
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route


2021年09月01日 07時29分36秒 | Conferences
Message title: Being Saved from the Crooked and Perverted Generation to be the Corporate Christ as today's Ark

I. today there are only two things on earth -  the crooked and perverted generation and the church as the corporate expression of Christ
1 Corinthians 12:12 For even as the body is one and has many members, yet all the members of the body, being many, are one body, so also is the Christ. 
here "the Christ" not only refers to the resurrected Christ, but also to the corporate Christ, the Body of Christ. like the house of Noah, while they were building up the ark, they eventually entered into the ark they built. so for us today also, while we are building up the church, we also are being built up into the church. so the question we need to ask is , are we being built up into the church, as the Body of Christ.  

whoever is not in the church as the corporate expression of Christ today is in the crooked generation. as long as a believer is not built up in the church, that one is in the crooked and perverted generation. we need to especially consider our younger generation, "church kids". they are indeed born into the church life, and their parents are all involved in the church life. but that does not guarantee that they themselves are being built up into the church. it is true that they are believers and they are children of God, which is a fact that can never be changed. but they are not in the church, and they are part of the crooked generation which is under the fury and judgement of God. the entire world, with its unbelieving and believing aspects, is condemned by God, God is using His loving and faithful seekers in His recovery to protest against today's trend. we are not protesting outwardly in a legal or illegal way, but we are still protesting against the immoral and anti-God tide. rather, we protest in our prayer to God, and being antitestimony to this perverted world, by our God-man living. 
the church as the corporate expression of Christ is a testimony against today's evil generation. the church is the testimony of Jesus, protesting against the crooked, evil, perverted generation. 

II. if we would be the corporate expression of Christ in the church life, we need to be today's "family of Noah" building the corporate Christ as the ark that will deliver us from the crooked and perverted generation and ushers us into the coming age of the kingdom of God.
the ark built by Noah is a type of Christ as the salvation of God's elect, the ark that we are building today is the corporate Christ, the church, as our salvation from today's crooked, perverted and evil generation. the church life is today's ark to terminate the present age and bring in God's kingdom. this salvation is not merely a salvation from eternal perdition, but also the salvation out of the crooked, evil generation into a new age. 

Philippians 2:12 So then, my beloved, even as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only but now much rather in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; 
the salvation here in Phlippiqnw 2:12 is the salvation that saves us from the crooked and perverted generation; this salvation is the church as the corporate Christ whom we are building as today's ark. we welcome all our families and frineds, whoever is willing, to enter into the church life and join us in today's ark building. we will continue this building until the end, that the Bride will be prepared, we will be raptured, and this age will be ended. to have the proper church life is not only to stand on the ground of oneness but also to build the ark to save ourselves from the present evil generation and bring us into a new age. 

God desires to save all of us, through our building the ark, from this evil generation. God cannot come back to regain and recover the earth because He is waiting for us to finish the building up of today's Ark. when the testimony of the church in the Lord's recovery is matured, the Lord Jesus will return. 
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