黒柴みかん と。。

どうも、こんにちは。 日々感じた事等をアレコレアレコレ 自由気ままに書き散らかしてます。


2012-12-21 14:08:36 | Japanese Tradition
"Omochituki" means making rice-cake.

It's one of the japanese year-end event.
Omochi made by "omotituki" is offered to japanese god for thanking good harvest of this year.

Recently, making by machine is considered mainstream.
However, making rice-cake by "omochituki" was mainstream before the Showa era.

"Omotituki" use "Usu" and "Kine"
[Usu] "Usu" is very big wooden bowl.

[Kine] "Kine" is wooden hammer.

First, move the steaming rice into the "Usu".
Mash the rice by using "Kine".

And then, pound the mashed rice over and over again.

Soak KINE in hot-water occasionally, if you're beginner.
Knead Omochi occasionally.
They are important operation for making good Omochi.

Delicious Omochi is ready when grains are gone.

My favorite way to eat omochi is below.
Spread Syoyu on Omochi.
And then wrap in roasted laver.
let's eat up!!

