Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings

The man thought to become a bird.
My workes are here.

My works by etching No.5

2005-10-30 11:10:26 | Weblog
Good morning.
It is a woodcut not etching today.

I drain it off and divide it into eight parts and paint with each color and be close together again.
Like a jig elephant puzzle.
It is possible by one press and stops.
I think that blue gradation of a background and a dear figure of an Adelie penguin are good.

My works by etching No.2

2005-10-27 09:03:30 | Weblog
A title of this work is Late summer.
A small halftone plate design of a background is a bag for the wash. I made it at a soft ground.
The other Drawing was drawn by etching.
I picture ERUTATEHA, Wild vine, Cicada and KANOKOGA in a design of a fence.
I paint with two colors of ink and distribute it, and it is printed.

Record 4

2005-10-22 09:10:39 | Weblog
English name Japanese name
91 Spotted Towhee ワキアカトウヒチョウ
92 Fox Sparrow ゴマフスズメ
93 Song Sparrow ウタスズメ
94 Golden-crowned Sparrow キガシラシトド
95 White-crowned Sparrow ミヤマシトド
96 Dark-eyed Junco ユキヒメドリ
97     Slate-colored Type
Snow Bunting ユキホオジロ
98 Red-winged Blackbird ハゴロモガラス
99 Brewer's Blackbird テリムクドリモドキ
100 Purple Finch ムラサキマシコ
101 House Finch メキシコマシコ
102 American Goldfinch オウゴンヒワ
103 House Sparrow イエスズメ

The end