Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings

The man thought to become a bird.
My workes are here.

with Japanese paper

2007-11-12 19:35:58 | Weblog
I printed this to Japanese paper " Ganpi-shi ".

The first edition is a plate of the plastic.
①. I draw a picture on this plate with a needle.
②. Be wipe off surface ink after rubbing ink against this first edition (ink is left on the part of the wound.)
③. The board② is sink in water and be floated a Japanese paper (Ganpi-shi) of the size of the first edition.
④. The first edition is taken out calmly underwater and catches a Japanese paper.
⑤. Be wiped off water of the surface with a towel.
⑥. I paint the surface of ⑤ with starch paste by a brush.
⑦. ⑥ is on the stand of the roller and cover with print paper and press by roller.