Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings

The man thought to become a bird.
My workes are here.

The florist's

2005-03-31 15:33:22 | Landscape
Today, it will finish the end of March.
The florist's in spring has many flowers and they are beautiful now.
I found my drawing of florist's in spring.
This was drown before, and it's one of scene in France.
The figure of the big tree of a background by the shop had a spring atmosphere too.


2005-03-29 21:54:48 | Landscape
Many daffodils were in bloom at the end of the wood today.
It is not out of bloom yet in my yard.
If this flower is seen, I will be reminded of recommendation and Wordsworth of the Lake District.
And the first section of "I wonder lonly as a cloud" comes into my mind again.

Early spring

2005-03-27 09:09:32 | Landscape
Early spring

When wooden bud and the bud of flower change to grass green, I remember the sweet scent of the Maple tree of early spring Vancouver.
The diary in April, 2002 is copied into below. And the sketch at that time is also carried here.

My Dialy: Early Spring/April 2002

I came back to Vancouver from Banff in afternoon today. I saw signs of spring everywhere until leaving for Vancouver. But I felt that spring is in the air on the Maplewood Flats. I felt a smell of maple flower, and saw light green of trees, bush, thicket and grass. The birds are becoming very busy. And spring in Vancouver break began the smell of the flower of maple wood.

April 14th, 2003
The Inlet of Maplewood Flats Wildlife Sanctuary
I saw signs of spring everywhere on the morning.
This picture is one of my favorite sketches.

A process

2005-03-22 21:14:58 | Weblog
This copper plate drawing "etching" is a test print in the middle of working.
It was corroded for 50 minutes.
I add a dry point for few part of details now and I'm thinking that the clock tower of a church will be arranged for a background.
And I'll try the method of aquatint
At last, I will try to printing this weekend.