
Mi Diario Español .....My Spanish Journal....


2008-12-05 | what's up?
Dec 3, 2008

O'migosh, O'migosh, I had a date this afternoon and this guy was not my husband Yoshi!!

... Heh, heh! Kidding aside. He is just a friend from Starbucks. His name is Henry. You may think I dated with a foreigner or something but nah, it's just a nickname. He is born 100 % pure Japanese!

It was almost the first time since I started to work there that I talk to him personaly. Regularly I don't work with him because I am in the morning shift and he in the evening shift. Practically we don't meet.
However, today we got an great opportunity to happen to have time together this afternoon. I finished work at 14:00 and had to kill time until 16:00 to attend Starbucks meeting. Henry came early meanwhile so we met.

It was real fun to talk to him actually. We went to Tully's and remarked the coffee and cappucchino for a starter. Since I don't have much to proudly talk about recently, also we have 10 years of age gap (Yes, 10 years! He is 10 years younger than me!), I was a bit worried if I might bore him. Well, it turned out, there was totally nothing to worry about. We talked quite a lot without no awkward moment.
Umm, he is such a good guy. Caring, thoughtful and curious. Also I think he is very sensitive, susceptible and romantic. What made me think like that is because he likes comic to read. Yes, that's one of the many reasons. In my opinion, all people who like reading comic books are romantic and it should be true. Either more or less, comics have dramatic stories that make you feel funny, sad, worried and sometimes angry. People are enjoying the swinging feeling and that create greater emotion of theirs.

Anyway, I want to thank him for having good afternoon together. He really made my day!

If you wanna know more about Henry, please browse his blog!



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Unknown (Hide)
2008-12-11 06:35:01
Hi, sassia.
You have good friend!
It is very important for motivation in all jobs.
You have good husband and good friends. (including me?)
So, your life should be happy, right?
hide-san (sassia)
2008-12-18 09:28:25
Hi Hide-san,

Yeah, you definitely are a good frind of mine! I am such a lucky person to have you here. Though I don't update often, you blowse my blog with great patience. I really appreciate that, thank you so much! :)

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