
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

MOW- 30.08.2021

2021年08月30日 21時18分29秒 | Life Record
The Lord Jesus said that He was not only the bread of life but even more the living bread. The living bread means that when this bread is eaten by us, it continues to live in us. The Lord Himself is full of the organic supply, so when we receive Him into us, He lives and moves within us, full of the organic function and operation. This is how the Lord Jesus gives us the eternal life that is within Him.
Christ is living; He is Spirit, and He is in His word. Through our preaching, He is transfused into other people. When He enters into us who have been chosen by God, He infuses eternal life into us. Thus, we become the multiplication and enlargement of Christ. This multiplication and enlargement are glory. 
- Christ in His Excellency P43
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