Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings

The man thought to become a bird.
My workes are here.

The florist's

2005-03-31 15:33:22 | Landscape
Today, it will finish the end of March.
The florist's in spring has many flowers and they are beautiful now.
I found my drawing of florist's in spring.
This was drown before, and it's one of scene in France.
The figure of the big tree of a background by the shop had a spring atmosphere too.


1 コメント

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Good morning!! (ya421)
2005-04-01 11:42:12
 It's a beautiful April morning.

The cherry blossoms will bloom soon around here.

And many other flowers began to bloom one after another.

By the way, this drawing is also nice, isn't it?

I am happy to be able to enjoy your drawings every day.

Thank you very much!!
