Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings

The man thought to become a bird.
My workes are here.


2005-06-20 21:54:47 | Landscape
This picture is the town of Ribiera seen on the opposite bank of River Douro in front of a factory of SANDEMAN Company.

A black mantle is a symbol of this company.
They shipped wine from this river in old days.
The company reproduce the state and make it an advertising tower.

I will become a more delicate picture if I use black aqueous ink of a thin pen point.
It is a future problem.

A sign

2005-06-20 00:12:32 | Weblog
In Porto of northern Portugal, the brewing of wine is prosperous.
I come from the place name, and we get close as PORTOWAIN.
It is a characteristic that it is sweet.

SANDEMAN Company is a well known brewery in that.
I observed this factory last year.
A mark of a black mantle was impressive with a company name on the front entrance.

I thought that there would be time to draw sometime and took a photograph. I carried out the thought now.

Using the same copper plate

2005-06-19 11:10:51 | Landscape
I produced the copperplate engraving of June 18 as follows.
1. It is used to rub the copper sheet which corroded with black ink.
2. Surface ink is wiped off. Ink is left in a concave.
3. I paint with sepia ink with a roller afterwards. A convex and black ink were clogged up and gain a color of sepia.
4. I cover this with paper for copperplate engravings and press it.
5. As for the completed print, concave black ink becomes a pattern, and a convex becomes sepia.

This picture filled the same printing block with blackish sepia ink and I printed it and put it up.
A monochromatic atmosphere fits a foreign building well.

Australian Pelican

2005-06-16 22:15:56 | Weblog
This is the second work of a woodcut.

The production order of Australian Pelican.
1.The sketch is drawn on a woodcut and dig out a part of a pelican in a coping saw.
2.White part of a pelican is sharpened with a chisel.
3.Furthermore, the heavens, the sea, a sandbar are separated by coping saw.
4.Each part are painted with ink of each color.
5.Last, these parts are backed like a jigsaw puzzle.
6.Paper for printing is put on the woodcut.
7.A pattern is copied by paper and is completed.

Adelie Penguin

2005-06-15 23:21:19 | Weblog
This bird name is Adelie Penguin.
This picture was produced by Sawing technique in a woodcut.
It was completed in the afternoon of today.
A gradual-change of blue background and black of penguins become good contrast.
It is technique that I begin it for me, but thinks that I was good for the first work.

Thatched House

2005-06-13 22:24:46 | Landscape
I was traveling in Britain early in June, last year.
The old Thatched house in Cotswalds looked warm and was very impressive.
The flower of Gigitalis fitted Anne Hathaway cottage in Stratford-upon-Avon.

The birth of Mrs. Thatcher of former Prime Minister Britain will surely be the Thatch craftsman. Because, it is since it is Thatcher.