Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings

The man thought to become a bird.
My workes are here.

A butterfly

2005-03-18 10:04:43 | Insects
This butterfly is Argyreus hyperbius hyperbius L.(TSUMAGUROHYOUMON).
This butterfly was bred by Ms.M, and it was drew by Nickelbird last year.

The distribution region of this species is lengthened north by the influence of Global warming.
In fact, about 15 years ago, it was not able to see in Kanto.

I had luckly meeting to there generate in large quantities in Ninomiya City Kanagawa last year.


2005-03-17 08:54:21 | Insects
Today's drawing are ladybirds.
I went to observation of birds to Point Pelee of Canada in May, 2004.
Then, I found big ladybird. It became clear that it is Milkweed leaf beetle later.
On the right, it’s Southern lady bird that was introduced
and they have many variations on spot mark.


2005-03-16 20:31:03 | Weblog
The bookplate was made again today.
The character was expressed greatly this time.
I cannot be satisfied with a result.
However, I think that this one is better than another pelican in design.
One more picture is still in the middle of manufacture.
It will be done an end next week.

A charch

2005-03-14 07:40:11 | Landscape
The church of the city limits "Dorf charch".
This is a church outside the city limits of the east in Grindelwald.
This sketch was drawn in the light rain at the front of the restaurant which this church can be seen an early morning last July.
The figure of a church was handsome and was a very quiet and beautiful scene.


2005-03-12 08:58:07 | Weblog

This bookplate, EXLIBRIS, is a etching, and this was maked yesterday.
Bird of this pattern is Hoopoe, Japanease name is YATSUGASHIRA.
Ten years or more have passed since I looked at this bird for the first time.
He appeared in nearby Iruma-River's dry riverbed.
I looked at this bird and was impressed very much.
And also now, I remember that time vividly.

Mont Saint Michel, June 2002

2005-03-09 10:49:30 | Landscape
Hello! Everyone

This picture has been modeled from the illustration of a post card after coming back home.
The 1st step, it was drawn with pencil and the 2nd, was quickly painted with water color.
The final step, the detail points were drawn with pencil.
The landscape dotted with the Cathedral is presenting a fantastic and illusionary view of the monastery.