The spirit is the key which unlocks all the mysteries.
(p.220 Teachings of Silver Birch)
Quotes are from Teachings of Silver Birch, p.216-235 “Debate with a minister.”
“You are all given free will (self-responsibility), except that you must live all your lives within the Law of the Great White Spirit. The laws which are laid down by His love, for the use of all His children are there (to allow for their spiritual growth), and you cannot change them.” (p.226)
1. Humans are flawed
If we were flawless, we would not have been born to this world.
— Is it possible for people on earth to live perfect lives, to be sanctified and made holy? Is it possible for us to love everybody? —
“No, it is not possible, but you can try. All the efforts you make are very important in the building of your character. If you never were angry, never bitter, and never lost your temper, you would cease to be human. The Law is that you are put here to develop your spirit, so that it can grow and grow. It never stops growing in your world or in mine.” (p.224-225)
“He meant you must try to be perfect. That is the ideal you should try to express in your life—to express the Great White Spirit that is in you.” (p.225)
2. The fundamental principle of the Spiritual Law is the law of “Cause and Effect” (causality)
Causality is the Law of God’s love, on the principle that growth of the mind begins from reflecting oneself on the “effects” of one’s actions.
—What do you think of the other world—
“It is very much like your world, except that our world is a world of effects, and yours is a world of causes.” (p.217)
“That which a man sows, that shall he reap! You cannot change that. You bring into our world (spirit world) what you are—not what you think you are, and not what you try to show other people you are.” (p.218)
“One day, everything that happens in your life will be adjusted. One day you will hold in your own hands a pair of scales and adjust the balance yourselves. You cannot escape the natural law that you reap what you sow in this world. You think some get off lightly. But they do not. You cannot see inside their souls.” (p.223)
“I can only tell you this: Whatever wrong is done in your world, the one who does that wrong must put it right. If he does not put it right in your world, then he must put it right from our world.” (p.226)
“He sows, and what he sows, he reaps. You cannot escape the Law. You cannot cheat the Law.” (p.229)
“The Great Spirit has implanted in you some of His own reason. I plead with you to use that reason. If you do anyone a big wrong, and you confess it, that confession helps your spirit, but it does not alter the fact that you have done some wrong. Until you have put it right in the eyes of the Great White Spirit, the sin will remain. That is the Law, my son. You cannot alter laws, not even by quoting words from books, which you say the Nazarene said.” (p.230)
3. Truth about sufferings on earth
To awaken the “true self” (soul), we must experience trials, difficulties, sufferings.
—Why do we get so much pain in this world?”—
“It is only through pain that you learn the truth of the Great White Spirit. Out of the crucible of bitter experience you understand the truth of the laws which govern your world.” (p.222)
—Many people seem to have no pain—
“You are a man of God, and you must learn to understand that it is the things of the spirit that count, and not the things of the body. The pain of the spirit is greater than the pain of the body.” (p.222)
“The Great White Spirit is in everything, in that which is wrong and in that which is right. He is in the sun and in the storm; in everything that is beautiful and everything that is ugly. He is in the sky and the ocean, the thunder and the lightening; not only in beauty and goodness, but in sin and ugliness.” (p.227)
“Unless your world is suffering, you are not able to call attention to all the things that you must put right. All the pain and the suffering and the evil are there because you, who are parts of the Great White Spirit, must learn how to overcome them.
Unless you do these things, you are not doing the works of the Father, who sent you here.” (p.223)
4. The Greatest Sin on Earth
War, slaughter, cruelty. They rebel head-on against God’s Laws.
—What is the greatest sin people commit on earth?—
“There are many, many sins, but the greatest sin of all is the sin against the Great Sprit.”
“It is those who know, and deny the Great Spirit, that is the biggest sin of all.” (p.218)
“It cannot be right, even for your material world, to justify war. Even in things of matter, it leads only to destruction. It cannot be right for our world, because you interfere with the operation of the law. How dare the children of earth interfere with the divine law that the spirit should drop from the body when it is ripe!” (p.159-160)
“All the cruelty that the white people practice, even today, on those who are economically worse than themselves, is one of the greatest sins against the Great White Spirit.” (p.219)
5. Practicing the Spiritual Law
Practice altruistic love toward others, and for ourselves practice faith in the spiritual Law.
“The words do not matter. It is what you do, my son, that counts.” (p.218)
“Not those who say ‘Lord, Lord,’ but those who do the works of my Father. That is all that matters—not what you say or believe, nor even what you think, but what you do. If you have no faith at all, and you help to uplift the fallen, to give bread to the hungry, and light to those who grope in darkness, then you are doing the work of the spirit.” (p.219-220)
“Your world will not be saved by sayings. It will not be saved by long, long words.
It will only be saved when the children of the Great White Spirit are ready to gird on the armour of the Great White Spirit and fight the forces of darkness and oppression, all that which holds man in bondage.” (p.222)
“It is what you do that counts. As long as you countenance all the wars, the iniquity, the starvation, poverty, and unemployment, you are all failing in your Christianity, and you are not following the example of the Nazarene.” (p.233-234)
“Give them not only words of wisdom, but bread and the necessities of life. You must feed their souls and their bodies. You can help not only the spirit, but the body through which the spirit must function.” (p.234)
6. Be filled with the Spirit Power
To open the soul’s door, entrust and surrender ourselves to God and the spirit guides.
“But if you will put yourselves in the hands of the Great White Spirit and open your soul to receive that inspiration which comes from the Great White Spirit’s reservoir, you can be filled with that power which inspired the prophets of old. Through your work, there can come in your corner of the world a light whose illumination will shed brightness into the hearts of many who are downcast and weary.” (p.223-224)
7. Arrival of the New Age
Earthly world is to shift from the world of constant war, ruled by physical body (materialism), into the new world of spirituality, where spirit rules over the physical body and materials.
“You must understand that you live in a world which is falling to pieces, and that you are witnessing the beginning of a new order—a time when the Kingdom of Heaven shall come on earth. It will be accompanied by much pain and suffering and tears, but in the end the Great White Spirit will return to your midst. Each one of you can help to bring the new world into being, for you all are parts of the Great White Spirit, and can help to do His work.” (p.224)
“and may you all respond to all that He would have you do, so that each one of you may feel you are a part of the Great White Spirit. Take that part with you wherever you go, and show it to all the children of the Great White Spirit.” (p.217)
Teachings of Silver Birch—edited by A. W. Austen, edition 2010. The Spiritual Truth Press, 15 Broom Hall Oxshott, Surrey KT22 OJZ. First published in 1938.