
Mi Diario Español .....My Spanish Journal....

Seisen-ryo 清泉寮

2011-01-19 | dog

Jan 19, 2011 


Jack and I take a walk at least twice a day.  We go various places and here is one of many places we like a lot to go.  It is called Seisen-ryo, 清里 清泉寮 in Japanese, located in Kiyosato, Yamanashi.  It is a bit too crowded in summer time but, I will tell you what, it is superrrrrr...b in winters!  The air is fresh and crisp,  few people walk or drive so it feels like I am owning it!



Especially we like walking along Nature Observation Foot-pass.  Look at the picture above.  It is Jack skipping in the  field where the foot-pass starts. Yamane Museum is far right.

Jack likes checking out what is going on under every gap.

He also can't help sniffing around and check what has walked before him. 

Maybe a hare?

You will come out of the pass and see the wide spread pasture!  Mt.Fuji will welcome you!

Footprints again. What printed them now?

Jack, you are too fast for me to photograph!

Check it out. You will find a big ice carved Christmas wreath in front of the gift shop.



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