The Spiritual Truth by Silver Birch


Discussing faith, and what it means to spiritualists

2020-01-16 12:48:01 | Miscellaneous

[ Awareness of the spirit world is absent, as our minds are locked on the physical aspects]
It could be just a minor one, or it could be something more serious, but things happen to us every day. When something particularly unpleasant should occur, our mind will quickly be occupied with worries, anxiety, troubles, suspicion, apprehension and anger. These emotions find every opportunity to surface on our conscious mind, and make us feel down and depressed. Many of us habitually live with such unhealthy, distractive thoughts and delusions.

No matter how much reading you have done on spiritual knowledge over the years, and feel sufficient with the amount of your understanding, you cannot see the spirit world with your physical eyes, nor hear the voices of the spirit with your physical ears, and no miraculous physical phenomena occur around you. It almost seems as if the spirit world does not exist at all, or it appears to remain purposely disguised from our awareness. The situation is exactly the same for that of our “true self” (spirit) being buried beneath the physical body.
For this reason, even spiritualists are unconscious and unaware of the spirit world, while they go about their daily lives. Needless to say, same applies to acknowledging guarding spirits.
We occupy this world of scientific omnipotence, materialism and mammonism,
so unless you are a medium, we naturally experience great difficulties in efforts to maintain constant awareness of the world beyond the five physical senses. This is why we are easily fixated on the physical perspectives only. In our mind, distractive delusions, worries and apprehensions, never cease to exist, while the spiritual knowledge readily slips away from our consciousness, despite repeated readings. Things of the spirit appear so unrealistic and dreamy, compared to what we can conceive with the five senses. The delicate wavelengths of spiritual knowledge are blocked and repelled by the thick bedrock conception of materialism. We can say that extreme hardships and setbacks are the only means of weakening the vibrations of this bedrock conception.

Here we can relate to the mental state of Thomas, one of the twelve pupils of Jesus in an episode from the New Testament. Thomas would not believe the resurrection of Jesus, he tells the fellow pupils, until he himself confirms the spear wound on the Master, with his finger. Then Jesus appears and said to Thomas, as he showed him the wound: “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.” (JOHN 20, 29) This episode by Thomas basically mirrors our mental attitudes towards spiritual knowledge.

Physical phenomena rarely occur today in the 21st century, because the existence of the spirit world has already been proven by the leading scientists of early 20th century, according to Spiritualism Nyuumon (Introductory Book of Spiritualism) by Missionary Circle of Spiritualism in Japan. We human race in the present world must now take the next step forward toward spiritual growth, by means of learning the spiritual providence and solidifying what we have learned through applied practices in our daily lives. (p.158 Light from Silver Birch)

[Life of inevitable sufferings and setbacks]
There is simply no way of avoiding setbacks, sufferings and ordeals, as spiritual growth being the purpose of life on earth. Remember that we purposely came to experience life on earth, in order to attain spiritual growth through these challenging adversities.
Through extreme sufferings and adversities one comes to realize the “true self,” then with this important realization, strives towards spiritual growth. Tough as it may seem, this is “the way of human evolution” which we must all go through. So we should be thankful of the sufferings, and they should even be welcomed, says Silver Birch.
This demonstrates the fundamental difference between spiritual truths and other religions that focus on worldly gains and benefits like health, well-being and safety of individuals.

“Through all your adversities the character is tried. Through tears and sorrow the soul is strengthened.”
(p.103 Teachings of Silver Birch)

[Do not worry!]
Silver Birch tells us again and again, we must have our mind free of worries. Not even a particle of worry should occupy our mind. All that are asked of us when faced with suffering, is to do the best we can. Anything above and beyond our best efforts should be left to the hands of our spirit guides. And maintain faith on the spiritual truth throughout. There will be guidances from the spirit world, and the problem will resolve without fail, Silver Birch says. Patiently wait for the guidance, and wholly accept it, including its results and timing.

[The two minds for building faith on the providence]
Now we move on to discuss what exactly this “faith” is about.
Needless to say, “faith” is to believe, and it can be replaced with terms like “trust,” “confidence” and “willpower.”
How can we acquire this faith in God, and strengthen it?
I will continue the discussion using the term “faith in the providence” (which is the manifestation of God’s will), in lieu of “faith in God.”

First we need to equip our mind with the solid awareness that one’s “true self” is the soul, and that we are eternal, spiritual being.

“You should all be optimistic, filled with hope based on faith; not blind, credulous, unreasoning faith, but faith founded on the knowledge you have received and which has given you the incontrovertible evidence that life has a spiritual permanent reality.”
(p.156 Light from Silver Birch)

In order to build faith in the providence, we must first gain the foundation knowledge that one’s “true self” is the soul. Then acknowledge also that suffering and faith are opposite sides of a coin. With these two realization, acquiring spiritual knowledge and attaining spiritual growth becomes possible.

Second, we need to regain in our mind the simplicity and honesty of a “young child.”

Silver Birch stresses the importance of conscience endowed by God, and says we should use it to thoroughly examine the spiritual providence. At the same time,
he tells us to have faith based on the providence, should we encounter something unknown beyond the capability of our current conscience and intelligence. Do so with the honest and simple mind of a “young child,” advises Silver Birch.

“Until you learn to put away the foolish wisdom of the wise, and get back to the simplicity of the child, you will not advance much either in your world or in mine.” (p.23 Teachings of Silver Birch)

This reminds me of the following words by Jesus, when he was asked, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”: “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (MATTHEW 18, 4)

[Spiritual providence can be received only by those who are ready]
Next let us think about “faith” in the spirit world and spiritual providence.
Because this physical world appears so perfectly real to us, we all tend to believe that this (physical) world is all and the only world that exists. Apparently very convincing is the common conception that upon death of the physical body we lose the five senses, return to soil, and disappear into nothing. Therefore, for a moment let’s leave behind the abstract, vague terms like “physical world” and “spirit world,” and consider it this way: Which do you believe? Do you believe yourself, or do you believe the spiritual providence (truth) spoken by Silver Birch, as a mouthpiece of the divine evolved spirits? To put it in an even simpler phrase, do you believe that Silver Birch is telling the truth?
After thoroughly studying the spiritual truth from Silver Birch’s books, and you decide that Silver Birch is nothing more than the subconscious mind of the medium (Maurice Barbanell), and you prefer to believe only in yourself, that is your decision and your way.
Through introspective self-observation, we realize how weak and immature we are, how easily we error, and how wobbly our minds are. In short we know very well that it is simply impossible to maintain steadfast faith upon ourselves. Still so, there are times when Silver Birch’s teachings seem to completely contradict our own thoughts and beliefs. If you could, even in such situations, remain convinced that “the law of the universe” taught by Silver Birch is true, then you base yourself on this eternal, steadfast providence and law.

However, we all know that it is always easier said than done. It will not be easy at all to let go of our accustomed perspectives, being also the norm and common sense of the society. Although by reasoning you feel convinced, and your head understands, your senses and emotions have trouble fully accepting and adopting the way of the spiritual knowledge. Senses and emotions originate from our five senses, and are firmly chained to the physical phenomena of the physical world, and so they are unable to accommodate the intangible nature of the spiritual knowledge, of the spirit world.
In other words, our mind understands but our body cannot follow and keep up.

From time to time there are comments on the internet claiming Silver Birch cannot be trusted, telling us not to let him fool us. Silver Birch never talks about himself, unless it is directly related to the contents of the teachings. He strictly maintains himself as a mouthpiece only that delivers the wisdom from the evolved spirits high above.
Never had he spoken about himself or his own experience in a way that serves his personal, self-interests. When necessary, Silver Birch’s own stories are carefully selected to ensure that they are used solely for the purpose of deepening our understanding of the providence, thus the law of the universe.
The large majority of so-called “mediums” are used by immature spirits and earthbound spirits who imprudently use names of popular historic figures, in order to attract attention. Completely contradicting these common cases is Silver Birch, who declined to reveal his true identity of his life on earth 3000 years ago, all through the sixty years during which he spoke through his medium. “What I preach is more important than who I am” was his reply whenever someone inquired about his identity. He always told them to judge him by his words and actions. The pitiful immature spirits, on the other hand, show no hesitation in pretending themselves to be someone famous and influential; and they often speak about their false identity, even before being asked. They rely on influential names to gain attention and authority, because themselves have nothing meaningful to offer.
“The law of cause and effect (causality),” “God is the law,” “love fulfills the providence.”
These are some examples of the spiritual providence taught by Silver Birch. It all comes down to this simple question: Do you acknowledge these old and fundamental “law of the universe (natural law)” to be genuine, or do you instead find them unacceptable because you feel they are insufficient and wrong?
However simple they may be, it is useless to force the providence onto others, as Silver Birch always says, “one must be ready to receive.”

“You must appreciate that spiritual truths can be discerned only by those who are ready to receive them. Wisdom is not accepted until the recipient has reached the stage where he can receive it.”
(p.162 Silver Birch Speaks)

“The great value of what we have to offer is a sublime truth from the storehouse of divine wisdom and inspiration. We never ask you to take us on trust. We do not say that you must do what we suggest. Nor do we insist that there are no other ways by which you can obtain a greater attunement with the Great Spirit.
What we do affirm, and with all the strength at our command, is that the truths of the spirit can be tested by your reason, intelligence, and experience.”
(p.200 Light from Silver Birch)

[Deepening your faith in the providence]
Are you able to accept the spiritual providence taught by Silver Birch as truth?
Within what you can comprehend with your reasoning and intelligence, can you accept them all? Then here is where “faith” comes in. Apply faith towards the contents beyond your current comprehension, trusting that they must be true because Silver Birch says so. Having “faith” in the providence is to believe even without confirmation, that the “spiritual knowledge” can be trusted, and actively applying them in your daily lives.
Remember that we all have a very limited capacity of understanding. We only live a short period of life on earth of around 100 years at the most, which is mostly spent immersed in worldly affairs and pleasures, mostly clueless even on what is really best for ourselves. Therefore, in order for our mind to remain tough and steadfast throughout this life of uncertainty and confusion, we require steadfast will (faith) based on the omnipresent law (providence).

“It is not possible whilst you are encased in mortal bodies to receive all knowledge. You will not get it even when you come here.
So you must have faith founded on what has been revealed to you. Now a reasoned faith, founded on knowledge, is admirable.”
(p.212-213 Lift up your hearts)

Our thoughts go in endless circles of indecisive thoughts, constantly swaying with worry, anxiety, apprehension, desire for self-exhibition, jealousy and so on.
Although at times the providence seem to contradict our own views, it is delivered from the eternal perspectives of the spirit world, says Silver Birch. There will be a critical turning point at which one must decide on a guideline for our judgements; and those with the spiritual knowledge carry the responsibility to choose over our own frail minds, the spiritual providence as the foundation of our judgements.
Here is a specific method for building ourselves on the spiritual providence. Believe in Silver Birch’s words (building faith), and live each day according to the providence, hence doing the very best we can, every day. Believe in the spiritual promises and entrust yourself to the hands of your spirit guard and guides. This means completely letting go of all your obstinate thoughts of troubles like worry, anxiety, anger, jealousy, and doubt. They really need to exit your mind. When you have done so, spiritual guidances and inspirations will have better chance of reaching you, and once you can receive them, they will guide you. You will no longer be lost in your way.
The key here is a pure and simple mind of a child. Faith in the providence must be built on such simple mind. It is not an easy thing to do, freeing ourselves of concerns on physical matters and problems, and entrusting ourselves to the spirit world. In fact, as the scale of problem and suffering increase, so does the scale of difficulty in trying to leave behind the worries. It will demand us great courage, but at the same time, you will achieve more as a result: a greatly fortified faith, and a great step forward toward spiritual growth.

— When you face difficulties —
Base your judgements on the spiritual providence. Live in accordance with the providence, and do the best you can every day.
Then entrust yourself completely to your spirit guard and guides, and patiently wait for the door of guidance to open.
During this process of waiting, qualities like patience, tolerance, forgiveness and faith will also be trained and developed.

* By believing in the spiritual promises told by Silver Birch, and entrusting yourself to your spirit guard, you are living in harmony with the spiritual providence. It is in itself, the real life application of the providence.

[ Believe the promise and wait for the “door of guidance” to open ]
Leave behind your own worldly perspectives and actions based on such, and face the spiritual providence with a simple mind of a little child. Maintain your complete trust and belief in your guard and guides of the spirit world, in the midst of your problems. At this point you have fulfilled your part of the spiritual promise, and from there, the responsibility will be handed over to the spirit world. Your guardian and directors in the spirit world will carry out the due responsibility of the promise.
Remember however, you must fully entrust your guides with regards to both the timing and the results of the spiritual guidance. Fully accept what you get, no matter when and what, because they are the best way for you.
Here is a long but important quote from Silver Birch. In it he talks about the importance of this entrustment and acceptance, on building your faith through real life practice.

“Even people in your world who have knowledge of spiritual realities sometimes fail to realise that we can do things only in our way and in our time. We cannot do them in your way and in your time. To influence your world we have to exert very subtle and delicate influences, vibrations that require the most complex manipulation.
Often your impatience, because people in your world are always in a hurry, can delay the results because you do not provide the conditions which make it easier for them to occur. What we ask of you is the ability to be receptive, confident, tranquil, serene, to know beyond doubt that what is best for you in all aspects will be achieved, but only when the time is ripe. Hold on to that.
Do not be impatient. The trouble with your world is that people are in such a hurry.
Have you any idea how long it took us to get you to wake? Things of the spirit cannot be accelerated. They have to follow laws which infinite wisdom devised. I repeat myself, but truth is worth repeating. We can do things only in our way and in our time. We cannot do them in your way and in your time.
You are not the best judges of what is good for you spiritually. Sometimes if your prayers were answered you would be spiritually worse as a result. We will help you, guide you, never fail you or forsake you. We will not desert you.”
(p.109-110 Light from Silver Birch)

“Rest your confidence in us. We will show you the way. We will open the doors. If you knock on a door that is closed and will not open, forget it. The moment you knock on a door and it opens, then you go right through because that is the right entrance for you.”
(p.152 Light from Silver Birch)

As you practice this active faith, make continuous efforts to maintain your awareness and acknowledgement of your spirit guard and guides, and the guidances and encouragements that you receive from them. Remind yourself always that you are never working alone. You and your guard and guides from the spirit world are working together as a team, for the purpose of spiritual growth. (p.141 Light from Silver Birch)
We are not single athletes facing life on earth alone, engaged in resolving only our own karma. Our lives contribute to the growth of the group soul to which we belong, and we are actually playing as a team, aimed at spiritual growth of the entire team. All of your group soul mates are your team members, and there are also guides and directors appointed to be involved in specific tasks and missions. You have a personal coach, namely your spirit guard, as a representative of your group soul. Your life on earth is actively involved, continuously supported and cared for by an intimate team of spirits from the spirit world. Very important that you realize and acknowledge this fact.
You may start off timidly, but make sure you take your time to build up your experience.
Take time and take every chance to practice in action, then go back to the basic spiritual principle (Silver Birch’s teachings) for confirmation. Repeat the process as many times as you need. In time you will begin to notice the care and considerations of your spirit guard, your “faith” in the spiritual providence will gradually deepen and strengthen, and the bond between you and your spirit guard will grow more intimate and secure. You need to experience this process for yourself.

“Base your confidence on the knowledge which should be the foundation of all your philosophy. When you are confronted with situations where your present knowledge cannot help you, then add some, faith to it, founded on what you know.
Trust us and we will help you whenever the time is ripe. When the conditions are necessary and right we can produce physical results in your world. We have done it many times, and we will continue. Tell your people we will not fail them. Let them make sure they will not fail us.”
(p.145 Light from Silver Birch)

Lift Up Your Hearts compiled by Tony Ortzen, The Spiritual Truth Press, Surrey, Great Britain. Edition 2009, first published in 1990.
Light from Silver Birch compiled by Pam Riva, The Spiritual Truth Press, Surrey, Great Britain. Edition 2009, first published in 1983.
Silver Birch Speaks edited by Sylvia Barbanell, Spiritualist Press, London, Great Britain. Impression 1980, first impression 1949.
Teachings of Silver Birch edited by A. W. Austen, The Spiritual Truth Press, Surrey, Great Britain. Edition 2010, first published in 1938.