黒柴みかん と。。

どうも、こんにちは。 日々感じた事等をアレコレアレコレ 自由気ままに書き散らかしてます。


2014-02-10 21:40:07 | Japanese Tradition
"Hinamatsuri" means Doll Festival.
that's girl's celebration day for wishing and congratulating so that they grow up healthily.

On March 3, we set up dolls for the Doll Festival.

It is said that the doll exorcizes foulness and protects from misfortune.

Dolls for "Hinamatsuri" is below.

He is Emperor.

She is Empress.

They are court ladys.

"Gonin-Hayasi" they are five court musicians.
(My daughter doesn't have.)

"ONI wa soto, FUKU wa uti"

2014-02-03 22:21:37 | Japanese Tradition
ONI exists at Japan.
ONI is the symbol of calamity or negative vibes.
Or kind of monstrous devils.

On February 3, Japanese people exorcize the ONI from their home by unleashing the soybeans.

you will be able to hear the voice all over the town.
"ONI wa soto, FUKU wa uti"

Meaning is
"drive out the ONI!! Come on happiness"

In addition, at my home, we have to eat the beans of the number of age.
may be, to purify oneself.
I'm 35 grains.
My father is 65 grains.
it's not that easy.


2013-01-17 00:13:09 | Japanese Tradition
Many japanese says "Making sounds is good when eating soba."
But I don't think so.

I guess as below.
"You have to make sounds" is not correct.

correct is that
"You have to eat soba while It's hot, don't mind makeing sound.
First and foremost, What matters is that you eat soba while it's hot(best condition)
Not sounds."

If I'm Soba shop's chef, I want people to eat when soba is best condition.

"Making sounds is good" is perhaps that ancient misconstruction taken over to our age.
may be. I guess so...

what did you think?


2013-01-14 22:01:27 | Japanese Tradition
"Dezomeshiki" is ceremony that performs by firefighter at the start of the year.
after the stiff greeting, demonstration of fire fighting is performed.

water-discharging by all water cannon truck are spectacular.

(picture of water-discharging will update in january 14)
sorry. The "Dezomeshiki" was called off due to snow.
picture is next year

"Osechi moiikedo Curry mone"

2013-01-09 23:31:11 | Japanese Tradition
On osyogatu, we eat a special new year dish called "osechi"

Since this is non-perishable foodstuffs, we don't have to cook much, if we make it beforehand.
We can take it easy during osyogatu.

But we feel enough at the end of the osyogatu.
"Osechi? Oh, not again...
That's enough!!"

And so, the words were born by one food maker.
Meaning is "Osechi is good. but curry is better."

let's eat curry, when you feel enough the japanese foods


2013-01-05 07:57:36 | Japanese Tradition
Osyogatsu is the event that celebrates the beginning of New Year.

January-1 is called "Gantan".
and January-1~3 is called "Sanganichi".

In Osyogatsu, we visit to parent's home.
and we celebrate the beginning of New Year with assembled family in the good dinner.

We have to give "Otoshidata" to famiry's children.
This is what is called a few money.
so many Otoshidama, so many famiry

In my childhood, I got many Otoshidama,
because father has seven brothers and mother has three sisters.

but now, I'm giver side.
so hard..


2012-12-26 23:49:00 | Japanese Tradition
"omisoka" indicates New Year's Eve(December-31).

In "Omisoka", most Parents doesn't say to their children.(except little children)
"Don't stay up too late!!"
Because it is for celebrating New Year's arrival with their family.

also, I will wait for New Year's arrival with the few glass of Japanese sake.
I hope that I don't get absolutely plastered until New Year's arrival.


2012-12-21 14:08:36 | Japanese Tradition
"Omochituki" means making rice-cake.

It's one of the japanese year-end event.
Omochi made by "omotituki" is offered to japanese god for thanking good harvest of this year.

Recently, making by machine is considered mainstream.
However, making rice-cake by "omochituki" was mainstream before the Showa era.

"Omotituki" use "Usu" and "Kine"
[Usu] "Usu" is very big wooden bowl.

[Kine] "Kine" is wooden hammer.

First, move the steaming rice into the "Usu".
Mash the rice by using "Kine".

And then, pound the mashed rice over and over again.

Soak KINE in hot-water occasionally, if you're beginner.
Knead Omochi occasionally.
They are important operation for making good Omochi.

Delicious Omochi is ready when grains are gone.

My favorite way to eat omochi is below.
Spread Syoyu on Omochi.
And then wrap in roasted laver.
let's eat up!!