
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

MOW - 30,08,2021

2021年08月30日 17時09分22秒 | ministry of word
Although you may speak about the excellency of Christ's humanity and the loftiness of His morality, only He is excellent and only He is lofty. He and you have no relationship. Thank and praise God! His Son did not come into the world to be our model. God does not want us to imitate Christ with our own efforts so that we can be saved. He sent His Son to die for us sinners and accomplish salvation on our behalf. We do not need to do anything by ourselves, because He has already accomplished everything. We were sinners and the punishment we deserved was death and perdition. However, the punishment we deserved and the judgment we should have received have all been borne and received by the Lord Jesus. He died as sin in our place. His death should have been ours, but He died in our place. Therefore, we do not need to be punished for our sins anymore. 
- Collected Works of Watchman Nee, The (Set 1) Vol. 06: The Christian (4), Chapter 4 
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« Judges 10:16 | トップ | MOW- 30.08.2021 »



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