Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings

The man thought to become a bird.
My workes are here.


3 コメント

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Spring has come! (ya421)
2005-03-19 19:48:51
I have just written the blog of the same title as you, 'Spring has come!!'

Has spring also come in your yard?

Wow! (Nickelbird)
2005-03-19 20:38:56
Wow! We got the same title and the same time!!

I wrote about the cloud in sunset on the your blog the day before yesterday.

Did you understand that writer was Nickelbird?

No, I didn't. (ya421)
2005-03-19 21:12:27
I didn't know who was the writer.

I thought 'unknown' had written it.

Thank you very much!!

