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Welfare state

2009-01-27 15:41:02 | Simple English Wikpedia を訳す
Welfare state
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A welfare state is where the government has a duty to provide some level of basic support for its citizens.

For example school is free, and it is a duty of state to heal ill people. The state give money to people who do not have any money. The state gives homes to people who do not have them. To make this happen there must be high taxes. Usually rich people have to pay most taxes. The taxes vary however to insure that the less fortunate can afford to pay them, This is called VAT (Value Added Tax), which typically deducts 17.5% so that there is no fixed amount of tax to pay.

●Welfare states
The most known welfare states are Nordic countries. The United Kingdom, Canada, and France are some other examples of welfare states.



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