low or high estate, come opportunities for service, for the soul to find itself and to express its own divinity. That is the only standard of judgement. All things in your world, judged by a material standard, seem to produce inequalities, but the true compensation is the compensation of the soul, which learns to express itself through all difficulties.
(p.107-108 Teachings of Silver Birch)

4. There is a lesson to be learned in everything
“The soul that goes through the agony of pain, illness, bitterness and sorrow, comes out a greater soul, a soul that understands the sufferings of others. The soul that lives only in its own butterfly happiness and chases always the illusion and the shadow, one day must learn to touch reality. Do not envy those who you think have an easy time. The hardest road in their life is yet before them.
The children of earth must go through every experience, either in your world or mine. There is a lesson to be learned in everything. You do not reach out and create a vehicle in which to enter that inner perfection until you have emerged triumphant from every experience.”
(p.114-115 Teachings of Silver Birch)

There is no need to envy those who seem to enjoy easy life and good times. Sufferings and troubles are relative concepts; and the amount of money we have does not determine the existence (or non-existence) of problems. Silver Birch says we do not understand these facts.
Purpose of life on earth, is for the soul to awaken, and for it to express as much as possible of the latent divinity; to spiritually grow and evolve, in this world of selfishness, infested by materialism and money worshipping, brought about by the coexistence of people at different stages of spiritual evolution. Spiritual growth is attained through difficulties of life on earth; and this is why we must go through all kinds of experiences, all through life. This is an essential, absolutely unavoidable step for spiritual growth. “You do not develop the spirit when everything is easy and smooth, but when you have difficulties,” says Silver Birch (p.56 Teachings of Silver Birch)

5. Use the “spiritual power” within, to confront trials and difficulties of life on earth.
“If you would but allow that divinity which is within you to rise to the surface, if you would but learn the laws which are responsible for the full flowing of power and inspiration from higher spheres, you would begin to live as the Great Spirit intended that you should.”
(p.43 Wisdom of Silver Birch)

[Comments] On ways to bring out the inner divinity (spirit power), please see "When struck with worries, anxiety and suspicions" posted on June 02, 2022.

“We look at life not through physical eyes but with the knowledge of spirit life, where true balance is struck. Those who live wisely are the ones who seek to turn all experiences into advantage to their souls, who do not try to flee from trial and temptation but seek to use the innermost strength to face difficulties, for it is in that spirit that character is evolved and strengthened.”
(p.103 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“Those who live wisely” are the ones who are capable of viewing life on earth with their spiritual eyes. All experiences should be received as lessons for spiritual growth, and we should do our best to learn as much as we can, from the lessons. This is how humanity is refined, polished, and strengthened, says Silver Birch. The power of the spirit deep within the heart, refers to the power of God, which is the energy of life that comes from our inner divinity (the soul, which is given to us from God). All of us, no exceptions, possess this spirit power within our true self (the soul). Because we have this power, we are capable of catching and receiving, through prayers, the delicate wavelengths of the spirit power and inspirations from higher spheres of the spirit world.

6. To use the “spirit power” within, we must have faith in “God and his Laws.”
“Many years ago, you were told to be in the world, but not of the world. Because the people of your world have not the faith, then the Law cannot be put into operation.”
(p.54 Teachings of Silver Birch)

[Comments] When faced with difficulties and trials of life, we should strive to accommodate ourselves to the Spiritual Law, by maintaining faith in the Law and in the spirit guides. It helps the operation of the Law, which includes spiritual guidance and salvation.

7. Development of the inner divinity (manifestation of God) continues eternally.
—Have we still an infinite number of suffering and struggling lives to go through in the future, as in the past?

“Yes, infinite. Struggle, suffering, through the crucible of pain does the Great Spirit express itself. Suffering tries the Great Spirit. Suffering enables the Great Spirit within to emerge purified, strengthened, refined, even as the gold emerges from the ore by crushing, by refining. Until it has been through these processes, it is not revealed as gold.”
(p.171 Teachings of Silver Birch)

—If that is so, what is the use of the idea of a heaven after death?

“That which you consider heaven today you will not consider heaven tomorrow, for happiness consists in striving, always striving, for the higher and the higher beyond that.”
(p.171 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“The whole purpose is to draw attention to spiritual realities, to show that every being starts the physical course with a spiritual heritage conferred by the act of birth. The life force is the divine spark, spiritual in nature, which is intended to grow equally with the physical body. The majority of mankind concerns itself only with physical growth. Some of it is concerned with mental growth, and a few concerned with spiritual growth. The only enduring reality is spirit. If we succeed by a variety of means in making man aware of his spiritual nature which is his reality, it transforms the whole of his life. He sees its purpose, is conscious of his origin, becomes aware of his destiny and should live his life in the implications of the knowledge which he has received. That very simply is the plan behind all our activities.”
(p.60 Guidance from Silver Birch)

Guidance from Silver Birch—edited by Anne Dooley. Edition 2006. The Spiritual Truth Press 15 Broom Hall, Oxshott, Surrey, KT22 OJZ. First published 1966.
Teachings of Silver Birch—edited by A. W. Austen. Edition 2010. The Spiritual Truth Press 15 Broom Hall, Oxshott, Surrey, KT22 OJZ. First published 1938.
Wisdom of Silver Birch—edited by Hannen Swaffer Home Circle. Fourth Impression, 1856. Spiritualist Press 48, Old Bailey, London. First published 1944.

Silver Birch’s Mission

2021-02-25 09:57:19 | Life`s Purpose

How do I make the most of my life on earth? I am on this long pursuit for wisdom of life, searching for the wisest and the most beneficial way of life.
These are words from my friend’s blog post, which I believe is a query directed to every human being. Let’s think together about this life-long task, assigned to us all.

Silver Birch describes our earth as:
 A world swirling with heartaches, problems difficulties, suffering, calamities and trials
 Cold, desolate and dark
(from the recorded cassette tape Silver Birch Speaks)

“You have sought to build you lives on the system of your own material world.
You have sought to become educated and cultured and have tried to build up a civilization away from the laws of the Great Spirit.
Because of that, your world has fallen. It is in ruins, just as much in ruins as is the civilization of the olden days.”
(p.24 Teachings of Silver Birch)

Silver Birch tells us also, that the providence has not yet succeeded on earth, because human beings fail to hold rock solid belief on life after death.
Therefore, the spirit world appointed Silver Birch (an evolved spirit), with the mission to save the earthly world from its horrific state of materialism and money worshipping. He was dispatched, just like Jesus of Nazareth had been dispatched two thousand years ago, as spreading spiritual truth and the providence, is the only way to bring true and fundamental salvation to earth.
Silver Birch’s mission was to teach the people of earth about the law of the universe, hence, the spiritual providence (truth). (p.19 Teachings of Silver Birch)
The spiritual providence can be applied to all aspects of life on earth; and it sets our soul, mind and body free, from the prison of darkness.

However, even us spiritualists with spiritual knowledge have insufficient faith nor confidence in the word “You are God.” I believe the actual circumstance is that we spend our days with very little awareness of the spirit world, not to mention “perfect faith” in it. For that reason, Silver Birch’s teachings merely go in one ear and out the other, no matter how many times we read it. We read and learn the providence, but as soon as we return to our busy daily lives, we forget; and forget altogether to put the learned providence into practice. Every time I encounter difficult trials of my own,
I realize so again and again.
Hence, I have picked up a quote by Silver Birch, so we may confirm once again the basic providence. A very lengthy quote, but it teaches us of the important message, essential for us to live our earthly life in the most valuable way.
Read thoroughly, and as many times as necessary, until the essence behind these words spread into our subconscious mind. Let’s all strive to practice and confirm in our lives, the absolute truth and reliability of God’s providence.

—Silver Birch has told of a ‘great secret’ that has not yet been learned in the material world—
The Great Spirit is infinite, and you are parts of the Great Spirit. If you have perfect faith and live your lives right, then you are able to participate in the bounty of the Great Spirit.
If every person in your world had perfect faith, then he would receive. If a person were hungry and yet had perfect faith, then he would receive the answer.
That is how the Law operates. If you learn to attune yourselves to the Law, the result must come. If the results do not come, that only proves that you are not in tune with the Law. Your history books tell you that there have been those from the lowest of the low, the poorest of the poor, who have tried the Law—and it has not failed them.
You must not point to those who do not try it and ask why it does not work.
Sometimes the spirit gets crushed and cannot rise above the surrounding circumstances, but if you had perfect faith you could rise above all the troubles of your world. You would turn your faces to the sun, which is but an emblem of the Great Spirit, and say: “I am a part of the Great Spirit. I am indestructible. I am eternal. I am infinite. That which is finite and part of the world of matter cannot touch me.” If you did that, you would not be touched.
Many people start with fear in their hearts. They are afraid they will not get results, and the element of fear disturbs the vibration. Perfect love casteth out fear! Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you!
That was taught to you many years ago by one who knew the Law. He showed that when he put it into operation the results were always forthcoming. If you allow the Law to function, then the results must come.

I will tell you another Law. There is nothing you can have in the world of matter without you pay the price. The price of mediumship is increased sensitiveness.
You cannot accumulate wealth without paying the price because if you do that, and forget the duties of your own spirit, then you may be rich in the goods of your world, but you will be very poor in my world.
You have the greatest riches within yourselves. You are part of the Great Spirit.
There are no riches or fortunes in your world that can be compared with that. We seek to teach you to explore your own gold mines, to reveal the diamonds of the spirit that are within the clay of your own natures.
May you all learn to respond to vibrations of the highest planes of spirit. May you all realize that you are never alone, but always encompassed around and about by a host of those who love you, who seek to guard and guide you and to help and inspire you. And may you, as you unfold your own spirits, realize that you are being drawn closer to the greatest Spirit of all, becoming more in unison with His Law.
You serve Him by serving the children of matter. When you do that, you are within reach of His infinite arms, you are surrounded by His love, which will bring you to perfect peace.
Faith that is faith alone sometimes fails when the winds of bitter experience blow.
But the faith that is born of knowledge provides a foundation which is so strong that no wind of circumstance can disturb it.
Blessed are those who believe and have not yet seen, but thrice blessed are they who know and, because they know, place their faith in that which is not yet revealed to them, because they know that the laws of the universe are operated by a power which is love and wisdom.
You should all have perfect faith, because it is a faith born of knowledge. You have had the proof of the power of the Spirit. Now you should have the faith that all things work wisely and well and that, if you put yourselves in tune with the laws of the Great Spirit, then you must reap the operation of those laws.
You can all banish from your minds the thought that anything that is unenlightened—or, as you would say, evil—can ever touch you. You live and move under the protection of the Great Spirit and His laws.
If there is no evil in your hearts, then only good can reach you, for only good can dwell where goodness reigns. None but the servants of the Great Spirit come into your presence from my world. You need have no fears. The power which envelops you, the power which supports and seeks to guide you and inspire you, is the power that emanates from the Great Spirit of all.
The power can sustain you in all your trials and difficulties. That power can change your storms into sunshine, and bring you out of the darkness of despair into the light of knowledge. Your feet are set on pathways of progress. There is no need for fear.
Perfect love casteth out fear. Knowledge dispels fear, for fear is born of ignorance. Where there is love and trust and knowledge, there fear cannot reign. An evolved spirit cannot be afraid at any time, because he knows there is no experience that can come to him in any phase of life that he cannot master, for he is the Great Spirit.
Fear creates its own prison for the soul. You must learn to rise above fear and not to allow its vibrations to hinder you, to have perfect faith and confidence and trust, to know that you can stand on your feet and say: “I am the Great Spirit and the wind of circumstance cannot shake me. I will rise triumphant over every difficulty because of the infinite power which is within my soul.” You have power over every circumstance. Would you limit the power of the infinite soul?
The Great Spirit rules over that which is material and that which is spiritual. There are no divisions in His universal kingdom. Do not attempt to divide the life of matter from the life of spirit. They are not distinct and separate. They are parts of one indivisible life, for things of matter react on the things of spirit and the things of spirit react on the things of matter.
You have yet to learn that there are no difficulties which beset those blessed with the power of the spirit that they will not surmount, as long as they in return serve the Great White Spirit wherever they go. There are no obstacles in your world we cannot remove, if it is the law that they shall be removed. If, sometimes the cross you have seems very hard to bear, remember that, although I would give up all my progress to take it away from you, it is better for you to carry it and to learn the lesson it brings. You must consider not only this life, but the whole of eternity.
If you children of matter would but remember that not only are you human, but also divine, how much easier would it be for you to live your lives.
Your troubles would melt away, your obstacles would be swept on one side. But you have little faith in the power that is within you. What you call human belongs to the world of matter. That which is divine belongs to the Great Spirit.
Many years ago you were told to be in the world, but not of the world. Because the people of your world have not the faith, then the Law cannot be put into operation. You say one has more money and less worry than another. You do not know how their worries compare. The laws of the Great Spirit cannot be cheated.
You are on earth to build your characters. It is the way you face your problems that makes your character. But there is no trouble in your world of matter which is greater than the power you have within you for overcoming it, because the troubles are of the earth, material, and you are part of the Great Spirit, divine.
There is only one peace—the peace which comes to those who are at one with the Great Spirit, whose hearts beat as one with His great heart, whose wills are at one with His great will, who are at one in soul, mind and heart with the Great Spirit.
Then there is peace, because they are in harmony with His laws. There is no other peace.
I can only teach you the laws. You were told many years ago that the kingdom of heaven is within. It is not without. It is not to be found in the rush of the world of matter. It is to be found within the soul.
(p.51-55 Teachings of Silver Birch)

All our lives we worked hard and sought money and happiness from the outside world (earthly world), although it had always been within ourselves, in our soul (“true selves”), that true peace, tranquility and happiness actually existed. We could not see them, because these things were concealed behind physical body and materials.
Our lives on earth are like the journey of “Tyltyl and Mytyl,” searching for the “blue bird,” in Maurice Maeterlinck’s The Blue Bird.

As previously mentioned, our faith in the spirit world and its operation are not rock solid, and not from the bottom of our hearts. Despite repeated reading, Silver Birch’s clear-and-concise teachings never seem to stay long in our hearts. Why?
I believe the reason to be the overwhelming realness of this earthly world, of which we perceive through the five physical senses. We are so powerfully dominated by, and accustomed to physical conception, that when anything beyond physical perception comes along, we automatically (and unconsciously) classify it as something otherworldly and dreamy, not applicable to this material world.
Now then, how do we work ourselves towards “perfect faith”?
Let’s review the procedure, indicated in Silver Birch's teachings.

—Spiritual progress, step-by-step—
1. One has the knowledge of the spiritual providence through reading, but the knowledge is yet to exert significant influence on one’s belief, consciousness and awareness.
2. What must one do, in order to acquire awareness and faith in the providence?
3. The only way is to learn through real-life experience.
4. For that one is required to pay the price, in the form of sufferings, trials and difficulties.
5. Faced with trials and difficulties, one seeks refuge in the providence, and learns to apply the providence.
6. One practices the learned providence (with faith in it); and as a result, overcomes the problem.
7. Repeat the process many times, and gradually one’s belief in the providence grows toward solid faith.

In reality, God’s providence has no division between the two worlds: spirit world and physical world. Both worlds belong to one great cosmos, and each of us has our own “true self,” hence the spirit, with latent divinity. Therefore, there is no point in searching for “true peace and tranquility” (heaven) in the outside world, of this physical, materialistic sphere. Heaven is found when we become one with the God within ourselves, says Silver Birch.
Becoming one with God within our “true selves” (soul), means matching ourselves to God’s providence, thus living our lives in harmony with the providence, in which God manifests. This is the answer to the question at the top of this post.

“Let them open their souls to the Great Spirit. Let them strive to attune themselves to the laws of the Great Spirit, so that they are at one with Him and He is at one with them. Then their hearts and souls will be at peace, they will be in harmony with the great rhythm of the universe, and discord will disappear from their lives. They will begin to live as they have never lived before.”
(p.26 Teachings of Silver Birch)

Silver Birch Speaks—recorded cassette tape published by Psychic Press Ltd., 23 Great Queen Street, London WC2, produced by Educational Tapes Ltd., P.O. Box 4, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, England. Copyright held by the HANNEN SWAFFER HOME CIRCLE.
Teachings of Silver Birch—edited by Austen, A. W. Edition 2010. The Spiritual Truth Press, Surrey, England. First published in 1938.

Attempts Toward Spiritual Advancement

2021-01-25 11:47:11 | Life`s Purpose

--Becoming responsive to the vibrations of evolved spirits—

“We seek to make you world of matter realize the great power of spirit, waiting to co-operate with all those who strive to serve the children of the Great Spirit, so that, armed with knowledge, they can fight all superstition and all that belongs to the mists of darkness, and allow the light of spiritual truth to radiate its glorious beams. That is our task. And we bring with us that power of the spirit which can inspire and guide, which can uphold and sustain, which can bring food to hungry minds, healing to bodies racked with pain, which can bring inspiration and revelation, truth and wisdom for all.
We can fill them with this power just as they provide us with the capacity to understand and receive it.”
(p.47 Teachings of Silver Birch)

The earth and its society, of egoistic individuals and nations, are currently under disorder; and the coronavirus calamity aggrandizes the chaos across the globe. “Your current materialistic society has fallen into ruins,” said Silver Birch in his teachings.
If he warned us so some fifty years ago, what would he say about our society today?
On individual level, personal problems to fuel our stress, anxiety and worries, never seem to wane. Personal relationships, issues within families, financial concerns, troubles at work, health problems, and growing number of natural disasters due to climate change.
We may have grown wealthier materially at least, but our sociological environment has turned into a kingdom of materialism and money worshipping, where societies are founded on desire for materialistic wealth, success, and more material gain.
Us spiritualists are no exceptions. If we allow ourselves to be off guard, we quickly drown into the darkness of mammonism, endless anxiety, worries, distrust and depression.
What we have now, are the results brought by the law of cause and effect, we are aware. But still, why so many problems after problems without end, and how should these problems be handled?

“You will not achieve that which is worth achieving without travail, without sorrow. Your world must learn its lessons in the only way it can learn them.”
(p.30 Teachings of Silver Birch)

Do not jump to quick conclusion that you have understood Silver Birch’s teachings, after reading his books merely several times.
I must say so, because the only way for us to attain true understanding of his teachings, and obtain real appreciation for the true spiritual values behind his words, is through experience; the rigorous trials of day-to-day life. Real-life experience is “the only way we can learn our lessons;” and the lessons of spiritual knowledge are like climbing up a stairway. One small step at a time, we raise ourselves toward greater knowledge and understanding. The contents of lessons are designed, according to one’s current capacity to receive and understand. There is infinite depth of spiritual knowledge in the treasure house of the spirit world; and the spirit world makes available to each individual, the lessons and knowledge that match their capacity to receive. There is no limit, and there is no end, to this great spiritual stairway, which is why spiritual learning and growth is such an enduring process. There are simply no quick flights forward in spiritual growth; growth only comes after long accumulation of continuous efforts in one’s day-to-day life. Once again, the purpose of life on earth is to learn the providence through the ups and downs of emotions that result from being encased in a physical body. One lifetime on earth is usually not enough to collect enough experience to fulfil the purpose, therefore, repeated incarnations are called for, I presume.
At the same time, keep in mind that Silver Birch is only a messenger for the spiritual truth. Under any circumstance, do not consider him as the founder of Silver Birch religion. He is not. Our attention should be directed, not to the messenger himself, but to the contents of his messages, hence the providence of the great cosmos and the spiritual truth.
Attainment of spiritual truth requires lifelong pursuit, careful examination and ample practice in real-life situations. However, many of us are sidetracked half way, and wander off in search for something and someone “better”. Although I understand their feelings, what a waste of their time and life. I must say so, from my own experience.

Now then, how shall we raise our attunement and receptivity to the spiritual truth, of even higher level? In the quote below, Silver Birch teaches us the required conditions.

“Our message always is that you are living now in the world of spirit, that the world of matter is but one reflection of an eternal life.
If only those who know would be faithful to the knowledge, how much more could we accomplish? If only those who have listened to the voice of the spirit and those who have witnessed the operation of spiritual laws in the phenomena that links together the two worlds of life would forget Self and rise to the highest heights that they could scale, we could achieve a great deal.
Knowledge and service are greater than individuals. What we have achieved is but little compared with what can be achieved. No limits can be set to the Great Infinite Spirit, to the wisdom, to the inspiration, to the truth that can be showered upon your world. There are no restrictions to the mighty power of spirit waiting to fill your world, when your instruments can provide the right channels for us to use.”
(p.26-27 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“The right channels” here, means “attuning to the correct wavelengths (vibrations).” Silver Birch’s message above indicates the prerequisites for becoming receptive to the vibrations of evolved spirits.
The followings are the condition we must aim for:

A. Being faithful to the knowledge
B. Forget Self
C. Rise our soul to the highest heights

A. Being faithful to the knowledge
“But I am always ready to serve and to teach the Law, for it is only through an understanding of the laws of the Great Spirit that the people of the world of matter can live as the Great Spirit intended they should live.”
(p.26 Teachings of Silver Birch)

We exist on earth with a physical body. At the same time, we are living, as we speak, in the spirit world, using our other body, the spirit body.
In order to maintain faithfulness (to the knowledge and the providence), and to become actively receptive to the guidance of our spirit guides, we need to live in this world of materialism and selfishness, without allowing ourselves to become materialistic and selfish. Thus, we require understanding of the providence, and have our lives in accordance with the providence, which means we must strive to remove the obstacle (wall) between the two worlds: physical and spiritual worlds.

The obstacle (wall) for us to shed are:

I) Banish Fear
“The great thing is to have no fear. Fear is an obstacle which is very difficult for us (spirit guides) to conquer. Fear is negative, fear is corrosive. Fear and worry and apprehension, these disturb the physical, mental and spiritual atmosphere around you, making it far more difficult for us (spirit guides) to get close to you.
Those who know, however little, because none of us can know much about these infinite truths, should always maintain, or try to do so, a calm, quiescent, receptive, tranquil approach to every problem. The soul who knows should be filled with resolution and with confidence that there is nothing in your world stronger than the power of the spirit which makes all life possible. If there is any message I can give and repeat, it is banish fear and you will have peace within. And as you have peace within you will have peace without.”
(p.196 More Philosophy of Silver Birch)

II) On banishing fear, place utmost trust in your spirit guides

“But I am confident that power which is available to us all can be utilized in emergencies when necessary.
Always remember what I have stressed so many times. We can only accomplish in our own way and in our own time. We cannot accomplish in your way and in your time. Ours is the larger vision, yours is restricted. Let us guide you and all will be well.
You may have temporary defeats, but you win the final battle.”
(p.51 Lift Up Your Hearts)

In reality, we are never alone. People and things of the spirit world are invisible, inaudible and untouchable to us, simply because the vibrations of the two worlds are different, and are undetectable with our five physical senses. Every individual, with no exceptions, has his and her own spirit guard and guides. The guides can use the spirit power in many different ways to help us, and exert influences on us, provided there are no obstacles (walls) to interfere the flow of the spirit power.
However so, how much time do we spare each day, thinking about our spirit guides? The reality is that most of us are not even aware of them at all; and certainly not prepared to immediately start the full trust on the spirit guides.
In order to prep ourselves toward utmost trust on our spirit guides, continue learning the providence, and little by little, build our awareness on the spirit world. until we are naturally thinking of the spirit world on daily basis, with active awareness of its presence and nearness. At the same time, collect enough experience, through which we confirm the presence and support of our spirit guides, so that our trust toward them would grow and solidify.

B. Forget Self
“Forgetting Self” means “being free from physical desires.” Those who forget self are not fixated on materialistic perspective, and are unaffected by the physical mind and consciousness of their temporary self, that struggles through physical life.

“The troubles in your world arise because so many people want to try and own as much of what they think is best-nobody wants the worst. As a result, greed, avarice, selfishness are enthroned and materialism becomes the new god to be worshipped.
The by-products of materialism are alas all to painfully rife in your world. Misery, squalor, starvation, malnutrition, cruelty, needless suffering, all these are the dreadful fruits of materialism.”
(p.202 More Philosophy of Silver Birch)

“You have sought to build your lives on the systems of your own material world.
You have sought to become educated and cultured and have tried to build up a civilization away from the laws of the Great Spirit.
Because of that, your world has fallen. It is in ruins, just as much in ruins as is the civilization of the olden days.”
(p.24 Teachings of Silver Birch)

C. Rise to the highest heights
To raise our soul to the highest possible heights, live life of altruistic love and service. Among the many possible ways to altruistically serve others, us spiritualists on earth with spiritual knowledge have the privilege to “spread spiritual truth.” We have the privilege, and the spirit world strongly requests us to use this special privilege.

“I strive to transmit all I know (spiritual knowledge) so that you may drink in as much as I have to give you. I do this not because I am greater than you, not because I am proud of what I possess, but because only by giving can I serve.
All (spiritual) knowledge has its place. Do not strive to stop at any rung in the ladder of progress.
It is only by imbibing, by striving to get the complete picture, that life will be understood by you.”
(p.26 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“It is your responsibility to pass on the knowledge you have. I know that to be the Law.”
(p.25 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“Let them Open their souls to the Great Spirit. Let them strive to attune themselves to the laws of the Great Spirit, so that they are at one with Him and He is at one with them.”
(p.26 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“Try to rise above it, to be in the world but not of the world, to be aware of your spiritual nature, your divine potential, so that at least you become a little lighthouse of the spirit with rays that will help those seeking to find you.”
(p.198 More Philosophy of Silver Birch)

Attain true understanding of the spiritual providence. Radiate confidence, because we know we have the support of our spirit guides, along with the mightiest power of the spirit that governs the entire cosmos. Become the “lighthouse” that serves to spread spiritual truth. The lighthouse, through which the flame of the Great Spirit manifests. In return, our soul will rise to higher heights, and we proceed further on the stairway of spiritual growth.

Lift Up Your Hearts—compiled by Ortzen, Tony. Edition 2009, The Spiritual Truth Press, Surrey, England. First published in 1990.
More Philosophy of Silver Birch—compiled by Ortzen, Tony. Edition 2008, The Spiritual Truth Press, Surrey, England. First published in 1979.
Teachings of Silver Birch—edited by Austen, A.W. Edition 2010, The Spiritual Truth Press, Surrey, England. First published in 1938.