
Mi Diario Español .....My Spanish Journal....

Christmas party

2004-12-11 | cooking & baking
Yoshi threw a Christmas party this evening.
He was taking Conversation Club, ESL, one of the continuing education classes at University of Toronto. He invited the classmates there. It was, for me, the first time to meet the people. I was a tad nervous.

There had been quite a lot to do for two days. Yesterday, I made Tirami Su cake. Today, beef salad, macaroni mimosa salad, Inari-Sushi and Maki-Sushi. I was worried if the guests liked the Sushi because it contained cooked Kan-pyou and Shiitake mushrooms and Den-pun, the pink-colored dried fish chunk. Hijiki inside Inari-Shushi. They are the traditional fillings for Maki-Sushi in my hometown but the guests might not like them.. Those could be weird unknown food for them…

It was the French guy who showed up first. I don’t remember his name. Honestly, I couldn’t catch how to pronouns his name even though I asked a couple of times. (Sorry!) Hey, I should mention this. He is so good looking!
The guests were supposed to bring one dish. He handed me a plastic bag with quiche inside after “Nice-to-meet-you”ing each other.

The second came two girls called Tanya from Thailand and Maura from Italy. Tanya has long black hair and likes taking pictures. She brought some Pat Thai (not sure the spelling..), Thai style noodle with nuts and herbs. Maura looks cute with curly red hair and big eyes. As soon as she took off her shoes and came in, she started to make excuses. “ This cake is what I bought from a store. I was going to bring home-made but I screwed it up !! It is in garbage. My host mother doesn’t have a scale with kilos but only measuring cups and spoons. I use kilos. ” blah, blah… For your information and her dignity, she is good at baking cakes. All the classmates know because she had made yogurt cake and they had tasted it. They’d already had a small party in class in halfway through the course. Don’t worry, Maura. It happens to everybody.

Wang Hee came in after that. She is fashionable Chinese. She had another plan but dropped by before that. What a nice girl, she brought some food.

Finally, outgoing Maggie, from Hong-Kong, and Joanna from Taiwan arrived. They both brought nice Chinese food such as Peking duck and crispy Pork, steamed crams and something.

We had a blast until the needle on the clock indicated 11 past.
There was no need to be nervous. All the guests were friendly that no one treated me like a stranger. I talked a lot out laud with the people that my throat started to hurt. It ended up to be a wonderful party we ever throw.


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