
Mi Diario Español .....My Spanish Journal....

lemons, dates and oranges

2005-02-19 | cooking & baking
Feb.16, 2005

It was Day 6 and the final class of Bars and Squares, the continuing education course at GBC.
Wow, it was finally over !

To think back to the first class, I was so surprised at the amount of sugar and butter. I was like, "Oh, my gosh. I made a terrible choice to take this course... Those sweets will be literally killing me! And, and, ... good heavens! I will poison Yoshi!! "

Yes, I could have dropped out. Only it would be impossible to get a full refund. They would deduct 20 or 30 % of all the tuition fee. I don't remember exactly but I didn't like the idea, you know. I chose to take all the classes with full payment paid rather than paying for nothing in hand.
This course has 24 hrs in all. 4 hrs for each class. It costed less than C$250- with all the food included. The instructor Pat was a professional pastry chef who revised all the recipes we used in this class. According to her, the former recipes that the school provided totally sucked. She took them to her work and changed everything written in the 13 recipes. It sounded hard work. And that made the quality of the class higher.

All in all, the classes were fun.
My partner Sam was a fun guy except for that he annoyed me by fooling around and eating ingredients (giggle).
I met a new Japanese friend Yuko. She gave me her email address after class. We can make a good friend to each other.

And above all, now I know how to make unhealthy yet tempting bars and squares!!

.... Oh, by the way, what I made today were Deluxe Lemon Bars and Date/Orange Squares.

Lemon one was made mostly from eggs. On top of the crumby pie base pre-baked, eggs and lemon juice mixture (with SUGAR twice as much in it) was poured. As it was done, it looked like scrambled egg. No wonder, it was egg mixture. The filling was quite soggy and looked undercooked. ... Wasn't it really undercooked? I can't tell because Pat, the instructor was the one who can handle the huge oven in the lab. No students were allowed to touch for the safety. And Pat found it was done and took it from the oven. It should have been cooked enough.

And do you know what dates are? They are a kind of fruits. It is shaped oval... well, I am not sure what it is, either. I heard about it for the first time when I went to ESL (English school) 1 and 1/2 years ago. Anyway, it is dried fruit tastes quite like 干し柿.
I like the date/orange one better. The filling is mixture of cooked date paste, orange zest and orange juice. It goes perfectly with the pie base and topping. The bar is formed of 3 layers, by the way.






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You miss him? (Minatsuki)
2005-02-19 17:08:28
You finished that course at last. So You don't have to be irritated by THE Sam any more. But you miss him a bit??
Unknown (sassia)
2005-02-20 05:25:45

Oh, please.

Don't make fun of me!!heh, heh.

But...., yeah, I might be missing him a finger-tip bit 3 years later or so. MAYBE

Do you have any interests like mine baking stuffs or something, by the way?

or or or ... maybe ?

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