Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings

The man thought to become a bird.
My workes are here.

more addition

2007-01-26 07:32:22 | Weblog
In more addition, I touched up his makeup.
A pupil of the left eye must open more (because it's become a shade). Therefore I revised it a little.

Did you have you understand what kind of difference there was?

The barn

2007-01-20 15:34:48 | Weblog
This is that barn.
It is the completion in this for a work.
I used a white oil pastel without doing "wash-out" of the grass of this side.

I draw it with "a barn in Seattle".
I knew now that the photograph which became the base of this picture was photographed in North Carolina.


2007-01-17 22:00:55 | Weblog
Paper: Canson fine Face 19*26cm
Art supplies: A pencil, a transparent picture in watercolors, gouache, a crayon, masking liquid
Time: Around 2 hours

I drew a shed on the left side to keep a conjugation.
I think Barn Owl come out this storage barn.

Ayers Rock

2007-01-14 19:07:25 | Weblog
This mountain is an Australian symbol.
I watched this mountain twice in the past. And the second climbed it to the mountaintop.
In the foot of a mountain, there are birds of many kinds unexpectedly.
I want to visit you once again.

This work was made with new method, masking liquid.

Ottawa 2

2007-01-12 08:48:30 | Weblog
Chataue Lorie and Parliament House

Paper: Canson fine Face、size 19*26cm
Art supplies: pencil, watercolors
Time for 50 minutes +50(Pause)

Because an sky's color was too dark, and
so the upper part was washout by washing in water.