Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings

The man thought to become a bird.
My workes are here.

US West Coast No.6

2005-07-06 08:17:24 | Landscape
Grand Canyon is magnificent.
The nature gives us a big impression.
Hopi point is located in West rim.
Therefore I saw Colorado River from View Point which projected into the ravine side and was able to enjoy a dynamic scene.

Zoroaster Temple was good for the left hand, and I saw it from Granti Rapied.
The reddish brown-colored step-by-step stratums were splendid.


2 コメント

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Hello. (Kyoko)
2005-07-06 19:19:10
Thank you for visiting my blog.

Your drawings are wonderful! They bring me the memories of Grand Canyon. It was so beautiful! It made me realize how big the U.S is. I wish I could draw like you.

I'm so glad that you came to my blog because now I can see beautiful drawings.

It's like a museum!
Thanks (Nickelbird)
2005-07-06 20:16:02
Dear Kyoko

I feel glad that my drawing gave you something. Thank you.

This series continues for a while. It is trips from Los Angeles to San Francisco.

Please come again.

